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Everything posted by Mattbolton

  1. I was thinking of knocking off loads of 100 Club recordings gleaned from a 2 bob recorder with a microphone the size of a pea. Loads of unissued stuff and rarities. Will even cut out the talking over the start and end of the track so you can enjoy them in a concise, but albeit pure, format. Plenty of soundbites of Butch talking and if you listen closely enough you can just about hear Mick dancing to Eric Lomax. This is one for the true soul connoiseur. Anyone interested? (If there's no takers I'm just gonna ebay it for the benefit of the Japanese)
  2. I agree. Totally great record. Sounds ace on a dancefloor. Fresh as daisy.
  3. If you don't have a good time at Cleethorpes you're probably deaf.
  4. This is fucking awesome. The only other copy I've come across. The flip has an incredible pounding hammond version of 'What The World Needs Now'. Buy Buy BUY! M
  5. In all fairness, anyone who knew this record before they bought it should be well aware that it's a boot. Not quite sure why she'd be bitter. I'm desperate for one and it's realistically the only way I'll own one cos no-one wants to give up their anniversary single. It should (if it was in any way moral!) be worth about £25. Which is a bargain for one of the best unreleased records ever. If she paid £100 then I'm amazed anyone would do so for a record they knew nothing about. I must state that I in no way condone these pressings. Mind you I do have a vinyl pressing of Someday The Sun Will Shine. Though I didn't press it. Didn't BrooklynBorn sell all those Royal Esquires?
  6. Anyone spending their life just banging on about ALL given areas of Northern Soul are clueless. And naive. I agree if you're asking this question then you need to get out more. I'm off to the chippy.
  7. It's no secret that Jackie's my favourite singer. Solely because his wealth of emotion. This man could read a Spot The Dog book and give you shivers. Although I agree that not all of Jackie's output has been soulful at times, his unquestionable vocal range and gymnastics on those tracks are still sublime. His version of Danny Boy I still cite as the greatest vocal performance of all time. I'd like anyone to put a record in front of me that can stand next to that in terms of absolute tonality, grace and emotion. Regularly brings a tear. Interesting to her that very early version he did on Gee when he was only 18. Though good, it just pales in comparison to his Brunswick attempt. Probable favourite of mine is No Pity In The Naked City which I thought was superb until I heard the LIVE version which is even better! He's actually listed in my itunes under 'God'. M x
  8. I'd guess it was Jumbo as they know their stuff. Keep an eye out in there cos they get most of the good reissue stuff. Matt who works there is a great funk/soul DJ and has absolutley one of the biggest and most diverse collections I've ever seen. Ever. I also get that Epic reissue of Jimmy Frazier for the soultime CD from there which I subsequently sold for £98!?! The Sharon Jones 100 Days is ace. Check out the video as well. Well cool. Done on two $50 60's cameras gleaned from ebay!
  9. The flip of this 'Baby Don't You Go' is one of my fave records ever! Truly magical. Harmony genius. Worth paying for that side alone. And pretty hard... If I hadn't just bought a new camera this would have been mine...
  10. Just looking to replace some stuff I've either lost or broken at the club. Any peeps able to help with any of the following cheapies? Bessie Banks - Go Now - Tiger Lyn Lyndell - What A Man - Volt Otis - Loverman - Stax Chubby Checker - Hey You Little Boogaloo - Cameo Yvonne Baker - YDSAW - Any old boot will do Marvelettes - Destination Anywhere Golden Toadstools - Silly Savage - Minaret Maurice Williams & Zodiacs - Stay - Herald James Brown - Think - King The Camaros - Not Too Young To Fall In Love (only kidding. I've neither lost nor broken one of these. Though if anyone has one I'd be very interested!) PM or email is good. m@thesugars.co.uk Cheers. Matty.
  11. Anybody else love this record? Pulled it out for the first time in ages. Said I'd put it up on here for my mate Dave who reckoned he'd not be able to remember the title. Ace bit of club soul. Flip to 'Heartache' on UK Atlantic. Took me a while waiting for one to pop up on the bay and well worth the 5 quid I payed for it. Grab yourself a listen. Laters. Matty.
  12. I picked this up years ago upstairs in some shop in Preston for my last tenner. Love ALAIHY. Played it tonight in fact. Mine's a bit battered now. If I'd have known it was worth that much I'd have put it in a plastic sleeve!!
  13. Certainly one of my fave 100 Club tunes. 5:45am Sunday morning, nothing makes me happier....
  14. I get requests for the like of The Snake every week from young people who LOVE that record, along with Out On The Floor etc. And, as a DJ, I'll happily play them because I can still see what effect these records still have on 300-400 teenagers. It's very difficult to remember how we all used to love these records once over and the way they made us feel. Though there is a time and a place for every record. That time is usually sunday night at Cleethorpes when you're likely to be dancing back to back with 'My Proposal' and 'Out On The Floor' and everyone suddenly remembers how good they still sound. It's not really an issue of 'Cool or Fool' rather wanting to listen to new things in new places and moving on.
  15. Lord. That's the cleanest looking white demo I've ever seen in my life. They came out the factory doors filthier than that.
  16. Methinks the student loan's dropped. I miss those days!
  17. Some young man came up to me at the club the other day and asked what record was playing cos he wanted to sample it. It was Dee Clark. Didn't Weller sample Martha Reeves' 'I'm Ready For Love' in 'Town Called Malice'? Some of Andy Smith's (ex Portishead) stuff is ace. I know he used a lot for his Document LP years ago and is now a staunch collector of soul. I heard a really good use of the intro to 'In Orbit' the other day on the soundtrack to the 90's film 'Go'. Blue Boy's 'Remember Me' featuring the live Montreal version of Marlena Shaw's 'Woman Of The Ghetto' might be the biggest seller. The Go Team used 'Come See About Me' and a million other tracks like 'Soul Time' on their Thunder Lightening Strike album. Rather well actually. M
  18. I've seen it go from everything from £20 to 60 but I think that £25/30 is a decent price. The Ted Taylor version is better IMO. M
  19. BTW, the flip of licking stick is great! M
  20. I fucking love this record. One of my top ten deep records. Heard it on that great Soul Spectrum CD years ago with Mary Wheeler and stuff on it. I had to have the demo and issue I loved it so much. Great choice! Also on this CD was George & Sonny Sands - Down By The Ocean. I got one of these for a steal (thanks to Des Parker). It's surreally good. If you like this, go for Baby Baby All The Time by The Superbs. One in the sales section at the moment. Class intro... or Isle Of Sirens - Jerry Butler Baby Don't You Go - The Perfections - Big B. Want one want one want one. But can't afford. Top of my deep list. No band was better named. Heavenly harmonies Don't Be Afraid - Frankie Karl & Dreams - Died recently. Very sad. Somebody Please - The Vanguards. Look Over Your Shoulder - The Escorts. Brilliant tales of how this group were let out of prison to record. The EP on Alithia is beautiful. Just a few.
  21. I dropped a bigger bollock selling it on!!
  22. Cut a circle of cardboard the same size as the dink. Just use your adaptor as a template. Insert into your 45. Place a UK 45 over your Arock 'MISsterpiece' and mark the UK spindle hole with a pen. Take out your cardboard middle and punch with a hole punch. Reinsert your cardboard middle and enjoy all the cards on the table.... (I should be on Blue Peter.....)
  23. Yours too?!
  24. It was always a £30-40 record. There used to be loads flying about at Hideaway. Perhaps its addition on the New Breed CD has brought it to a bigger audience?
  25. Butch had one in his box for quite a while. I think he bought it out of Mick Smith's box! So try him. Cheers.

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