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Miss Wasperella

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Everything posted by Miss Wasperella

  1. Thou shalt not invade another dancers dance space (especially if they are on the dancefloor first)
  2. Brilliant Not only do you nod your head you put your ear up to the persons mouth and when you still can't hear them you look at their face and try and lip read upon doing this you still haven't a clue (its a case of trying to discipher japanese sub titles) no offence to anyone.
  3. Johnny Stanley - Fantastic dancer loads of rhythm - sooooooo smooooooothhhhhhh x used to hang around with Tojo - haven't seen them for years.
  4. Hi NYK1 Hope you get this nasty business sorted - don't use e-bay myself but my advice would be don't wait any longer - "stalling for time" is screaming out at me and I have only read what's been on this thread. You are a genuine guy and don't deserve to be treated like this. Love to Janet and hope to see you both soon xx
  5. - "My Little Girl" - "Lovin' Is Really My Game" (the full length mix) - "You don't mean it" - Give me such an adrenalin rush can't wait to get on the dance floor - love em actually kinda think I love most of em fast........
  6. oooh now then I've not heard that one for a good few years - do like it though
  7. I just cannot stop laughing at your description of the dance - in fact i'm crying with laughing as I read your comments Thanks for the tonic after a long day at work I needed that - more laughter please
  8. Absolutely love this
  9. Get well soon Dave hope to see you "clicking" again real soon - with very best wishes for a speedy recovery Lots of Love Wasperella & Cat
  10. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas & A Very Happy New Year xx Cat & Wasperella
  11. I remember one time we all got settled on the coach and the police surrounded us got on board and told the driver to take us to the police station - there we were strip searched and I mean strip searched - being only 15 (nearly 16) both myself and my best mate were called into separate rooms next to each other - I recall we had long skirts on with the pettycoat showing, blouse, ankle socks, cornish pastie shoes and long leather coats - they made my friend take all her clothes off spread her legs and bend over - well I must have had somebody who was nice because they allowed me to keep the pettycoat on - we watched them feel there way through all the hems on each atricle of clothing (we had been going to Wigan for about 3 months when this happened). We eventually got to Wigan about 04:30am still in shock About a year and a half later we used to run buses and we would have 22 people on a 12 seater mini bus - we'd be laying down in the isles and practically under the drivers feet - how dangerous it all seems now On one journey back the mini bus was making a rather strange squeaking sound - we all woke up and eveyone was trying to trace where the sound was coming from - someone shouted the back axle is working its way from underneath the bus - I dread to think what could have happened had that person not shouted as I think the driver was half asleep driving it - another 1/2 mile there would have been a serious accident Oh the good old days - such fun we had - but realising now danger was never far behind.....
  12. Sorry to hear you've been poorly Glad you are now on the mend Hope you are feeling much better Coz Christmas is just round the bend Take very good care Neil and hope to see you DJing soon
  13. Believe you me he hasnt he is living in Peterborough I believe. I hear from sources in Doncaster he wont be welcome back there. Well I am shocked - I didn't know about the "t-leaf-ing" - I have not seen him for over 26 years since my late teens and about 8 years ago he tracked me down to see how I was - I just thought it was so sweet for someone to go to to so much trouble after such a long time - we had a long chat about out lives and exchanged numbers but I lost his when I moved house - I would like to apologise profusely if I have raked up stuff or upset anyone - I feel terrible now - sorry
  14. If this is the RW I used to know he's obvioulsy changed never mind - "Time marches on"
  15. You must have been rich back in them days because I dont remember anyone giving us a 10 bob note! but suppose you could have done (thanks) I do however recall people were very generous -
  16. I remember meeting up in Doncaster with like minded "soul music people" when the organised bus never showed up gutted we all stood about wondering what to do next , suddenly this older girl named "Linda" asked if anyone wanted to hitch and being only 16 young years of age and eager to dance I said I would alongside a couple of others (safety in numbers and all that) but then as we started to walk to the main road one by one eveyone started to drop out - I was so scared because by this time there was only 2 of us and I didn't even know the girl plus the fact I had never hitched before - (I will admit I was going to go home but had informed my parents that I was staying at my friends house plus the fact they never knew I went to Wigan and I would have definately been punished had they found out) but Linda was persistant and I was assured that she would look after me and that I would be ok (I was bricking it). Well we set off and managed to get to Birch Services about midnight and she met these 2 lads in the cafe and asked them if they were going to Wigan? yes they said we'll give you a lift in our mini (it had no floor on the passenger side but the engine started), so I thought well they look ok and she knows them so it must be safe - the only problem was we went through one red light after the other and were speeding at times - We arrived at Wigan in one piece (Shaken not stirred) and when we got out I asked her the question "why did we go through all the red lights?" her answer to this was simply they had no brakes on the car they had to use the handbrake and sometimes it just wouln't stop the car! aaarrrrrhhhh Suffice to say it put me off hitching and the journey home was another story (we cadged enough money to catch the Train Home) I can honestly say I have never hitched since. I had not seen Linda for about 25 years and had actually spotted her at a northern night about 6 years ago she had not changed a bit - it was lovely meeting her again after all that time - the first words we said to each other was "Do you remember when we hitched it to Wigan. If the 2 guys that gave us a lift that night happen to read this - thanks for getting us there is one piece but never again..... If Russ White (Train Driver) Stamford reads this can you get back in touch - I have lost your number you know who I am. Miss Wasperella x

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