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Bo Diddley

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Everything posted by Bo Diddley

  1. Interesting that. JM put up a Youtube entry on the Itzy label. When I saw it, I assumed that Itzy must be pre-swan. Is this one of the few entries of his of a re-issue https://youtu.be/B72ff0aNt2E
  2. Ted, I don't think the winning bid has to be topped to extend the time. I think that the new bid, even if it doesn't exceed the leaders max, triggers the extended "thinking time". This means that someone who has not bid enough has chance to re-think and bid more. Hence, the "auction fever" has time to take hold! I like the JM auctions as it means you are not subject to "snipes". Also, I don't think there is an easy "bid retraction". You either just dump in your max bid any time before (Days or weeks) like with ebay and let things take there course, or get involved at the end. Ebay with the "snipes" in effect becomes a "sealed bids" type effort. Kev Bod.
  3. In December 2008 it sold for £306 and in May 2012 it sold for £433.
  4. Just checked, it's Chile and plays at 45. (now being shouted at and dragged away as it is essential that I go to the shops and apparently, it won't be as bad as I'm expecting)
  5. Might be or Argentina/Chile. Can't remember what it was described as when I got it. I'll have a look later as I'm about to have a "shopping experience" inflicted on.
  6. Agreed. Discuss was always my fav from the old days as a "yoof". By the way, I've got that demo and some sort of South American Yellow OKEH thing with the Brit style centre. Looks really groovy! (I think £100 is a great price considering some of the tat that sells for that and MORE these days)
  7. The price and desirability could have benefited from the attention that "Get Down With It" has received. ( can't keep from thinking of SLade when I hear that!!) Personally, I'd have thought £100 - £125 but wouldn't be suprised to see much less or lots more on eBay auction. Full on, up tempo "rocker"!! KB
  8. Hi, Is that the one that was on eBay last year? I remember playing the sound file at the time. I love those sort of things as you seem to get a feel of what was going on at the time. Nice one One of my favorites. Kev Bod
  9. Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots.. https://youtu.be/W2XhhuM9GZo Taste of Honey - Boogie Oogie Oogie https://youtu.be/GL31cfOD7oc Finally, obviously not female vocal (Luther!) Change - Searchin' https://youtu.be/gr94VZKZNWE
  10. There are a few similar to the auction 45 on Popsike.
  11. Thanks for that Chalky, I've not come across that website. Does it say how many Test Press items there are/were (or were usually done) and that they were all pressed in the 60's? Cheers
  12. I see that there was a similar thread that mentioned this Test Press started in 2007 with recent comments. However, thought I'd start a current thread as the other one may get overlooked due to it's age. Also, the current sales info refers to folks who are respected members on this site. Dave Flynn and Robb K. Mods, please merge or delete this as appropriate. Pat has a Chris Clark test press of "Do I Love You" for auction. Starting bids £3,000. There were a number of similar items around a few years ago as mentioned in the other thread. However, Pat has listed various reasons why this is the real deal including comments made by Dave F and Robb K. Any thoughts on this? Original Thread - (p.s. thread not intended to either hype or de-rail the auction, or question anyones credentials, just interested )
  13. I thought that the USA and Euro versions were different. My copy is german/french. Again, I thought that the USA version was a type of live recording and the Euro one's were studio recordings. I may be talking complete rubbish (not for the first time!) - in which case I'll apologise in advance. Cheers Kev Bod
  14. I've always liked this one. Pat Powdrill - Do It. https://youtu.be/LTeMD27-Nqk
  15. The Jon Ford on the JM auction finishing tonight has the large centre. I always assumed they were produced like that to be Juke Box compatible, but seems not.
  16. Hi, When I ordered one earlier, the link takes you to paypal. There you can select "ship outside US". Cost to ship to UK was $6. Cost of record $10. Hope that helps. Regards Kev Bod
  17. Seem to remember around 1978 ish, you could order 10" EMI Discs from PEP with your choice of 3 of the top/rare tracks of the day on each side. As I recall, a mate had one done with things like Bobby Paris - "I walked away", Pat Powdrill - "Do It", Teddy Vann - "Colored Man". Cheers Kev Bod
  18. Just noticed this on popsike. Not sure if any help. https://www.popsike.com/MASQUERADERS-DO-YOU-LOVE-ME-BABY/180549296863.html
  19. Must admit, I didn't have a look. Just assumed there would be loads of similar "products". It is frustrating but it's still a nice feeling when you get the real thing.
  20. I know there was mention in another thread about a boot, but i've just noticed these on ebay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140899117004?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 43 already sold with 3 remaining!!! Expect this will be getting a hammering up and down the country.
  21. Not too many beat ballads played in there!!! Always crammed, not much room to dance or do "spins" without bashing into folks (who didn't mind anyway). You would always be covered in sweat in there - some of it would even be your own! On one occasion Mac Pitt (from Wolverhampton) had his glass eye fly out!!! Happy days
  22. If you're going to auction for 20 days, you may as well ask JM to sell them as a "bumper fun pack". You could even sign a letter of "authenticity" as to their origin Good luck Pete. Seems a shame to let them go.

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