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    cautions -poor loser

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  1. Think it could be Johnnie Hoyle - what about me (ray bo) Its a Carolinas label and its brilliant. Neil
  2. A really interesting thread. Do you know if That's my girl was ever issued by Verve presumably on a dark blue or black label or was it limited only to the dj copy?
  3. Thanks for the replies. I had one of the Ketty Lesters some years ago and let it go. Now finding it difficult to find another one.
  4. Hi Has anyone got any of these for sale or willing to part with them; 1.Dean Courtney - I'll always need you (rca wdj) 2.Ketty Lester - some things are better left unsaid (rca wdj) 3. Gwen Stacey - ain't gonna cry no more (rca wdj) In ex or better condition with clean labels. Good prices paid. Please pm me. Neil
  5. Re some of the posts above; Well I really enjoyed it - the orchestra were superb (class musicians) and most of singers were great, the guy with the hat a little weak on landslide and out on the floor. But to see these songs performed live in this venue/ full orchestra on the telly 50 years after they were released-if I'd written them I'd be over the moon. And I watched it with a glass of wine or two in front of the telly and bidding on ebay with my i-phone. Wasn't Levanna on to show NS is still going and enjoyed by people under 50? she's always seems to be smiling and enjoying herself, she may not be Keb Darge in the dancing stakes, but not many people are. What's wrong with using social media/you tube and yourself etc to promote venues ? times have moved on since adverts in the back of Echoes. Has a new sub-genre been discovered? We've had oldies, 60's newies, modern, crossover, garage soul, funky gospel, tunes by forward thinking dj's (what?). Bourgeois Northern Soul - it has a certain ring to it and sounds slightly elitist. Got to go now ; got a dinner party to arrange and put in some practice for the world championship. p.s. does anyone know where you can buy one of those t-shirts that some of the prom crowd were wearing?
  6. Hi Has anyone got the following RCA black issues they are willing to let go; Beverley Ann - you got your mind on other things Ray Paige - ain't no soul Susan Barrett - whats it gonna be Larry Cappel - hush hush Dynamics - lights out Tony Mason - take good care Faye Crawford - what have i done wrong Bobbettes - having fun In mint-/ex condition with clean labels. Good prices paid. Hope to hear from you. Please pm me with any replies. Neil
  7. Just a small correction - The New Yorkers was £722 not £772
  8. Hey Chris Freddie Houston - for something 57 years old and one of the greatest soul records ever made (imho) it was ok. And its miles better than your Muriel Day and the Sharonettes c/u !
  9. Hi I'm looking for Ken Williams or KW - come back (Okeh) demo or issue In mint-/ex (ss standard) condition. If anyone has one they want to sell please pm me. Thanks Neil
  10. She recorded Hoochi-Koochi on Premere - which is great; well I think it is Neil
  11. Hi Shaun Fabulous. Are you going to post a track listing?- its frustrating not knowing the names of so many great records. Neil
  12. Hi Sean Is there a track listing available for it ? ; great selection by the way ATB Neil
  13. Its not a con. In your limited time on this earth you have to enjoy whatever your passion is -if that's collecting northern soul records on original labels then so be it - just something about it - the mystique of the artist/record etc/the effort that went into the sound and the artwork on 45s and most of which went unappreciated at the time ;as I've got older I've realised nothing interests me more or gives me more more pleasure (wife,children, holidays in the sun excepted just in case they read this). Doesn't mean i want to overspend, but if others do if they are after something so what and you never really know where the price will end up? I've bought loads of records at the high end and they have dropped in price but plenty gone the other way. Take your point on re-issues though. Neil
  14. I picked a mint- issue copy up fairly recently for around £50. Not many other bidders on it. Neil
  15. Youngblood Smith (verve) Eddie Carlton - it will be done (swan) Anyone ever seen issues of these?

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