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Our Kid

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Everything posted by Our Kid

  1. If exposure is the key then a Coronation St storyline has to be the vehicle! Perhaps Ken Barlow could recollect a moment from the 60's when he swapped a tune for a girlfriend with Mike Baldwin - cut to KB rummaging in the attic - and there it is a dusty FW minter - Ken barlow finally comes out on top!!! Paul
  2. Sisters Love - (end of) Learning To Trust My Man Paul
  3. Contradiction in terms. Music collecting and pension don't go together. Ever seen old footage of The States when there's the old black chap blowin' dixie on his beat up old instrument - that's his pension.I respect his or her efforts that I have been priveleged to listen to and how anyone can consider putting that in the context of a pension is well beyond me. Paul
  4. Oh No it's made by Ferrari suppliers!! That means it'll conk out right at the best moment!!!! Think it might improve the sound of that battered old copy of Jackie Edwards I got in a junkshop???? Paul
  5. Never big enough or scarce enough me thinks. Paul
  6. With regard to Jack Ashford's relationship with Eddie Parker, when JA was interviewed by Richard Searling many moons ago he summed up Eddie very briefly as being better regarded for his dancing than his singing.So I suspect JA (having worked with many fine singers) probably didn't rate EP that much hence the small piece on him. Paul
  7. At first glance it certainly looks suss. Reserve opinion until matrix info is verified. Paul
  8. Threw me that many moons ago - sure he sings "with curves below your waist" See it was all sweetness and innocence back then!!! Melting Pot - Blue Mink deffo a no no nowadays Curly Latin Kinkees Mixed with Yellow Chinkees Paul
  9. Threw me that,many years ago - think he sings with CURVES below your waist. Paul
  10. Think ya'd struggle with "If it feels good" nowadays!
  11. Over played by now deffo, but back in the day when it first went out as Eddie Foster there were 2 elements to it: Russ had a tune that rivalled anything that Searling or Sam etc could spin.I always thought that was a good thing coz that Russ lad used ta get a lorra lorra stick! Quite frankly it could have stayed elusive/covered up almost forever were it not for the fact it was booted instantly and I think that must've been Russ's choice(bit of dosh for someone no doubt, but it doesn't take away the fact that as one of THE rarest tunes on the scene it was made available to the masses instantly) My opinion on the tune........can usually spot a good tune quickly but only 2 tunes have knocked me down flat on 1st hearing DILY and IDLTL - the epitome of what it's all about for me. Paul
  12. Part of the Motown month. Was broadcast on Saturday at 7.00pm i think. Found it interesting and well researched.Deffo worth a listen if you didn't catch it. Paul
  13. Was a touch surprised meself! Knew the 60's motown stuff was underground at the time, but on those figures it must've been bloody sub - terranean!! Paul
  14. Cheers for the info re Billy Joe Young just shows how embracing we are.....always said that Charlie Romans fella was black and that Rich guy and that Barbara lass and them Newbeats crowd..........Hey we'll take 'em all as long as they make us dance! Paul
  15. Don't forget to flip it over, the B side is bloody good. Paul
  16. The Spiedels - Dream Girl/That's What I Get - Providence WDJ (Styrene) EX+ 220.00 & 1.50 P&P
  17. Remember fondly a night in Stockport with Martyn about 1975. Anyway Martyn turns up at our flat (where we were skint as usual) and invites us out for a Chinese (which was pretty cosmopolitan at the time let me tell you!) on him. After politely declining a couple of times we decided to give it a go,and Martyn the showman he was chooses a posh gaff where Johnny Mathis had dined the previous week.There we are and Martyn is leading us through this menu with all exotic dishes etc and some decent wine to wash it all down.Anyway when Martyn orders his dish he asks the guy for boiled rice with it to which the waiter says in a lofty manner that they don't deal in that low level stuff at his gaff. Martyn replies "Wrong answer" which Mr Chan didn't quite understand.So we go through a procession of pigeon english speaking waiters/managers all explaining their lack of boiled rice to which Martyn's stock reply was (you've guessed it) "Wrong answer". On we progress - more chat,more wine and a fine meal had by all. Martyn then decides to tackle the dessert menu which again was missing one of his choices (back to the wrong answer scenario etc).I noticed the fantastic service we were getting at this place - it looked like all of Hong Kong were in the kitchen to attend to our every need. We thanked Martyn for the treat as the bill came, and he suddenly shouted "GO!" and legged it. Hey thanks for the warning me owd; it's normal to co- ordinate a runner where I come from!!! Then I realised that all of Hong Kong were chasing us around these petrol pumps across the road and they had some fine chopping utensils to hand! How we got outta that one alive I don't know but yup Martyn was one of the lads. Agree that his music selection with other people's tunes was second to none. RIP Paul
  18. Let's not explore the s***legging - sounz (n did look) pretty messy to me! Yup we're talkin' bout the same thing. Can't call that stompin' can ya?? Paul
  19. Lolloping is where your legs go faster than your body in a very energetic pseudo run (like your rear is supported by some mystical force!) Looks bloody painful and dangerous from a distance! Just jealous coz i could never do it! Paul

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