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Bo Diddley

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Everything posted by Bo Diddley

  1. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll be telling me next that Lenny Gamble wasn't really Lenny Gamble.
  2. There was a whole thread on the Patti Austin record on 3rd November.
  3. Paul, Try asking these "experts" what ISN'T Proper and ask for examples. Might be interesting It all seems "proper" to me.
  4. Volcanoes - Laws of Love reissue/boot for £84. Early bidding was between 2 who had low(ish) feedback so I assume they thought it was an original. The winner, with a "snipe"has feedback of over 1,200 !! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351895037774?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I was considering trading/selling a bunch of about 30+ of these things I bought in the 70's. The guy offered £300 which wasn't an insult by any means but I decided to keep them for sentimental reasons AND it looked like a big bundle of records for the price of a decent original! With things like this Volcanos and the Robert Thomas mentioned above, it might be worth having a think about getting rid of them. (p.s. - I'm certainly NOT having a "pop" at the guy who offered £300)
  5. I'm surprised we are 25 replies into the thread before Samantha Jones - "Surrounded By A Ray Of Sunshine" gets a mention!
  6. There's one on ebay which finishes in about 5 days which will give you a fair idea.
  7. I think it was covered as Odd Billy and The Bad Boys. Possibly a Russ spin but not sure. I've seen the TOTP clip now. It's strange how the memory plays tricks as I don't remember it just being gymnastics out of step with the music. Anyway, here is a clip of the original Chosen Few. They left the TOTP set saying they wanted to dance to something with more musical integrity. No accounting for taste.
  8. That order sounds logical to me. Also, it would mean my copy was before the grey.
  9. I wonder what the order of the label design was around this time. As far as I was aware, George Carrow was on the SOLID RED columbia first, then GREY (and the orange fade thingy later). George was before Patti. High Voltage and Lou Edwards were on GREY and were after Patti. Patti is in between George and HV/LE and on GREY and RED with the Columbia in the background. Was it: - 1. Solid Red, Red with Columbia background, then Grey or 2. Solid Red, Grey, and then Red with Columbia background (p.s. - This anorak is a bit warm to wear in the house )
  10. This is my copy. The grey copy JM has is the same as Lou Edwards issues and High Voltage issues. I've no idea of which came first or when. I assume the JM one is first. Cheers Kev Bod
  11. I noticed that and put a "watch" on it when it was first listed to see the end result. Since then it's coming up as one of the "most watched" records on the ebay listings you see on this site. Is the Southbound Freeway record sought after in it's own right by a different group of record collectors?
  12. This Robert Thomas is going well. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Northern-Soul-Robert-Thomas-Salvation-Charay-/152282826422?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368 I thought the yellow one's were the original's and these were "re-issues".
  13. I've got 4 and would like 11 of the others. You can keep the other 85!! I'm unlikely to add to my score at current price's. It's not that long ago I bought an Adams Apples off a seller on this site at about 1/4 of the price above.
  14. A copy like the one above sold on eBay this week for £35 !!! This was the starting price of the auction and there was just 1 bid. The description said it was an original demo. I was under the impression it was a bootleg. I don't think is gets played out much these days. I would have thought an original would be about £100 but wouldn't be surprised to see it anywhere between £50 and £250 in the current mad world of records. Certainly one that you would NOT describe as "just right for today"! By the way, I've always liked it from when it was a "newie" back in the 70's.
  15. Hello Venus, Unfortunately, I contracted the Record Collecting Virus many years ago!! I do have lucid periods when I am able to control the urges, however, it usually flares up again. I'm finding that a combination treatment of current high prices and being a tight-wad seem to be helping. Cheers.
  16. Hello Venus, I hope you are able to find something. At one point, I was very interested (obsessed?) in his whole story and records of Darrell. A few years ago, I checked that website and others for listings of artists appearing. I looked at each and every week of the Bandstand shows!! I didn't find any mention of Darrell. I came to the conclusion that if he did appear, it may have been some sort of "walk-on" part, just to say hello and mention his next release. So, perhaps he was on after Revilot 201 was released and before 203 or one of his other releases came out. He didn't have that many. Possibly even the release of one of the album's. I think I read somewhere that he may not have been the most approachable character! Good luck, Kev Bod (p.s. - I did like the footage of Broken Heart Attack you came up with)
  17. Glad to hear it. Thanks for the update Paul. If it's a newly created channel, please let us know.
  18. Yes, most copies seem to have been "well used"! Perhaps that part of the reason for JM getting such a good price for that nice copy he auctioned a couple of years ago. Was is about £1,800?
  19. Thanks Phil, Always interesting to see and good potential talking points. Some already discussed. I'd like to see this each month if possible. I also liked seeing the JM results which Joe did a great job of posting each week. These provide a good reference point for future use. All the best. Kev Bod
  20. The Cashmeres on HEM always seems to go for high amounts considering how often it comes up. Also, as mentioned in many previous threads, Frank Beverly on SASSY and Ronnie Forte on TARX were imported in decent amounts in the 70's and were sold by folks like Pep in their shop for not much more than boots/pressing's of the current "in vogue" tunes of the day. These 2 are always sort after and go for good money considering the copies about. Having said that, it's cheaper to pay up for the records you want rather than convert a De Lorean and add a Flux Capacitor.

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