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Everything posted by Sleeps45

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLePhRfHtWU
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9KlDE8aVug
  3. whats the grade on this
  4. Debonettes now sold..thanks
  5. hello I have a handful of soul 45s that I had up for auction on ebay and they were not paid for I messaged the winners and told them the records will be relisted..I listed the records at the original ended auction price so 1st come 1st served Debonettes-Tears/Choose me-Merry vg++$228.98 Soul Explosion-Love is the answer/barnyard pimp-Tarantal oop tramp pressing M- $105 James Sanders and the Gospel ledgends-its gonna be hard but we're gonna make it-HSE vg $20.49 Main Events-Girl I want you to remember/Dont leave-Golden bird 1st press M- $53.88
  6. Heres a link to my items ending today..some very nice titles really worth a look..thanks https://www.ebay.com/sch/soulerorecords/m.html?item=320953441394&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649&_trksid=p4340.l2562
  7. Hello I have a batch of soul 45s up for auction right now on Ebay.Mostly obscure labels and all with soundclips of actual record..Thanks for looking! Soulero Records End Of July Ebay Auction: https://www.ebay.com/...sid=p4340.l2562
  8. Van Dykes-Mala 520 originally released on Hue
  9. Hello I have a batch of soul 45s priced to go..remainders will see ebay later this week..thanks for looking! FREE SHIPPING NOW UNTIL THIS FRIDAY!! Pandella Kelly-Stand In For Love-Horoscope-Vg++ $1200.00 Debonettes-Choose Me/Tears-Yodi Vg++ $375 https://www.youtube.c...h?v=hsoebF-w_zM Deceptions-Of All The Hearts/People-Brooks Vg++ SOLD Ebonystic-Married To One In Love With Another/Same-Scream Vg+/++ $225 https://www.youtube.c...h?v=4bjZOun9vEw Godfather Strivers-To Make Me Happy-CSC Vg++ $225 Peace On Earth-Love Foundation-Chattown Sounds Vg++ $225 https://www.youtube.c...h?v=9S5O3GUybc0 Fred Moss-I'll Always Love You-Vanessa M- $225 ON HOLD Forth Session-She's Gone/Would You Love Me-Jayville M- $225 Day-Tons-A Broken Heart/Broad Jumping-Dayton Vg++ $125 https://www.youtube.c...h?v=OQsoaH7w44g Alice Thomas-A Girls Tears/Im Coming Home-Odex Vg++ $125 Fantastic Goldenaires-Thank You Lord-Pinewood-"glossy weak Vg+" $100 https://www.youtube.c...h?v=xy0-oYFBZZc Family Connection-Lost Her Love/This Time-Jabali-M- $100 One Hundred Dollar Bill-Cant Get You Out Of My Mind/I Feel Funky-Dollar Bill Vg++ "wnap" $100 https://www.youtube.c...h?v=63027ltjxsk Gospel I'Q's-Waiting On You-Su-Ann "weak Vg+" $75 Gospel Legends-Its Gonna Be Hard But We're Gonna Make It-Hse Vg+ $75 https://www.youtube.c...h?v=jS_ZzQrKppY Mighty Silvertones-Sinner Man-Soundtrack Vg- $75 Hollywood Saxons-Lets Do It Right/+3 ep-Action Pac-Vg++ SOLD Main Events-I Want You To Remember/Dont Leave-Golden Bird M- 1st press $75 https://www.youtube.c...h?v=k1a89EbqqMU Southern Harmoneers-Stairway To Heaven-Custom Sounds-M- $30
  10. Hello I have a batch of soul 45s priced to go..remainders will see ebay later this week..thanks for looking! shipping is $4.00 in the usa and $6.85 intnl Past,Present And Future-If I could Live For Eternity/When I was A Kid-Rouser-has a super tight small hairline crack from run in to the 1/8 the grooves not separable SERIOUS OFFERS OVER 8 BILLS Pandella Kelly-Stand In For Love-Horoscope-Vg++ $1200.00 Debonettes-Choose Me/Tears-Yodi Vg++ $375 Deceptions-Of All The Hearts/People-Brooks Vg++ $375 ON HOLD Ebonystic-Married To One In Love With Another/Same-Scream Vg+/++ $250 Godfather Strivers-To Make Me Happy-CSC Vg++ $250 Peace On Earth-Love Foundation-Chattown Sounds Vg++ $250 Fred Moss-I'll Always Love You-Vanessa M- $250 Third Flight-Love Love Love/Third Flight-Yodi Vg++ SOLD Forth Session-She's Gone/Would You Love Me-Jayville M- $225 Fragile Handle With Care-Sweet Thing/Cilovu-Exit 6 M- SOLD Day-Tons-A Broken Heart/Broad Jumping-Dayton Vg++ $150 Alice Thomas-A Girls Tears/Im Coming Home-Odex Vg++ $125 Fantastic Goldenaires-Thank You Lord-Pinewood-"glossy weak Vg+" $100 Family Connection-Lost Her Love/This Time-Jabali-M- $100 One Hundred Dollar Bill-Cant Get You Out Of My Mind/I Feel Funky-Dollar Bill Vg++ "wnap" $100 Gospel I'Q's-Waiting On You-Su-Ann "weak Vg+" $90 Gospel Legends-Its Gonna Be Hard But We're Gonna Make It-Hse Vg+ $90 Mighty Silvertones-Sinner Man-Soundtrack Vg- $90 Hollywood Saxons-Lets Do It Right/+3 ep-Action Pac-Vg++ $75 Main Events-I Want You To Remember/Dont Leave-Golden Bird M- 1st press $90 Southern Harmoneers-Stairway To Heaven-Custom Sounds-M- $30
  11. Ending today folks! really worth a look..some very rare titles in there https://www.ebay.com/sch/soulerorecords/m.html?item=320933478004&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649&_trksid=p4340.l2562
  12. Hello..I have a batch of soul 45s up for auction on ebay ending today Saturday 6/30/12 some very nice titles in there..worth a look! Thank you https://www.ebay.com/...sid=p4340.l2562

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