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Our Kid

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Posts posted by Our Kid

  1. Hi Reverend - truly an honour for us!

    Whilst I realise you didn't write the song IDLTL,could you illucidate on the general aim of the record.

    I was led to believe it was intended as a message to wayward youth (funny that we embraced it so passionately!!)

    Thanks in advance.


  2. This selection (assuming orig. tracks) is probably the best mainstream offering I have seen in terms of depth of range and stunning quality.

    Sure you need the youth club faves to hook 'em in when they're looking at the back of the cd cover but the hope that someone will buy it for say Frankie Valli and grow to like Thumb A Ride/Tearstained Face etc has gotta be an improvement for the world - come on now!

    Also you would be surprised at the number of people who bought cd's with those poxy cover versions and believe them to be the originals so this may give them an opportunity to educate themselves.


  3. Be hard to beat those two starters for 10 but i'll lob in:

    Chris/Marke Jackson - I'll never forget you/Since you've been my girl

    The Volumes Trouble I've seen/That same old feeling

    Now then,that Volumes trouble tune is well 'ard - bitta old skool 4 yas

  4. Thank you I have wondered for years if that is what Roy said , some days convinced, others blaming it on my rather less than perfect copy ...But always nervous about actually sharing my concern with friends less they piss themselves.. Is that really what he says??? :thumbsup:

    Ritchie - it really is worse than that!

    My baby turned a chip and said we've no time to lose

    I said good and baby that's a groove.WTF

    we danced all night on fish & chips then we headed for this place called home.

    I honestly still think this is a made up record - please somebody convince me that i'm wrong.


  5. Eddie

    I used to play for a church and thats how some songs were done. You just build up. The Sax player was one of the studio musicians at Cameo Parkway Recording studio. With Thom Bell on keyboards and I did the over dub. I used 2 drummers. one on the actual session and another on the overdub to give it that driving beat. The background singers were The Superlatives.

    So that's how ya make a Humdinger!



  6. You are right, though they haven't changed the name on IMDB.

    "Souled-Out" always struck me as a tacky, cheap pun, and not exactly a title to inspire confidence in the film itself.

    Perhaps it was a working title; or there's a change in plan; or an admin error when updating the website and the name is not changed; or they just want to maintain interest. Who knows?

    So, what should the film be called?



  7. Might make the 6 o'clock news on a slow day,definitely the local news, perhaps you could wangle a spot on the Antiques Roadshow I'm sur Eric Knowles could put across a good case for it.Stuart Marconi could mention it on Radio 2 . EXPOSURE is the key and before you know it 25k will be surpassed

    If exposure is the key then a Coronation St storyline has to be the vehicle!

    Perhaps Ken Barlow could recollect a moment from the 60's when he swapped a tune for a girlfriend with Mike Baldwin - cut to KB rummaging in the attic - and there it is a dusty FW minter - Ken barlow finally comes out on top!!! :thumbsup:


  8. Contradiction in terms.

    Music collecting and pension don't go together.

    Ever seen old footage of The States when there's the old black chap blowin' dixie on his beat up old instrument - that's his pension.I respect his or her efforts that I have been priveleged to listen to and how anyone can consider putting that in the context of a pension is well beyond me.


  9. With regard to Jack Ashford's relationship with Eddie Parker, when JA was interviewed by Richard Searling many moons ago he summed up Eddie very briefly as being better regarded for his dancing than his singing.So I suspect JA (having worked with many fine singers) probably didn't rate EP that much hence the small piece on him.


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