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Bo Diddley

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Everything posted by Bo Diddley

  1. I don't think the UK copies "jump" as such. I think it's just something to do with the recording. It's as if the sound for the UK copy was taken from a USA copy that DID jump. So, the actual vinyl on UK copies is fine, it's just the recording. Hope that makes sense!! Take a listen (and look) at 1min 45 seconds on this JM youtube clip. You can hear it BUT I can't see the needle jump. I picked up a USA copy on ebay from a seller in Sweden for a very good price in 2020. I think it was listed in the wrong category.
  2. Nation Records has an Eagle. Tommy B features again with Boxer. Not sure if the little fella on Monster Masters counts!
  3. Just another reminder.. Please get in touch if you have a British DEMO for sale - Major Lance, Monkey Time. Thanks
  4. There was a thread in 2015 which I chipped in on (see below). My old NAD 3020e from 1987 is STILL going strong. It has a Mono button. There are some on eBay, here's an example (I have no connection to the seller, it's just for info) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115980070796?hash=item1b00f36f8c:g:jfEAAOSwLNNlUfUs&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4NHjddEkRXZ79kv7%2F%2FALC572%2BYgaZL2pYKV3uMR1G5u7VTAriLimgNwCZIXI7A8B34ZV4qc28M%2BAz%2F6IK5abfyp5RKGjzbPjUxTcVdvujwVRATC06Fx60aPrBQDkMXTck2eEsHKzXUnXMAakJKdm1qqrQHbuFJd%2BFKeL6dHJ2xKpcV8pbZ3qCMX2U%2B%2Fu8ky1OveVVs9oVUcyCH5YXl7MDG2O5E8NjoQsr200%2Fnua8E6MJ1ne3G%2BoQSEEIiGGfEMvcFRmM0sLZCvJHySNffjwpQdysu%2BQTDVcXqlG%2F3lJnnT7|tkp%3ABk9SR8bljon_Yg Cheers, KB
  5. In fairness, the guy can sing - it's just that he's more Pat Boone than Ray Pollard. So that's not good! The lyrics are a collection of generic cliché's that have been cobbled together. So, that's not good either!! I did wonder if an instrumental would be any better. However, no, it wouldn't!!! From an environmental point of view, I agree with Mr. Woodbutcher hoping that not too much plastic has been wasted used. On the plus side, they have generated some attention for the product (is all publicity good publicity?). Next move, perhaps get some World Championship standard Northern Soul dancers to feature in a video.
  6. Still looking for a Major Lance - Monkey Time - Columbia Demo. Please contact me if you have one, or have seen one, for sale. Thanks again, KB
  7. Steve Jeffries was selling one on his Rare Northern Soul site/listings. This was in the last week. Nor sure if it sold. He was asking £2,500. Good luck with the search.
  8. "You Can Split" is a particular favorite of mine. Youngblood Smith also recorded as Quick Brown Fox. His real name appears to be Richie Bellina. There was a previous thread about his identity in 2014.. When I saw @Roger Banks was selling the QBF record today, I started having a mooch on the internet/youtube. Anyway, on youtube you can find video of "Manny and the YUNKsters". A guy called "Richie Bellina" was the singer. As referenced in the previous thread, the "Youngblood Smith" Richie was from ManaYUNK in Philly PA.. So, it doesn't seem too far fetched to think they are the same guy. So, is this video from 1990 our man "Youngblood Smith"?? He appears at 33 seconds in. Any thoughts?
  9. Still looking for a Major Lance - Monkey Time - Columbia Demo. Please contact me if you have one, or have seen one, for sale. Thanks again, KB
  10. Hi, We've booked 3 nights for 2024. They are.... 30th March 2024 20th July 2024 26th October 2024 All on the Soul Source events guide Hope you are able to make it. Cheers.
  11. Bo Diddley

    Renaissance (Lea Manor)

    An evening at Bilston Town Hall, Bilston, West Midlands. WV14 0AP The next installment of "RENAISSANCE" - an opportunity to revisit the music policy of promoted at Lea Manor Albrighton. Advance tickets will be available nearer the time. We anticipate these will be £7. Entry on the door will be £8. More details to follow.
  12. Bo Diddley

    Renaissance Lea Manor

    An evening at Bilston Town Hall, Bilston, West Midlands. WV14 0AP The next installment of "RENAISSANCE" - an opportunity to revisit the music policy of promoted at Lea Manor Albrighton. Advance tickets will be available nearer the time. We anticipate these will be £7. Entry on the door will be £8. More details to follow.
  13. Bo Diddley

    Renaissance (Lea Manor)

    An evening at Bilston Town Hall, Bilston, West Midlands. WV14 0AP The second installment of "RENAISSANCE" - the opportunity to revisit the music policy of promoted at Lea Manor Albrighton. Advance tickets will be available nearer the time. We anticipate these will be £7. Entry on the door will be £8. More details to follow.
  14. A big "THANK YOU" to all who attended and the DJs. Also, to the venue staff who couldn't have been more helpful. Cheers
  15. An old mate, Mickie Taylor, had a T-Shirt especially printed to wear at Wigan. It said "RIKA LIKE-A"! This moment in time was caught on camera (on the left hand side). I'm not sure they would have been on sale at Blackpool
  16. Morning All, Just in case anyone needs last minute tickets, information or directions, you can contact Martyn B or Kev S as follows: - Martyn Mobile - 07403 875479 Kev S Mobile - 07870 827062 Cheers, KB
  17. OK, Kev S has now sent the details of parking for those coming to Bilston... Venue Address and Postcode: - Bilston Town Hall Church Street Bilston WV14 0AP Parking; Walsall Street Car park, 5 Short St, Bilston WV14 6AF 5 mins walk Parking; Bow St, Bilston WV14 7NB 5 mins walk Parking; 2 Hall St, Bilston WV14 0AB 5 mins walk
  18. Hi All, Just had the DJ times from Kev S. Dj times as follows for Saturday the 23rd. 7.30-8.30. Pete Best 8.30-9.30. Martyn Bradley (original Lea Manor promoter) 9.30-10.30 Paul Cross 10.30-11.30 John Pugh 11.30-12.30 Cliff Steele 12.30-1.30 Harpo. Hope to see you there. Kev is also going to let me have parking facilities a little later. When I get them, I'll add to the thread Cheers
  19. Advance tickets available until Friday. However, as the post can't be guaranteed, any tickets purchased from now will be held on the door for you. I won't be available tomorrow (Thursday), however, I'll catch up with any messages on Friday. DJ times should be available in the next day or so. Thanks KB
  20. For those attending Bilston this Saturday - I understand that it's a "card only" bar. Cheers KB
  21. Just another reminder. Looking for "Major Lance - Monkey Time - Columbia DEMO", in nice clean condition. Please get in touch if you have one that may be for sale. Thanks, KB
  22. Hi Folks, Still looking for a Major Lance - Monkey Time - Columbia Demo. Please contact me if you have one, or have seen one, for sale. Thanks again, KB
  23. There is an opportunity to celebrate Lea Manor and meet up with friends on 23rd September 2023. The promoters are Martyn Bradley, Kev Spittle, Sharon Spittle and Kev Bodley. Martyn has been out and about over the last year or so and had many folks asking for a Lea Manor meet-up. So, finally, it’s happening! As many of you will be aware, Martyn, Kev and Sharon were also promoters of the popular United Sounds of Soul (USoS) events. These were also nights with a loyal following and reputation for quality. So, with this in mind, it seems appropriate to provide a brief history behind the Lea Manor events. After months of attending the same venues playing the same oldies, Martyn`s view was that the scene in the Midlands was becoming very stagnant. Whilst out and about, chatting to various folk, many were looking for something a little different. There was a gap in the scene for a venue that could meet that need. The idea was a Bretby influenced venue, as a lot of West Midlands people weren’t traveling. Martyn’s first venture was at Cannock Hockey Club, it ran for approximately 12 months. It’s fair to say that attendances were initially low! However, it ignited a spark in Martyn’s heart and he knew what direction he wanted to pursue. Three or four different people had helped Martyn on his journey, but they didn’t last long when the venues weren’t packed to the rafters. Martyn also ran a night at Cannock Community Centre at the same time as The Hockey Club. By now he had gained a few regulars that were supporting his events. Two such souls were Tate and Lynne. Knowing Martyn was looking for a new venue, Tate and Lynne suggested The Lea Manor hotel. “The Lea Manor Hotel was situated on the A464 Shifnal to Wolverhampton Road and had been a top night spot and dining facility in the 1960s and 1970s. In its heyday, it attracted entertainers including Frankie Vaughan and Kathy Kirby to its sell-out dinner - dances.” It was an ideal venue with a good-sized wooden dance floor. Located away from houses, it was a traditional style country club with ample parking. After speaking to the management (Mike Bate), a date was set for the first night. This was Friday 13th May 1994. Clearly, Martyn wasn’t superstitious! This replaced the now defunct Central Hotel in Cannock which was run by Morris (R.I.P) with Ted Massey and David “Spook” Richards as residents. DJs were contacted and booked; Flyers were printed - "Behind Closed Doors" was born. Initially, Tate and Lynne circulated flyers at various venues, helped by the DJs that had been booked. At the time Martyn was out of action due to a bad accident at work which put him on crutches. The Line up for the first night was Cliff Steele, Chris Anderton and Ted Massey. The superb sound system was thanks to Cliff, who had the epic journey from Northants to Albrighton, on a Friday evening. Initially the nights ran from 9:00pm till 1:00am for a mere £3.00 otd, later moving to an 8:30pm till 1:30 am. Plus later the addition of all-niters which were on as a special themed night’s. The DJ “selection process” - Martyn made the initial choices with ideas coming from Tate, who always had good ideas for special nights. A couple of examples being the Albrighton “doubles nights” and the “Albrighton all-stars tapes”. Some of these doubles nights spots were filled with people who very rarely got an opportunity and others that supported the venue. One such occasion was on the night of Lynne`s 40th birthday celebrations. Even two of the kids played in what turned out a most enjoyable evening. The kids were supervised on the decks by Dave Rimmer, a great time was had by all. DJs were chosen for their ability to please the dance floor while playing a good mix of 60`s newies, quality oldies, forgotten oldies and alongside top 70`s sounds. In addition, they weren’t afraid to play new releases So, after 12 months of hard work, including numerous phone calls letters and goodwill from the management, the team managed to get to the first anniversary. The date was Friday 19th May 1995, the night was billed as a “Stafford reunion”. The line-up consisted of Dave Thorley and Guy Hennigan, playing Stafford classics, backed up by Soul Sam playing current monsters, ably followed by Cliff Steele playing a mix of newies and classic Stafford tracks These including the likes of The Four Tracks, Deana Johnson, Rufus Wood and Cecil Lyde. The dance floor was rammed and the atmosphere was electric. Once again, Cliff had enhanced his reputation for playing quality soul music to a very demanding crowd... the night was finished off by Guy then Dave, bringing the room to a climax with the likes of the Ringleaders acetate, Gino Washington`s Rat Race, Buddy Connor etc. The nights went from strength to strength, with a wide range of DJ’s gracing the decks, including the likes of Butch, Chris Anderton, Nick Stevenson, Dave Rimmer, John Pugh, Cliff Steele, Ted Massey, John Weston, Chic, John Kingan and Soul Sam to name but a few. With a lineup like that, the music was never going to get boring! Whilst it was never a hotbed of rare 60’s obscurities, it had its moments. But it was the way the music all came together (as Dave Welding said), to reach a new audience. It gave a new lease of life to the underplayed and forgotten, as well as some new tunes along the way. Lea Manor, or Albrighton, whatever name you knew it as, renewed past friendships and forged many new ones which are still are locked together today. Many people still hold it close to their heart as a special time and place. As the years have passed, many of you will remember some of the people that are no-longer with us. These include the likes of TC, John Mills, Carol Cooke, Chris Lennon Pedro, Paul Nicholas and Dave Rimmer’s wife Marge, plus Keith William`s wife Annie, to name a just few and all sadly missed. The Manor managed to reach its 7th Anniversary before disappearing into rare soul history while remaining in the hearts of so many.
  24. Here is an opportunity to celebrate Lea Manor and meet up with friends on 23rd September 2023. The promoters are Martyn Bradley, Kev Spittle @Munchkin and @munchkinette Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  25. Somebody's not double checked before submitting their bid - current high bid £100,100 !!!!!!!

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