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Our Kid

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Posts posted by Our Kid

  1. In that case it could be "your much too old girl"

    How about Flower Shopp " you,ve come a long way baby"

    there,s a line in it about hair begining to grow below her waist! unsure.gif

    Threw me that many moons ago - sure he sings "with curves below your waist"

    See it was all sweetness and innocence back then!!!

    Melting Pot - Blue Mink deffo a no no nowadays

    Curly Latin Kinkees

    Mixed with Yellow Chinkees


  2. Over played by now deffo, but back in the day when it first went out as Eddie Foster there were 2 elements to it:

    Russ had a tune that rivalled anything that Searling or Sam etc could spin.I always thought that was a good thing coz that Russ lad used ta get a lorra lorra stick!

    Quite frankly it could have stayed elusive/covered up almost forever were it not for the fact it was booted instantly and I think that must've been Russ's choice(bit of dosh for someone no doubt, but it doesn't take away the fact that as one of THE rarest tunes on the scene it was made available to the masses instantly)

    My opinion on the tune........can usually spot a good tune quickly but only 2 tunes have knocked me down flat on 1st hearing DILY and IDLTL - the epitome of what it's all about for me.


  3. :D You must have been talking to someone else mate I have no taste :rolleyes:

    After seeing your DJ box even Butch should watch out.biggrin.gif

    Eddie's version of Charlie Daniels' "Give This Fool Another Chance" has a classical southern soul mixture of organ, piano and chopped guitar behind which a finely wrought horn section adds weight and pressure to Eddie's tuneful baritone voice. The bridge is particularly well done - nice chord changes and some great shuffle drumming. Now you don't have to remortgage the house to hear it.

    White country singer Daniels' own cut of this - as part of the recordings he made under one of his alter egos Billy Joe Young - was laid down in 1966/7 and I would assume that the producer on both the sessions, Ray Allen, recorded Eddie's version around the same time. It certainly sounds like it to me.

    Sorry but I do prefer this side to the Just Your Fool.

    Cheers for the info re Billy Joe Young just shows how embracing we are.....always said that Charlie Romans fella was black and that Rich guy and that Barbara lass and them Newbeats crowd..........Hey we'll take 'em all as long as they make us dance!


  4. Remember fondly a night in Stockport with Martyn about 1975.

    Anyway Martyn turns up at our flat (where we were skint as usual) and invites us out for a Chinese (which was pretty cosmopolitan at the time let me tell you!) on him.

    After politely declining a couple of times we decided to give it a go,and Martyn the showman he was chooses a posh gaff where Johnny Mathis had dined the previous week.There we are and Martyn is leading us through this menu with all exotic dishes etc and some decent wine to wash it all down.Anyway when Martyn orders his dish he asks the guy for boiled rice with it to which the waiter says in a lofty manner that they don't deal in that low level stuff at his gaff.

    Martyn replies "Wrong answer" which Mr Chan didn't quite understand.So we go through a procession of pigeon english speaking waiters/managers all explaining their lack of boiled rice to which Martyn's stock reply was (you've guessed it) "Wrong answer".

    On we progress - more chat,more wine and a fine meal had by all.

    Martyn then decides to tackle the dessert menu which again was missing one of his choices (back to the wrong answer scenario etc).I noticed the fantastic service we were getting at this place - it looked like all of Hong Kong were in the kitchen to attend to our every need.

    We thanked Martyn for the treat as the bill came, and he suddenly shouted "GO!" and legged it. Hey thanks for the warning me owd; it's normal to co- ordinate a runner where I come from!!! Then I realised that all of Hong Kong were chasing us around these petrol pumps across the road and they had some fine chopping utensils to hand!

    How we got outta that one alive I don't know but yup Martyn was one of the lads.

    Agree that his music selection with other people's tunes was second to none.



    • Helpful 1
  5. nah tongue.gif

    always thought that lolloping was term given to that 2 people face to face thing

    round about the dr buzzard time or maybe just bit earlier ...wasnt it ?

    Lolloping is where your legs go faster than your body in a very energetic pseudo run (like your rear is supported by some mystical force!)

    Looks bloody painful and dangerous from a distance!

    Just jealous coz i could never do it!


  6. Fare enough Mike- i did say i didnt get it!.

    Gil i'm in a lucky position.

    Ive got a spare self contained music system(ya know like the old days) looks like the lads are sortin' you out with your tune PM your address and I'll DHL/UPS you the gear to hear it big 'n loud just like it was recorded.



  7. My God I cannot believe how confused you all are!

    Stompin is The Champion/Bill Black type of music.

    So is the sun,Ton of dynamite et al is Lolllopin'

    Distinct difference and never confuse em on the dance floor - do so at your peril! (Especially at our age)

    With regards to the term STOMPER that was invented creatively by us lot to distiguish between the likes of Moses Smith Vs The Jewels.

    I suspect that raw energy = stomper



  8. To all the detractors of the IL project to bring these artists to the screen try this little trick:

    A) Bang on any of the DVD's,turn the sound off,and watch the energy in the performers.

    I have always been a fan of any artist that puts energy into a tune (which you can do at 18 or 81 don't forget!) I personally reckon this quality is what sets NS apart - it covers slow as well as fast tunes but they ALL got energy!

    cool.gif By lip reading see if you can guess any of the tunes (sounds hard but if someone gives you a jumbled list of all the tunes/artists on the DVD you might well be surprised.) When either by knowledge/luck/elimination you hit on a right answer THEN turn the sound on and you will realise it's the artists we're looking at and their input - this time around I'm afraid the music is secondary.

    We're lucky to have a chance to see even what these artists look like,never mind how they have weathered the storm of life.

    Unless you can backdrop etc the same as you did 30+ yrs ago I'm afraid your criticism should be kept to yourself.


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