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George G

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Everything posted by George G

  1. Mark, Probably the same source. I don't know how many are left. The original price was $15! The few I got are long gone. I don't think there were any stock copies. The deceased person, Walt, had a lot of King stuff, but none of the good ones. The stock was being sold off before I had moved to Seattle in 1993, so who knows what else was there.
  2. The Goldspot version posted on here and the GAR version (at least the GAR original demo) ARE different. A completely different vocal*, horn, and string track all the way through (although the basic guitar/bass/drum rhythm tracks might be the same). *Hmm, I listed to them both again and I'm not sure if the vocal track is the same or not, very close though. I was not aware of this and had been told differently - thanks much for the enlightenment A bunch of GAR promos with M/S sides surfaced in Seattle a while back, then disappeared, then more where found when the owner of the stock passed away and his son sold the remains. Must have been at least 25 copies if not more. The son or a friend had been selling them on eBay last fall. Anyone who bought one of those has the original.
  3. https://www.collectorsfrenzy.com/Details.aspx?id=280434147460
  4. This eBay name used to be a guy named Joseph Giattano (or something like that). Definitely a Rich Rosen front, although Rosen did have an eBay account as 'waxtracksinc' or something like that. I have bought some rare Cleveland soul records like the 7 Nombres on Day Wood and the 7th House on DeBrossard from 'him'. I have never had a problem. Mischino also had at least one near mint copy of every Way Out and Del Nita 45s as well. As far as the Prix records - one of the Eddie Ray 45s he sells is definitely a recent pressing. I won't say 'boot' as it may have been legally sourced. The other ones like Royal Esquires are legit, I know I posted on here about those. This must be the same outfit that made the boots of Frederic Hymes, right?
  5. Since the seller obviously cribbed info on Owl from my website, I should demand I get to hear it. Maybe I will. Did you notice the trashed 'VG' copy of Timeless Legend with the clearly visible gouge the seller also has up? The seller will not take returns and offer refunds.... - George
  6. Looks like a QCA press from June '74. I'm sure it's your standard call and response gospel record. Since the people behind the record are so foggy on the date, how would you believe their account of 25 copies?
  7. The bass player for this band was selling copies of this a while ago. He's on eBay. Do a search for a guy selling records by Sweet Toothe. His eBay listing will mention he was in the band. Some of the Lost Soul members became the band Sweet Toothe and he's also selling records by ST. I think his price was $500 for the 45. I don't know if he has any left, it's been at least a couple years.
  8. FYI the label is T Town, no connection to the Detroit D town. Sorry I can't help with the want. - George
  9. I know these are tough...I was figuring to pay around 1000UKP for the Sensations (about $1650 USD). I saw HAD for $500-$600 in the past year. In hindsight I should have bought it at the time. I have money on hand now. If you don't ask, you won't get, eh? Mr. Gasher, how can I get in touch with Mr. Weston? - George
  10. Looking for these two...not exactly commons but hey, my two most wanted records and it's Christmas.... Sensations - Demanding Man Harvey Averne Dozen - Never Learned To Dance Don't have to be mint (but can be), VG+ that sounds fine DJing or at home, with presentable labels. Fair market price paid PM or email : georgeg45@verizon.net thanks!
  11. speedlimit45rpm.com is 100% reliable.....and better service/grading than almost every other US dealer. Run by Ray Peters in Ohio. He also sells on eBay under the same name (speedlimit45rpm.com). I've known Ray for at least 15 years. Yes, he sells a lot of great records. Trades also. Check this out if you need references https://myworld.ebay.com/speedlimit45rpm.com/ - George
  12. the song "Midnight Light" was also recorded by Charles Davenport, from the Akron area. I'm guessing this group was also from there. The backing band on the CD record was a rock band called the Zoo, and I'm wager they or another band, Hobson's Choice, were the band on this record as well. Mercury (as did Capitol and WB) had pipelines into greater Cleveland. I haven't had time to run down the particulars. Carl Maduri is living in Florida. He ran the Sunburst label with the Monclairs and Marlene and the Debanettes. - George
  13. Be true to the one you love is the number one rule
  14. Here's what I have: The White label copy clearly has a smaller groove radius than the multi. White: The dead wax markings are W-104-3 A-2 and the ARP stamp Multi: W-104-A, ARP stamp, and the combined B over R that's the mark of Boddie mastering. The record looks like it may have been pressed by Boddie, but the ARP stamp suggests otherwise. I believe the stampers were made from a Boddie cutting and pressed by ARP. So, the mastering is different. The white copy has a clearer sound, but also feels compressed and lacking on the low end The multi copy does sound a bit muffled mainly at the high end. It seems a bit louder with more low end. I don't hear any kind of distortion, but I do hear a little of 'in the red' clipping on the vocals. Hard to say which would sound better at a club. I will check on Saturday night. There is one interesting annotation on the label - "BIG JIM RECORDS a Div. of Way Out Ent." There were two 45s on Big Jim (Occasions and Bobby Wade) in 1967. I don't know why Big Jim was put on this label and none of the other WO 45s that I have (which are all of them except "Demanding Man"). - George
  15. I will check my records again tonight. I probably should have listened to them again before passing judgement in my comments made many months ago that were reposted in this thread. Based on what I've read here there may be more than two versions of the record. Complete documentation of the Way Out label is important to me. - George
  16. Paul, there are two recorded versions of this song as I've posted in my not 100% complete discography. I got mine from a store in the band's hometown It's still available in the US. I also once found about 15-20 copies of the first issue of Trivialities with mildew damage, at a discount store back in the Lorain area that used to have 100s of soul cutout LPs and 45s... - George
  17. CKLW was in Windsor, Ontario across the river from Detroit. All of northen Ohio could hear it across Lake Erie. Listened to it often from 1969-72 BTW this is of course NOT the Bill Moss from Columbus, OH of Capsoul (and Bell) records fame.
  18. Here's what I have for info, the three records with * I have not verified in person, they were passed to me via other people or paperwork, so they may not be accurate. Willie Marquez and Pepe Rivera were the two main members and wrote their songs. One of them is deceased, I can't remember details. The LP contains the remade versions of songs on the early 45s. Lou Ragland arranged the 1st 7 Nombres 45. Listen People / Full Of Love (Day-Wood 701, Boddie 7016) 1970 credited to the 7 Nombres Cold Wine (Part 1) / Loving You (Beth 7102, Boddie 7160) 1971 Trivialities / Todos (Beth 101, Boddie 7204) 1972 *Cold Wine / Just Call Me (Lorain Sound 7341) 1973 Trivialities / Todos (Lorain Sound 790) c. 1979, different recordings *Soft Summer Nite / Loving You (Lorain Sound no #) 1977? (different recording of Loving You) credited to Willie and the Nombres *Write a Better Song / You Got My World In Your Hands (Lorain Sound no #) 1979? What's Going On / Soft Summer Nite (Lorain Sounds 8932) 1978 LP - Los Nombres (Lorain Sound no #) 1978 credited to Willie and the Nombres - George
  19. I actually heard this song on Cleveland radio back in 1971. The instrumental flip was used as a music 'bed' for some Cleveland radio station promos also. This record was probably one of Way Out's best sellers, deservedly so. The white label copies (they are stock/issues, not promo/demo) are rarer, but not by much. There is different mastering/EQ between the two versions.
  20. the Nombres aka Willie and the Nombres aka 7 Nombres were Latino guys from Lorain, OH, a working class city on the shore of Lake Erie about 40 miles west of downtown Cleveland. They put out 7-8 45s and an LP between 1970 and 1979. "What's Going On" is from 1978, I don't remember what it was, just not anything I would want to listen to often. They recorded a few songs more than once. I think their best record is their 1st and rarest 45 "Listen People" on Day-Wood. Day-Wood co-founder Bob Davis was their 'manager' and set up Beth records as a D-W 'subsidiary' (I use quotes because these operations were strictly back of the envelope stuff). Info on some of their pressings can be found here: https://www.buckeyebeat.com/bounty.html Later tonight I can post the Nombres discography
  21. Mrs. Ralph Barton (aka mrs.curmudgeon on eBay) had one for about $600 last summer. I'm pretty sure it sold but you can always ask. I have one in my collection but not for sale. - George
  22. Both records are SOLD - THANKS More Ohio funk and souls records for me....
  23. I've found boots of soul 45s in the US. Probably less than 5, but more than zero. All in person, stores or record shows, not on eBay. A lot can happen to records in 30 years.....
  24. Both records on hold THANKS!
  25. Two for sale....Paypal only (I'm in the US) Fantastics - Where There's A Will (Impresario) Ex+ (US VG++) one mark DNAP otherwise M-, clean label 525UKP Juan Williams - I Check My Mail Box Every Day (Blue Soul) VG+ (US VG) 370UKP sound file and scan below email: georgeg45@verizon.net or PM Thanks! George jw_mailbox.mp3

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