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Bo Diddley

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Everything posted by Bo Diddley

  1. It would be interesting if it turned up on auction. Just to see how far folks would go!!!!!!!!!!! No doubt someone will have bought one for "half-a-crown" when Englebert Humperdink was in the charts!
  2. https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?searchtext=volumes+karen&sortord=dprice&pagenum=1&incldescr=&layout=&sprice=&eprice=&endfrom=&endthru=&bidsfrom=&bidsthru=&currsel=&ovrsug=&flabel=&fcatno= Last one on Popsike was 2019 at £2,150. Demand increased over recent years. It's likely to be on a few peoples "hit list"! Good luck with your search
  3. Not what you're looking for, but I have this French (?) ATCO demo/sample/Test thingy! (thought I'd add it just out of interest for some who like non-UK/USA releases)
  4. Just finished listening to this show. Genuinely enjoyable. I had to listen in stages - it's 4 hours!!! The format is they play 3 or 4 records then some chat between Colin and Pep. Nice mention of Helen at the end. Recommended.
  5. My copy has those additional "etched" markings. But, they are so very faint, I wouldn't be surprised if whoever added the initial info, just didn't notice them. Cheers KB
  6. Cheers Dave, I think you're right. It looks and sounds nice and "crisp", if that makes any sense! Perhaps one for those who like collecting all the variations
  7. Is the STYRENE white demo of the Incredibles - "Nothing Else To Say" less common than the vinyl one? I seem to see mostly the vinyl ones. Any comments appreciated, including valuations. Cheers
  8. I think this is the sort of thing that may be what you're looking for. On ebay as "buy-it-now". (I've no connection to the seller or product) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124761237810?hash=item1d0c596932:g:MIAAAOSwlKhgj1jL&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsELEMz0g8gQ7bozsQ4DWKfEY%2BoWMnyqxwU9o1ejod486pxbVV7FMTsWghb6ynNdKLEpjdR32aU%2FpcHbIzdf%2B0isTz7K49cxCBI42BD%2BQPhSCRN6f8YkpfKxDIma1Zoj80QUA5q0yZVJUmoTDZmrMhRTeuMMQt%2B9qHYFejSwlEmwCkIWXD8hPPNE4M%2BIGyXFPatqSjQXZmC64xeFyXBV7x7oRfD4ypjDktwRAixenSjdN|tkp%3ABk9SR-Tottq7YQ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124707150457?hash=item1d09201a79:g:Jy4AAOSwlKhgj08v&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsAQGOXBxmbdDtDLLUEy9B6bRZ7fF%2F0JQ6L%2BL5h%2FxIgNScQ8kQqmVFpX8i2vCJoy6f6qyW%2FL9WJkI9knwCiau%2BPUoseqQK%2FjH9GbG3JJroP6jBWfVXjCmHirwS2n2i4gtcKf5L%2BqO22fwS8Xim%2FxF5wezRhi%2FlIGRiWYs%2By08zrNF%2BRT1NMOWZxMlMECYk74YlEZSJGv1DB8bgEbdDy%2BeU1Vpn%2FGKae9c4CqDOIOnVCdm|tkp%3ABk9SR-Tottq7YQ
  9. It looks like there are at least 2 different label layouts with the vinyl Demo. Here's a copy of mine which is different to the one in SS sales in 2020
  10. Yes, in my opinion, you do have an original. It's simply a different layout.
  11. My copy is the other layout. It has the word "sterling" machine stamped in the run-out area. It's small and may be hard to see at first. It should be diagonally opposite to the "BUD5436" which I can see on your copy. Have a look at your record. I'm not saying that if it's not there you have a boot, just something that may be helpful. Cheers KB
  12. Hi All, I'm still looking for an original demo in nice condition. Please send a message if you have a copy to sell. Thanks Kev Bod
  13. Still looking! Please let me know if you have a copy for sale. Include price and condition via PM. Thanks KB
  14. Hi, thanks for posting. Yes, I saw that. But it looks like they have just 13 ratings and the username is Kriminal K ! The name and low ratings put me off (I'm, not saying there's anything wrong with them) Cheers KB
  15. Hi All, Please contact me via pm if you have an original Demo of Vickie Baines - Country Girl, for sale. Please include condition and the price you are looking for. If possible, please send a picture/sound file Cheers Kev Bod (I'll see how this request goes and may put up some other wants over the next few weeks)
  16. Very sad news. RIP Dave, Bod and Nicky Not sure how to add, but here's an old photo from Harpo's Soul Source gallery. (fingers crossed)
  17. I've just noticed this on Youtube and I thought it was interesting. I wasn't previously aware of it.. Chris/Christopher Cerf of Sweet Music fame, wrote loads of songs for Sesame Street! Here's a news item in which he's interviewed. I like Sweet Music but know that lot's of folk don't agree. Also, there was a brief/related thread on here back in 2004.
  18. Hi Mike, I like the eBay feature. It's highlighted things I hadn't spotted previously. I'm not sure how detailed or refined you could make new features. The only things I can think of would be "Newly Listed" and/or "Buy-it-now". Perhaps a section of "Newly listed buy-it-now". Or just including items over a certain amount value? Just thinking out loud really! I've always wondered how the section works. Sometimes, randomly, there's a whole list of things like Rockabilly. Does it work on what members have been viewing on eBay? Anyway, I'm glad it's there. Cheers KB
  19. Thanks Mike. Please keep doing it. "Nobody ever said it was going to be easy"!!!!!!!
  20. It was a black issue. Most seem to be white demo's. Strangely enough, I bought a white demo on ebay 10 days ago for £36.
  21. I wonder if that would work to de-warp a record if you left it on a flat surface such as glass?
  22. Nice one. Should have been on the BETHLEHEM label !!!

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