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Everything posted by Mattbolton

  1. Manship had a WD on his site for £150 for aaaages. It's gone now mind. £200 well steep. Agree with Chalky. A ton is fair.
  2. The Lou Johnson you should be able to pick up for very little. 'Bout £15/20 TOPS. It's the flip to Reach Out For Me, which for my money is by far the better side. Manship's got the Gene McD for £150, so realistically expect to pay around £120. Catch his Sweet Lover No More. It's a great latin tinged thing.
  3. > David Coleman - Drown My Heart (Barry) > Monguito Santamaria - Hey Sister (Pink Elephant) > Joe Bataan - Special Girl (Fania) Played all these last time I played the 100 Club. It's very much under-rated is Latin. Val went mental over the David Coleman, which has an even better flip. Ady C also played the heart-stopping Gene McDaniels 'Sweet Lover No More' at the 100 Club once. That's amazing that is. I'm also fond of the Coasters version of Cool Jerk...
  4. And that's all that matters....
  5. >Caesars - get yourself together /lala I Love you - Lanie M- super group soul Ex 50 Wow. It's true what they say about £15 records.....
  6. Dan. Some records were tragically undersold regardless of their quality, due to distribution, numbers pressed etc. I think this undersold for the simple fact that it wasn't widely percieved to be as good as Jerry's. Same to my ears.
  7. That's interesting that, had the LP for ages, Sunshine is a massive track down the club. By far and away the best on the album. I've NEVER seen the 45, and that's including all mi Mod days, when I'm certain all them guys would have picked it up. Love to see the scan. But then we never thought Eddie Jefferson's Psychedelic Sally was on 7 till a friend showed it me. When I was in the Orange County record fair, I picked up Ella's version on a BASF (yes the same tape company) demo for $12. Mark Ellis has it now. In a stuuuuuupid swap. Must be hard that If you're into that Brett, I'd check out a little Swedish lady from '70 simply called Doris. Her 'Did You Give The World Some Love Today?' LP is a funk/soul classic. Two DYNAMITE sides off there, 'Don't' and 'Beatmaker' both out-there dancefloor funk genius. But when they re-issued the CD, they put loadas of great unissued stuff on, including a version of Mama Didn't Lie that's far more beautiful than the Jan Bradley original.... On ODEON records if you're interested. She was pretty cute as well......
  8. How anyone rates this above the (nothing less than sublime) Jerry Butler version is beyond me. It's rare because it didn't sell. And it didn't sell cos it's an inferior version.
  9. Until you travel distances then you've gotta retune it into a free freqency everytime you pass through a border. A right ball ache.. Ok if you've no tape player I guess. Otherwise, just use the Belkin tape convertor. cheap as chips and solid as a rock.
  10. That's a departure from the pink, dog emblazoned T-shirts and doodle-boppers we were gonna sport last year at Cleethorpes. You're losing your edge, Sunshine. Very much looking forward to S.O.N. although I ain't getting there till late. Reckon I'll have no records left by the time I arrive!! I once saw Richard DJ as a Gherkin. I had to stop him on the way in to confiscate his bayonet. Poor dyslexic child that he is.
  11. https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 OH MY GOD!!!!!!
  12. Forget the record. I'll just take the Allo Allo script. Was it pre or post tree trunk?
  13. I'll give you 300,but I ain't going any lower. You're a right cheat.
  14. I'll have that Carla LP if you ain't got rid of it already. LA.
  15. Richard, does that make two copies of Crazy Man on Entree in Leeds?! Anna picked one up from SF. It's a mad record.
  16. You're only jealous cos you've got bandy legs..... Yeah, that's where we were in March. It was great. Bit icy in bits, but the far side top of the mountain stays pretty much unchartered and is perfect for going arse over tit in metre deep snow. 'Tastic.
  17. Dance after being on the slopes all day?! You ain't ski-ing hard enough mate! Me and Ady were so exhausted after our days in the white stuff that we came home, ate and sparked out immediately. Making best use of the £1 ale before bedtime. I think skiing is like being on a dancefloor anyways. Especially shooting down an icy piste at 50 MPH with 'Date With The Rain' in your headphones. Me, Ady, Yann and Rob were thiking of going early next year. We reckoned Messer would last two minutes before being airlifted to safety...... But would be entertaining.... Whereabouts in Bulgaria Stu? Borovets is a great resort with the most exhilarating deep powder runs about.
  18. I'll never forget Ian Dewhirst turning up to DJ with his 45's in a picnic hamper.
  19. >Voices east Harlem - cashing in - Just sunshine - tough to find 45 now M- 45 Tough to find if you have a white stick and dark glasses.
  20. And to think I thought I paid a little over on my Mighty Lovers on Boogaloo at £125. Has this really risen this much? One of my fave records ever though
  21. 3 for me Martha Jean Love - Old Time Lover. San Fran TKO's - Make Up Your Mind. If only for that harmony in the intro. Luther Ingram - Baby Don't.... Them's mine for sure....
  22. Bought mine from Beatin' Rhythm for £8 5 years ago. So that tells you something. Sold it for £40 wasn't in amazing nick but played perfick.. £50 is about right I reckon. Though of course you'll never see it for that again. When it went up to £150 I split my sides....
  23. Cracking job Kenny. I got mine off of Mick Smith for £50 around the same time I recall.
  24. Sorry Chris, it should be no-where near that. If it was, I'd have sold mine to finance a Betty Lloyd long ago. Another example of a top Mod record making it's way Northern side and going daft. I'd say no more than £120 tops even with the vested interest... People are of the opinion that they're rare somehow, but there's loads knocking about. Loads appeared from the woodwork when the Mods caught onto it, so they're all in the hands of the suited and booted. It's been caned on the Mod scene for years now. Don't think I could get rid of mine though. It's still very popular with the young peeps down the club.
  25. Went to that site! £400?! What a joke!!! Luuuuudicrous. As much as a Celeste Hardy?! I'll sell mine for £370 if anyone's interested. Seriously....

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