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Bo Diddley

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Everything posted by Bo Diddley

  1. Mine is a green one with the Nashville stamp and the sound quality isn't great. I thought it was just my copy, but others have also mentioned it. Also, I've never seen any copies with the spelling "TOO". I'd be interested to see a scan. I've had a look on the John Manship site and he has a blue copy for sale marked "repro" (reproduction) and a green original.
  2. I think that last time on the JM auction 2 years ago it finished at almost £7,500. So, on that basis, if the commission is 20% (it may have been negotiated/discounted down due to the potential sale price) it would need to reach £9,375 ( £9,375 less 20% = £7,500) as a break-even deal. However, the owner has had the use and enjoyment of owning the record, which has got to be worth something.
  3. Here's a thread about the sale in 2013. It has all the standard replies/OMG's etc.
  4. The plot thickens!!! So either multiple copies (likely) or the buyer in the first link is re-selling the one bought in 2014 (less likely as the seller seems to have loads of 'em)
  5. I had an weird experience while checking eBay last night. I saw this listing.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161933107992?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Why was it weird? Well I have the ORIGINAL that the copy label is taken from!! It made me check my copy and it does have the "bell sound" stamp. I bought mine some time last year from a member on here who lives in Scotland. The seller of the eBay copy and similar records seems to live in Yorkshire. Mine was bought by a private sale and as far as I'm aware, no scan was posted. I've no problem with the seller who was an honest and nice guy to deal with and seems to have a great collection, some of which he has been selling. The only problem may be that if I were to try and sell mine, someone might check popsike and see the eBay item and assume they are the same.
  6. Sorry, I got a bit side tracked with the SS list Mick posted!
  7. Mick, I've seen some speculation previously, but do you think the Kenny Smith/Goldspot was an SS Special. It sounds a little less polished than the GAR release which is why I assumed it was a legit "local" release prior to GAR. A local friend and DJ bought a copy of Eddie Daniels for a significant amount from a DJ/Promoter/Dealer in the last 2 years. I wouldn't know if there were reissues of this or how to tell the difference.
  8. Do you mean Eddie Daniels? Mick - Were ALL of the records on the list Bootlegs/Reissues?
  9. Just finished listening. ELECTRIC atmosphere. And the last 10 mins, well ! Unbeatable.
  10. Earl Jackson finishes on Tuesday 22nd December
  11. Run For Cover Cheatin Kind She'll Come Running Back You've been cheatin
  12. "Inky Dinky Wang Dang Doo" must be up there!
  13. It's the only one I bought. Not my type of thing either (I was young and it was the 70's !!!!!!!!!!) but I'm a compulsive hoarder when it comes to records!
  14. Anybody remember these "Tomorrow" release's? This has the same matrix as the Pye issue.
  15. Not great !! It gives "Kylie Minogue - Time Will Pass You By" a run for it's money! (If you've never heard that, take care! You will never be able to un-hear it)
  16. I'm glad to see this back again, thanks Mike. Interesting to see the 2 copies of the Phonetics from the same seller (well I assume there were 2, August and October) and the variation in price. Also, I see a copy of Henry Roe has also appeared on the JM auction. (I'm not saying it's the same copy). Will be interesting to see the JM finish price.
  17. Hi Paul, I sent a pm yesterday with my email details. However, it doesn't appear that the message has been read. Please can you check that you received it. If not, please let me know and I'll pm again. All the best
  18. I've just checked and the result is interesting!!! November 2013 - £464!!!!! I watched the ebay one out of interest. Very surprised at the end result.
  19. One has appeared on the JM Auction! https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/auction/10385/workin-memories May have some effect on the current demand/price.
  20. Is this one of those "reissues/carvers" that appear on ebay with copied labels? The description which includes "you know what they are" seems familiar. Was/is it a seller in Derby?
  21. Regarding Billy Arnell, in the current market, I'd have thought £1,500. The most recent (and expensive) on Popsike was in October 2013 and that was about £1,300 ($2,025). Not too many copies listed there and doesn't come up for sale on the open market very frequently so there could be a fair bit of demand built up. In an auction situation with John Manship - £2k plus perhaps? Just my opinion and I know it's sold for much less in the past. By the way, there's an old photo somewhere in the SS gallery of Chris Plant and someone else (can't remember who) together each holding up their copies! (P.S. - just found the photo!)
  22. I noticed this picture sleeve on eBay and thought I'd add to this old thread. I'd never seen a picture of him in his younger days.
  23. A quick bump/reminder for anyone interested.

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