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Everything posted by Sleeps45

  1. that soul experience is sickk!
  2. right on the money..never knew there was a boot of this floating around until this topic arose..definitley good to know
  3. it is real a low fi recording
  4. $75-$125 for ex or better give or take..one question I have is where was the group from?
  5. one of my favorite ballads on the label https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skWS4_HQ-p0
  6. that is exactly the reason I still do not own that record myself
  7. soul communicators,rhythm rascals definitley amongst the 1st tunes that ever inspired me to collect and dig deeper..I forgot how good these tunes sound!
  8. nice one on the Sonic label
  9. https://www.popsike.com/Northern-Soul-45-Soul-Communicators-on-Fee-BeeKILLER/120223611594.html
  10. soul communicators-please dont go-fee bee?
  11. also i've seen the rock candy on yellow label,powder blue,and white promo..again never heard of a boot on this?would be good to know if there was
  12. contemplations was the 1st record I believe but it doesnt have that killer sweet flip https://collectorsfrenzy.com/Details.aspx?id=150717718941
  13. I never knew there was a boot of this floating around??
  14. https://www.ebay.com/itm/MODERN-SOUL-45-LUST-I-LIKE-SPENDING-MY-TIME-WTH-YOU-I-/150757523574?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item2319d94076
  15. pm me a list seriously..sweet titles preferably..I may be able to help
  16. how many records are in your collection?
  17. yeah I thought I seen one sell for like $80 bucks last year but I couldnt find it listed
  18. ive seen them sell for like $150-$200 online but I always thought that was a bit high for that
  19. yes spoilers on turbo..I was thinking spoilers rap..btw I like the turbo version better than the tobin 45..thanks for the correction though
  20. I dont know this ones pretty bad too..follow link to the london press of the spoilers on turbo..dont know how sought after it is but as a sweet soul collector myself this is an insult https://www.ebay.com/...US:1123#vi-desc
  21. https://www.ebay.com/itm/MARY-WELLS-MY-GUY-OH-LITTLE-BOY-1964-UK-EX-Vinyl-Stateside-SS288-/380410742102?pt=UK_Records&hash=item58923f4556
  22. I think those uk stateside labels are real plain and boring looking..the ones that dont have the center hole punched out and play like a 33..terrible imo

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