Not 100% sure but I think this is a bootleg label. It's been around since the mid 70's and they seem
to release 45's from different companies with no rhyme or reason.
In 1955, he added a co-host to his radio program- Margie the wife of Tony WIlliams of the Platters. He also had a tv show on KCBS- "Rhythm and
Bluesville". In this year he started working nights at KGFJ where he worked until 1968.
So - he may have been white but he did had ties to the black community for over 20 years.
Just wanted to add a few things about Hunter Hancock. The Swingin' label was owned by Mr. Hancock and his business partner Roger Davenport.
I don't think Hunter had to adapt to the African- American community since he had been playing R & B on KVFD (later KPOP) since the late 1940's.
He joined the station in 1944 and is considered to be one of the 1st deejays to play R & B in the western parts of the U.S. . He started broadcasting
Jazz in 1944 and switched to R & B in 1947. in 1949, Jay McNeely recorded this for Hunter-
I have no idea how e-bay U.K. is set up but in the U.S., once I select R & B / Soul 45's and 7 inch - I can another use another filter with the following options in Item Location- within ____ miles, U.S. only, North America and Worldwide.
I noticed the same thing a few weeks ago- suddenly most of the R& B/ Soul 45's were from the U.K. If you scroll further down on the page, you can pick another filter "U.S. only" if you don't want to look at all the U.K. listings.