For too long it has been the case on ebay, that buyers can give bad sellers negative feedback, but sellers
can't give bad buyers the same, leaving the rip off merchants who send back different items or say that they haven't recieved an item at all, free to do it again to other unsuspecting sellers.
Is this about to change?
I have just left feedback for a buyer on ebay and noticed a new feature in the feedback area.
There is now a new button saying 'Report this buyer' When you click on it it gives you 4 options, i.e
'The buyer was unreasonable, The buyer tried to breach ebay rules, The buyer made unreasonable requests', and one other that I can't remember.
I don't know what will happen if you do report a buyer using this method, but at least it gives sellers a chance to let ebay at least know that there are some unreasonable buyers using ebay.
Still not as effective as being able to leave neg feedback for a buyer, but a little closer.
Are ebay taking note??