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Bo Diddley

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Everything posted by Bo Diddley

  1. The Present - Many's The Slip Twixt The Cup And The Lip (or baby the world really turns). At 15 words, it's a "Big 'Un". Also, nice to see a bit of "ye olde english" featured. (p.s. - I also liked the song at the time and still do)
  2. My copy has the exact same markings. So, I'd say it's legit.
  3. Hi, It was interesting that the VAT wasn't shown on either .co.uk or .com. I've had lot's of enjoyment from buying cheap records on eBay over the years. However, with VAT on the item value and postage, I don't think I'll bother. As mentioned above, it's OK if you get an expensive record, say £500 for £250. The postage and VAT still mean it's decent value. In the past, I've taken the potential VAT and post office handling charge into account when dealing with a seller I haven't bought from in the past. Now it's certain to be added, ALL my bids will be 20% lower.
  4. Just won a record on Ebay. Record - $4.25, postage - $14.75, VAT - $3.80 = Total $22.80. The VAT addition is shown on some items but not on others. It wasn't showing on this one. No big deal but I did wonder if it would escape as VAT wasn't mentioned.
  5. You're right Rob - please excuse the pre-festive brain fade!
  6. It depends if you class "The Drifters" - There Goes My Baby, as Soul. That was 1958.
  7. Interesting. The Quinvy single credits "Varner/Crump" as writers. The "Outta Sight" recent(ish) reissue credits "Wexler/Burns"!!
  8. Hi, Thanks for that, I've never heard the Wilson Pickett before. Are you sure the record you heard wasn't Don Varner? That was getting some plays a few years back. From the credits it looks like DV was co-writer.
  9. I still use my NAD 3020e. I bought this new in the late 80's. Still works well and loud enough to be offensive in a domestic setting!! It has the mono button, treble, bass and balance control. Battleship construction. Plenty for sale on eBay
  10. I would have thought about £125 for a nice copy. Great record but somehow doesn't seem to be reflected in the price on a UK one. Page 2 for the first UK demo's. I have seen them hang about when advertised at about £80ish https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?searchtext=tommy tate &sortord=dprice&pagenum=2&incldescr=&layout=&sprice=&eprice=&endfrom=&endthru=&bidsfrom=&bidsthru=&flabel=&fcatno=
  11. I have an issue and demo as above. There's also a demo with "reservice" on the label...(pic from popsike)
  12. Could it have been to give it more "credibility", perhaps masking the Tailor Made element? Or would that not have been on his Radar. The Right On label says "recorded at New Moon Studio"
  13. Thanks for the background info - I never knew, and would never have guessed, it was a "Tailor Made"!! One of my favorite records. So, the New Moon and Right On versions are both original? (the New Moon issue looks the best!!!) Cheers Kev Bod
  14. Hi, I can't seem to open the picture with the prices. Any chance you could list them again. Thanks
  15. Well done Kev, you put a lot of time and effort in and it was worth it.
  16. 18. Hey Girl (or could be Call Girl!)
  17. 6. Time will pass you bye 20. Love Factory.
  18. 5. Angel Baby 11. Joker 31. Baby Boy. (had to enlarge screen size to 250%!)
  19. A pleasure. It's nice to help someone track something down. Looks good, Pink London!! Cheers Kev Bod
  20. a Jamaican 45 on eBay.. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AL-GREEN-TIRED-OF-BEING-ALONE-GOD-IS-STANDING-BY-45-RPM-RECORD-M2/223823038568?hash=item341ce48868:g:Do8AAOSwyKleCVmU
  21. Add in Nabay - Believe it or not. This was a big one for Pep and would probably have still been covered up as "The Detroit Sound"
  22. You could also add this one! It might be tough going listening to a full set!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Hello Anthony, welcome to Soul Source, A number of us from Wolverhampton regularly attended the Locarno on Sunday's. However, it was usually after an All-nighter and so memories are a little hazy! Out on interest, here's a brief review Karen Jones did which was printed in the Northern Noise magazine number 3. I think I had it as a freebie at the Wigan Oldies 4th Anniversary. The "Broken Heart Attack" record is by the Sweet (not the UK glam band!) and the "These Windows...." record is by Village Sounds. Joe Matthews was Cecil Washington. I do remember a number of us lining up some chairs and pretending to row our canoe when Sammy Davis Jr -" You Can Count On Me" was played! It's the vocal to the Hawaii 5 0 theme. I look forward to hearing from people with better memories or who were less frazzled from the night before.
  24. I have a dog-rough copy of the demo of this format. It has the same markings as yours. So, I think they are proper copies. Also, I usually prefer Vinyl to Styrene. I've seen the green (styrene?) one on the JM auction which he said is the first issue/original. I'm not sure of the time gap between the green and yellow.
  25. Maybe the bidder didn't realise how Tim's auction works and submitted one giant "hail mary" bid. Whatever you bid is the amount you'll pay. Not like eBay or say JM auction which takes you just one increment above the second highest bidder. So, the second highest bidder on this could have been £1,800. Just a thought and I maybe way off. If I was spending that sort of cash I'd take a bit of time to understand the system.

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