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Our Kid

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Everything posted by Our Kid

  1. It all fits into place now.That's what Bush needs 700billion for!!! Hey the act runs to 451 pages.Has anyone checked the smallprint where it says F**k Wall St someone's got a studio acetate of Frank Wilson!
  2. Kidder you cheeky little devil ya!! Fancy havin' that up yer sleeve well done lad.Make sure your bro don't get hold of it!!! Just when I thought you were doin' karaoke downstairs at the Sportsman you were sortin' out the deal - hats off t ya. Good slab of history there.Paul Boshir will be spinnin' n proud. Paul
  3. Could it have been that Nikki Blu boot (might be wrong but think that was plain yellow) Paul
  4. Produced for the Irish market I recall!!!! Note the religious link on the label -St Lawrence is the patron saint of backdrops. If memory serves me right it was withdrawn because they forgot to put the 'O' between Johnny & Sayles! Paul
  5. Not played the WP record for yonks but recall it is a Bridge/Knight/Eaton composition - are you sure it is a totally different song??? Thought EH was same writers so assume it's the same song albeit in a different style. Paul
  6. Sylvetti - Spring Rain!!! or were you all asleep the million times that was spun??? Paul
  7. Bloody hope not,if it is my ears must've been shot years ago - then again twas a loooong time ago!! Paul
  8. From memory reckon the confusion could be the lyrics,seem to recall it starts off with similar lyrics to 'Teacher to the Preacher' i.e. when we were/school/books etc. Real blast from the past that one but deffo not a group sound. Paul
  9. Didn't know it was released on blue Pye.Thought the 1st issue was just "Goodbye" on the Red & Purple format. Paul
  10. Thought it was a claimed record but PYE had inside people who may have put someone onto it. Orig copies were like gold dust when it first broke so that indicates it wasn't originally aimed at a particular market (or if it was it was a bad aim!!) Paul Looks like we overlapped there.
  11. Well I never! Cheers for the lesson! Paul
  12. Solution would be to request it via Brian Matthews sounds of the 60s show.Should get a definitive answer. Paul
  13. Congrats on your purchase.Keep exploring JW you won't go wrong. You brought about a change in me - sublime Whatcha gonna do about love - even more sublimer (if there is such a word!!) He just makes it sound so easy. Paul
  14. As a collector of NS could somebody give a sensible answer regarding orig/reissue and also stop dissin Mickey Moonshine - had many a good jig to it! Paul
  15. Not had a chance to check my copy but I'm almost sure it was issued as We not You Can Work It Out. Paul
  16. Gotta be the drums. A guy who eats stones for breakfast coupled with a drummer on speed now that's the recipe! Stevie Wonder Nothing's Too Good For My Baby is a good example. Paul
  17. Wonder if the first move they teach you is how to leg it down a set of stairs (safely mind - Health & Safety chaps are everywhere these days) to get to the floor in the first place!! Paul
  18. Yup, seem to recall Joe90 was wheeled out in Stockport as a joke by Tim O'Keeffe (RIP) - a highly respected UK collector who was having a pop at the lowering of standards specifically at Wigan.No one was more shocked than Tim when the word came back that someone had actually played it out at Wigan!!Tim would be having a good laugh at the stir he created if he was here! Just glad to know the same fella who was responsible for the Joe90 joke managed to collect alongside a stunning UK collection,the whole Tamla Motown collection before his untimely passing! Paul
  19. That's what makes him legendary!!! Paul
  20. I happen to have a spare kidney I'm not really useing much at the mo! What's up with your right arm! I've used mine as collateral several times. Paul
  21. Will try the flip later - cheers for the tip. Paul
  22. Hi anybody got one of these for sale to pull me out of it! Thanks Paul

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