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Bo Diddley

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  1. Bo Diddley's post in John Manship auction fees. was marked as the answer   
    Whenever I've been successful on John's auction, I paid the winning bid plus postage. With those Omega auctions that run occasionally, you end up paying an additional 28.8% (ish!!). In that situation, if you will go as high as say £500, your highest bid would be £388 (£500 divided by 1.28). Equally, if you win an item for £500, you'll pay £644 (£500 multiplied by 1.28).
    Hope that helps.
  2. Bo Diddley's post in Marva Josie 'Don't' on UA demo vinyl or styrene was marked as the answer   
    Hi Tim,
    I have this ZTSP one which is Styrene.
    Is that the one you wanted to know about? If not, sorry for butting in!!
    Kev Bod

  3. Bo Diddley's post in Dthedrug was marked as the answer   
    Hi, Here's a thread about Dave's sad death in 2021.
  4. Bo Diddley's post in Velours was marked as the answer   
    Here's a pic of my (assumed!) original. It does look sharper than the other picture. The label on the record the lion is holding is clearer.
    But.... I can't see a "bed" stamp or machine stamp in the run out. 
    Hope that helps.

  5. Bo Diddley's post in Value Please - Volumes - Aint Gonna Give You Up - Karen was marked as the answer   
    Last one on Popsike was 2019 at £2,150.
    Demand increased over recent years. It's likely to be on  a few peoples "hit list"!
    Good luck with your search
  6. Bo Diddley's post in Soul Twins Q.C.A. was marked as the answer   
    Here are scans of my copy. All of the numbers in the deadwax are scratched in.
    The QCA side has K - 11440 - 11. Then a quarter turn along has AT. Directly opposite the AT is scratched a W
    The other side has K - 11437 - 11. Then the same AT and W as above.
    There may be some other very feint markings which would be difficult to describe.
    I only have this copy and so can't help on the other versions as per Discogs.
    I hope that helps and good luck.
  7. Bo Diddley's post in Tommy Tate UK Demo - Value ?? was marked as the answer   
    I would have thought about £125 for a nice copy. Great record but somehow doesn't seem to be reflected in the price on a UK one. Page 2 for the first UK demo's. I have seen them hang about when advertised at about £80ish
    https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?searchtext=tommy tate &sortord=dprice&pagenum=2&incldescr=&layout=&sprice=&eprice=&endfrom=&endthru=&bidsfrom=&bidsthru=&flabel=&fcatno=

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