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Everything posted by Hermanthegerman

  1. As most collectors are quite able to research prices themselves I´d vote this a "no go". Prices I´m supposed to pay for a 45 in GB often differ a lot to the ebay prices anyway, and even prices on the sales forum sometimes have a wide range
  2. Uff, best thing is the backing band
  3. Have to second Bearsy on his statement. Used to DJ on the scooter- scene in Germany a lot back in the early to mid- nineties, always was asked for the same old song again and again. As most of the times I denied, some guys called me the "b-sides- Gerd" Nowadays I go to scooter- rallies to see some old mates, but definitely not for the music. In former times the rare soul scene in Germany consisted of mostly scooterists or mods, today there´s a quite healthy following of soul music in most bigger cities with a sprinkle of mods, scooterboys etc.
  4. Did anyone mention the Soulettes- Fine self?
  5. Wanted in at least ex condition and for a realistic price, quick paypal payment guaranteed. Thanks in advance for your offers
  6. Top drawer 33, somebody buy it, don´t think you´ll be disappointed and no, I´m not a mate of Nev
  7. Looking for it in a nice condition and for a nice price for a mate. Offers by pm, please. Tia , Gerd
  8. Slightly overspent on 45s this month so I have to part with some out of my playbox All prices are in british pounds and include paypal fees and signed for international shipping. Tiny Topsy- Just a little bit- Federal m- 300 Dean Parrish- Bricks, broken bottles and sticks- Musicor ex 125 Liz Verdi- Think it over- Columbia wd m- xol on B- side 220 Tommy Tate- I´m taking on pain- Okeh wd ex xol 125 Dickie Wonder- Nobody knows- Golden Triangle m- 200 sold Diplomats- Cards on the table- Arock m- 170 L. Allen- Can we talk it over- Green Dolphin- ex wol 350 sold Lucille Mathis- I´m not your regular woman- Abet demo m- 170 sold Chantels- Indian Giver- Verve demo m- 200 sold
  9. Is anybody willing to sell this little gem? Offers including paypal fees by pm, please. Quick payment guaranteed! Thanks in advance, Gerd
  10. Good price for September Jones, imho
  11. Lucille Mathis and the Chantels are sold and are staying in Germany
  12. Slightly overspent on 45s this month so I have to part with some out of my playbox All prices are in british pounds and include paypal fees and signed for international shipping. Tiny Topsy- Just a little bit- Federal m- 350 Dean Parrish- Bricks, broken bottles and sticks- Musicor ex 150 Liz Verdi- Think it over- Columbia wd m- xol on B- side 250 Tommy Tate- I´m taking on pain- Okeh wd ex xol 150 Dickie Wonder- Nobody knows- Golden Triangle m- 200 sold Diplomats- Cards on the table- Arock m- 200 L. Allen- Can we talk it over- Green Dolphin- ex wol 350 Lucille Mathis- I´m not your regular woman- Abet demo m- 170 sold Chantels- Indian Giver- Verve demo m- 200 sold
  13. Haha, nice sidenote, Neil!!!
  14. Anybody got a spare copy he wants to get rid of? Looking for an at least ex playing copy. Please quote price including paypal fees and recorded mail to Germany. Thanks in advance
  15. Thanks for that, mate But already sorted
  16. Original wanted, not too picky with condition as long as it plays well Pm me with price and condition, quick payment by paypal guaranteed. Thanks in advance
  17. it´s www.protected.de
  18. Did you read my post, Ivor? 500 sleeves at Protected are about 34 quid including p&p from Germany...
  19. wait a second, will try, mate
  20. Helps to prevent paper scuffs, been using them for years....
  21. https://www.protected...13&AnbieterID=1, p&p 13,90 Euro under 27 kg to the UK if you pay by paypal, (go on "Single" on the left hand side, then scroll down to "Single Cover aus Papier gefüttert", 4,80 Euro for 100 covers)
  22. It´ll certainly be fun to see our faces, if it doesn´t turn out a scam I doubt it, but was tempted.......
  23. Thanks for that, mate. Same was suggested to me by Mark Whiteley as I started the thread, pics look promising....

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