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More on the background of this 1966 Short film can be viewed via the link above

Antonia Christina Basilotta — Breakaway! Cult experimental undeground short movie from psycho 60's by director Bruce Conner with nude Tony Basil footage and her northern soul hit Breakaway!

Year : 1966
Style : Northern Soul, Psychedelic, Art-House Short Movie, Uncensored Video
Quality : DVDrip
Duration : 5 min 08 sec

"We've wondered what the first music video featuring artist nudity was. As near as I can figure, this must be it.

Toni Basil is a woman of many talents. She's been an actress (including a nude turn in the classic Easy Rider), dancer, choreographer (including the Frankie & Annette beach movies and the Monkees film Head), video artist, and sometimes she sings. With the singing, she's best known for her 1982 #1 single, "Mickey".

In 1966, using her full name (Antonia Christina Basilotta) she recorded a song called "Breakaway", with underground filmmaker Bruce Conner directing a short 16mm film of it. It's been called the first music video. It would then have to be the first music video featuring full frontal nudity by the singer."



site note (Sep2015)

original clip appears to have been dropped by youtube

so have replaced with this more "official" clip which uses parts of the original clip

further site note

original clip returns

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