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Everything posted by Mattbolton

  1. Plllllllllleeeeeeeeeeease keep the Al Scott. Listening to the Eddie Whitehead for the first time just now ain't the same as Al Scott.
  2. Nope, but Mark, the last time I saw you play there, you played the greatest Jackie Wilson 45 I've ever heard. And I collect him! Plain white label, with red flashes. What the hell was it?! Awesome. Any chance of an MP3?
  3. This thread has suprised me. I love this record. And it's one (of the many) that can reduce me tears. It laments the fact that he's given away the greatest thing he ever owned. And the consequences he now has to deal with. If I was on a desert island and had broken every other one of my alloted discs, if this was all I had left I'd be happier in knowing that ship was never coming..... How people think these two guys have terrible voices is beyond me. From a musicians point of view they hit every note bang on. In perfect harmony. You might not like the song, but to assert these guys can't sing is like saying Gene Toones needs to stop barking...... Billy. If records like this tarnish the ones that are soulful, can you please do me a tape? I'd love to hear records that make this sound like pop.....
  4. I'm speculating here, but am I think it could possibly be the same/similar as Sugar Pie DeSanto on Veltone. Would make sense, though am waiting for someone to prove me wrong. the Sugarpie side is great and about £10.
  5. And a bit pricey! I thought it was expensive when I saw it at £20. Killer cheapie.
  6. Can I get away with the double sided demo of What Am I Going To Do by Martha & Vandellas? Only heard it recently and it knocked me for 6ix. Awesome.
  7. And there were we, under the impression that we was living in a homeless shelter.. What HAS he got now?
  8. Me and Richard are massive fans of this. The Arcades is amazing, the Jesse James is sublime. When Arthur Fenn played this on our radio show, we sat there astonished and simply melted into the chair. It's as perfect as a soul record can be. Pleading, passionate and lyrically and musically stunning. Sorry Pete, pretentious or not, few come better.....
  9. Structured set?! Planned sets never work! And isn't really any way to DJ. The job of anyone behind a pair of decks is to entertain he crowd. And If they don't respond to a record, then it's back to square one. Have to do it every week. Things you think are brilliant fall on deaf ears and it's back to the tested greats. There's nothing wrong with that as long as you build yourself back up again. Sets can't ever be structured, since a dancefloor is the most fickle of all and you've gotta be prepared for the inevitable floor emptier! And what happens when another DJ plays half your tunes?! Mind you, some DJ's don't even care about that nowadays.
  10. can't upload the file. probably too big...
  11. As promised, a young lady with far more talent than Joss.
  12. Jocko, absolutely agree with you. Not long back I mentioned a Leeds based songstress by the name of Corrine Bailey Rae. I'll post a clip when I get home, but she's truly one of the greatest new black vocalists I've heard across the the whole spectrum of decades. And she's barely older than Miss Stone. And am I sad she's not got the same recognition as Joss. Of course I am, but that's why we mostly fight the cause of the misrepresented underdog in terms of quality over hype in our choice of soul.
  13. >What bollox Matt. What has Northern Soul and Joss Stone got in common...fcuk >all and I doubt whatever she sings will turn folk onto the Northern Soul scene >either. She second rate compared to many artists...it's just she's got money and >backing behind her. It's you who's posting about her on a Northern list! I don't remember mentioning her being connected to NORTHERN soul in any of my posts. The fact that we've all been banging on about her for days means that she obviously has SOME worth in the wider genre of soul. Thus the length of this discussion. I beg to disagree with the fact that her 'Am I The Same Girl' sample doesn't sink in with the wider masses. It does, in the same way I can get 400 kids singing gleely singing 'Back Stabbers' off the back of Angie Stones 'I Wish I Didn't Miss You'. In this instance it's actually the other way round cos I'd wager people are more familiar with 'Same Girl' than they are with Joss' inferior sampling. And just like a lot of us started out dancing to motown, so the seeds are lain for better things..... Be aware that it's young people like Joss that provide the link between youth and some distant dream of a vibrant future soul scene. >And do you really think what she does will line the pockets of some vintage soul >luminaries? get real! Since she had a vintage soul artist (Betty Wright) write(sic) her stuff and another (Little Beaver) produce it, I think that's as real as it comes. I can bet you she's earned them more than anyone else has ever paid them for their efforts towards their singing/writing/production... >And you really shouldn't insult fat bloke spinning records...one might be reading >this and take offence and twat you one next time he see's you Why do >you find it necessary to insult people who have helped make this scene what it is >and give you something to enjoy? I fear my point might have been lost. The subject of that comment was actually the latter part of the sentence, the latent minded dancers. I'd be hard pushed to disprove that a bunch of 'fat blokes' hadn't shaped my outlook on music for the better over the past 8 years..... Most of whom, I may add, I cherish dearly.
  14. Great records Mace? Often the best! Picked up Lonely In A Crowd yesterday cos I love it to bits. Dynamic as hell. But it's not a tenth as good as the official a side which no-body cites. Pitch it up a bit(ask Heikki about this> ). Voila! Ace lazy shuffler. Haven't had it off the deck since I bought it. Wonderful stuff. Another £10 bargain. Probably 3 too much on that even..... Check Martha & Vandellas - What Am I Going To Do on Gordy. One of the best Motown records I've heard. White demo for a tenner. Cheap as chips. Sounds like it ought to be a fortune. Searing strings......
  15. I've never understood it. All that speed 'fat bloke' takes and still he can't get into them ben shermans. If it was some 'SKINNY, old bloke' then it could only really be Catoa and that'd just be a give away...... They're only cropped cos I can't use the washing machine properly...... And my eating habits are to the detriment of my general wellbeing. Hammy, I disagree. Look at how internationally successful Alicia Keys became. Dark skinned, young lady with even deeper, darker soul leanings. Though to be honest, vocally, she shits all over our pasty soul youngster.
  16. Back on topic. I think Joss is fantastic. When we saw her at Glasto her voice was spot on. OK, I was a little miffed at her Babs cover, but it's probably the same arguement colored cats were having back in the 60's when Elvis and Ann covered Jimmy and Lavern. Interesting that people get hung up on whether songs are fed to an artist. Most people on this list have fervently collected Motown at some point and there are only 2 acts I can think of who really wrote the majority of their own stuff. Besides. Haven't we been here with Joss on this before? I'm sure she'd be flattered that so many old folks were considering her singing talent. But would she really care? She's 18 with millions in the bank. Still, I guess no-ones immune from criticism. She does really deserve a medal for keeping the faith. Makes you wonder. Who's doing more to save soul? Some fat, old bloke playing tired, overpriced oldies to a handful of people who have heard the tunes he plays a million times before, a record dealer making a fortune by exploiting his customers off of dead wax or an 18 year old girl whose cover of Sugar Billy went to the top of the charts and opened some eyes with the kids. Who has also done more to line the needy pockets of vintage soul luminaries than both of the other two put together.....
  17. And not even as good as the topside! 'Tremblin'' is fantastic. Her voice is so expressive. Needs a good spin really. Another lost gem..... and midpriced.....
  18. Love this record muchly. And sounded ace at the 100 Club. Paid £50 for my Backbeat demo if that's any indication. Heard Arthur Fenn play it at the Wilton and just HAD to have one. If only I could get the snare on my demo to sound like that! And that opening, falling guitar arpeggio is lush.
  19. Ja was right I'm afraid. The most haunting into I've ever heard.....
  20. Gareth's set WAS fantastic, Richard playing Brenda & Tabulations was tops but Barbara mason played by Lisa gets my vote of the weekend.. That intro gives me shivers.....
  21. Have to agree there. Hundreds of relative unknowns with far better lungs who never got the same crack at the whip. Talented yes, but not half as much as the tens of people who were denied the exposure she was afforded.
  22. Good call on the Voice Masters. Me and Little Richard have been caning it since we first heard it. Class tune. Didn't do much on Saturday, but I think people will catch onto it.... Sooooo soulful.
  23. ```````is the Lucky laws still that much? I've got one knocking around you can have for £15. Shouldn't really be much more...
  24. Miff, this is pretty much a mediocre album, apart of course from the KILLER 'Sad Little Girl' cut which was LP only. If you don't count it getting booted. Doesn't get played as much as it ought to. No reason why this should be a lot of money. Every one I've seen in the states has been real cheap. Only UK dealers who bump the price up. I'm positive it's a thrift store LP out stateside. It was never re-issued cos there would be little point.... You've got yourself the real deal. Enjoy.
  25. ERm, no it wouldn't since anything less than an inch thick in a microwave cooks from the inside out. And is therefore likely to fry your pretty grooves from the middle outwards! I wouldn't expect many grooves left on it. Though I'm happy for someone to prove me wrong. But I want a full video of the experiment.....

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