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Another much discussed trailer
words below from the guy behind it

"Young birds Fly" Traces the wonder,discovery and disappointment of the contempory Los Angeles Mod/Skin/Northern Soul movement throught the eyes of a quiet teenage girl named Jill.

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DVD Update:
So where is the YBF DVD?! Since I debuted the film in 2007 many things tied me up with getting the DVD out, the biggest being the synch license for the songs in the film. I talked with many 60's artists about using their songs and although they loved the film and might even own their songs they don't own the original recordings which cost in the hundreds of thousands.

One aspect of the film I wouldn't compromise is that I wanted to use original high quality 6T's recordings. Being a music writer and record collector I was able to get some great contacts of record label owners who recorded in the 6T's and who own the recordings and the songs. The great part is that many of these songs are unreleased and mind-blowing pysch and soul songs direct from reels to reels that haven't been played since the 1960's. I will be closing out a deal soon to get these songs for YBF by the end of November

. I really just need to get this out on DVD so I can film my next project. I've also got my website up www.modcineaste.com over the last year which has taken up much of my time getting the site running. I took a gamble to see if I could get certain songs and it didn't work out. Oh well, lesson learned and I will not make that gamble again!

Thanks for all your support it is much appreciated!!! Keep the Faith! Leonardo Flores

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