I see your point Pete and rightly so, my initial post was opinion as was yours. Fundamentally it's a taste thing, I guess. The thing is the records I cited ARE all records from the past but either no-one found them or gave a shit about them enough to hammer them. Perhaps if we HAD found them or given them a chance they would be etched on the tablets of soul history.
Dave's remarks go some way to describing my point. Some of them oldies you mention are great. Really great. Dazzling even. I'll say that some for me would be throw away records, not least the Shrine 45. Again a taste thing. But for a scene that has been ferociously turning up records for over 40 years I find it incredible that the records that are now surfacing (resurfacing?) are as stunning, if not more so, as those which for four decades constituted the musical canon of the scene.