most of the time it is a smooth transaction and its even better when you can see a persons status like you can see here on ss or ebay..and it is comforting to know when youre dealing with honest people but as boba said "people don't seem to understand that paypal and ebay are costs of doing business" as a collector myself it is hard to part with some of the rarities ive let go and I do understand that the seller wants every last dime for their record but at the same time they are using paypal's service and fees do apply..all this paypal as gift will not last too long gift option has already been disabled by paypal..people would send me payments as gifts without my consent "it was nice of them to try and save me the fees" but in the long run it caused me problems with paypal..they 1st warned me not to accept any payments as gifts after about the 25th time or so..and they told me they were going to monitor my transactions and if anymore gift payments were sent that my account would be discontinued..I started requesting to the buyers that they do not send funds as gift..a couple months had past and sure enough another "gift" payment slid right past me and I got an email from paypal stating that ive already been warned and now they were taking gift option was disabled and I can no longer recieve gifts via paypal period. .I cant even send funds as gift without paying fees if I want to send funds as gift I have to pay the fee for the seller so he can get his funds! how does that work?? theyre his fees not mine! has anyone else had a similiar experience with paypal?
I always thought crossover was like a mixed sound of northern and funk ??
I did pull the 1 copy I have left and I do see what you're talking about..the ballad is really nice and sought after by the sweet soul collectors,how do the funk guys feel about that "world is a turmoil" cut?
definitley good to know..thanks for the heads up..I always thought it was a lose lose situation when you send payment as gift..
I think all that paypal as gift is a bunch of b.s anyway..if the seller wants to make a big deal about the fees then maybe they shouldnt even use paypal's service..and how can a buyer just go ahead and send a complete stranger on the other side of the world a gift of lets say £300 for a purchase? risky
I had 2 copies and they both had the heat damage..the records were clean and the damage was in the sound..I wonder if the entire batch was exposed to heat or just the master disc that they were pressed from.. thanks