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Everything posted by Mattbolton

  1. Archie Bell still has to be the most consistently soulful artist who ever recorded on Atlantic. Even b-sides like Go For What You Know are fabulous examples of his talent. And to take that talent to PIR and have such a swathe of brilliant records like 'Everybody Have A Good Time 'and 'Where Will You Go..' is testament to his ability to create soulful records through the whole range of black music. It's a coin toss between Archie and The O'Jays for group soul supremacy.
  2. I know Sam has one, George Mahood has one too, unless he's sold it? Butch had about three 10 years ago and sold two on. A truly phenomenal record that would benefit no-one but Jazzman by being reissued. Sorry, Fryer, but instead of sitting on this site watching these records go big from an ivory tower, try following these DJ's who've invested time and money finding them. Rather than asking for a sound file for personal gain, why not buy a copy to obtain one? It's a pretty cheeky request. I can't hear this record enough. It's on YouTube and if you really want to hear it you can, anytime you wish.
  3. This NEVER comes up for sale. Wish I had the funds on this one. Awesome record. This dude is also Kurt Harris.
  4. Anyone any idea who's promoting/organising this? I'd be interested in putting them on in Leeds.
  5. Ergo the inevitable 1st/2nd press argument in another 30 years time. Fair do's to em. It's a corking record. I'm just surprised Ricky tick haven't had the sense to do the same! They'd coin it at the moment. And deservedly too. Both of these tunes are modern monsters. Though think the 3 Burners pips it myself.
  6. Just, WOW! There's no way you won't get rid of this. It's incredible. Simply a master class of falsetto harmony. Really made my day. And gone straight to the top of my wants list. Thanks for posting!
  7. Hola. It might be -6 but it's time for a little spring clean. Precisions - If This Is Love etc. - Drew - VG+ £25 Yup. It's The Precisions. Ella Fitzgerald - Get Ready - Reprise WD - £25 VG+ Looks a bit scratchy but plays fine. Still a great version. Lovemasters - Pushin' & Pullin' - Jacklyn - £20 EX+ Never understood why this was ever listed as a £40 record. ZZ Hill - You Were Wrong - MH - VG+ - £15 Weird one this as all the other copies I've seen are blue. This is yellow. Demo? Dunno. Sonny Dave Daye & Muffins - Merry-Go-Round - Ring-O £10 VG Plenty of marks but plays great. Brilliant lethargic and gritty R'n'B. I found a spare copy. Otherwise I'd never part. Jackie Lee - Would You Believe - Mirwood - VG+ - £10 Plays fine. It's the blue one. Not the purple one. Thanks for looking. Usual postage prices apply. Brits less than foreigners etc.
  8. Christ, that one on eBay is fucked too! I'd love a copy of this but looks like I ain't gonna get one for a while.
  9. Although I'm glad you've got a copy now, Steve (and very jealous), does this mean Butch has foregone his own? I can't deny it's been one of my fave records of his for near a decade. I'll miss it if he has.
  10. Didn't realise either. Was gonna offer more than he sold it for but presume it's already gone now.
  11. We're after one of these too if anyone else wants to get rid of one. Soz to hijack your post Daz. ;)
  12. Love that record so much. It's raucous. I managed to accidentally snap my w/d a month ago. Nice to see a pic of them too. Thanks for that.
  13. 'white kids who think they're black' Teddy Randazzo? Dean Parrish? Chris Clarke? Linda Lloyd? Bonnie Herman?
  14. The irony is is that the black music community as a whole is wetting itself that loads of bald men in their 50's are still noting the matrix numbers of 60 year old records whilst they stop banging on about the past and go out and create new music. To say there's been nothing 'soulful' released since nineteenseventywhenever is simply ridiculous. Some of the most soulful records around were made only a few years ago, many of them by white artists with roots no deeper then their gums. The prices on some have far exceeded more prime, original cuts. I always felt that Atlantic's soul output sold plenty white pop rubbish and would take the likes of 'This Girl' over all of Otis Redding's boring commitments to vinyl. Pop music is pop music. Motown was pop music. Atlantic too. It sold fucking millions! Just 6 decades ago! JLS for whatever colour you decide to fancy this week are a really vocally talented bunch of lads. Despite what their songwriters throw at them.
  15. Gayle Adams - Baby I Need Your Loving - White Label Epic Promo Mint vinyl. Stamped sleeve has slight split down the side. £12. Cheers Matty
  16. Sorted now, thanks.
  17. Looking for a 1st edition of It Really Hurts Me Girl on Red Coach. Min. EX condition. Anyone willing to part with one for around £50? Cheers, Matty.
  18. Aye, that was the one.
  19. I remember having that anniversary 45 it must have been Brighouse or Manchester Ritz? Gone now.
  20. Top of our wish list at the moment. Superlative soul from a wonderful group. Just wish I had the cash in the bank. ;(
  21. Definitely the Smersh sessions that Gareth Sweeney used to partake in. That was the smallest venue EVER!
  22. Surely this book is based on a rather wonky premise? The first one I bought simply because I was curious. But are subsequent editions really worthwhile in a world with such a wealth of knowledge as this very site? If it's based on dancers reactions, it can only by 'definition' (your term not mine) be out of date by the time it's printed? Attempting to compile a top 500 on a current and ever changing 'scene' is frivolous and fruitless. Especially if those records are really only garnered from GoldSoul events.
  23. Yes they were. No it wasn't. I wish it had been.
  24. Kev, Thanks for responding. From your responses it's clear where the profits lie. If I cited yourself or Richard as playing anything other than originals then please demonstrate where this is so. Irrespective of the music policy, be it Motown pop or Northern anthems, why should the fact that 3000 attended alter the fact that DJ's should play what has essentially formed the basis of the entire scene? This comment only cements that you're happy to take people for mugs as long as the money's rolling in. And what prey tell is a heritage brand?! Is Weller DJing for you anytime soon? Any old pup with a box of boots can be a 'consummate floor filler' then can they? Why should ANYONE be DJing a weekender with anything less than an excellent collection or being able to offer something out of the ordinary? And in response to your comments, you're right, the figures don't lie. You're willing to accept payment from 3000 people and still offer them a two hour set of bootlegs.

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