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Northern Soul Uk

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Everything posted by Northern Soul Uk

  1. Get Ready For Another Amazing Night Of The Very Best In Northern Soul And Tamla Motown The Brilliant and very plush "Victoria Gate Casino" 26 Eastgate, Leeds LS2 7JL, opens it's doors to our beloved soulies, to dance all night long and in to the early hours of Sunday morning. Every event here has surpassed the last one, and this will be no exception. Your DJs Steve Luigi and Mark Holdsworth, will be spinning the tunes for you, making sure that the fab floor is full all night long The venue is literally 2 minutes walk from Leeds bus station, and parking is cheap at only £5 after 5pm, in the Victoria Gate Multi-Storey, or only £3.50 if you get your car park ticket stamped in the casino. Free admission and free membership (optional) of the Casino if you want to join, and you could get up £50 free, to play on the machines (No membership is required for this event) Looking forward to seeing you all at this amazing event. KTF
  2. Welcome to the first 'Leeds Central Soul Club' Northern Soul All-Dayer of 2025. This time we celebrate the New Look HiFi Club, with our more than capable 'Leeds Central' Original Resident Spinners, namely: Swish, Twink, Steve Luigi, Paul Rowan, Chris Mallows and Keith Atkinson. These guys between them are far from short on knowledge and experience, boasting a combined DJ experience of some 300 years between them. So you can guarantee that you will hear your fave sounds, and many more besides, during the 6 soulful hours of the event. Come and see what all the fuss is about, and was about over 50 years ago, when this legendary event started in 1971. This Underground Heaven of a club (HiFi), never fails to create an electric atmosphere, that nowhere else can match. See You On The dancefloor!!!!! Central feb 2025 Reel.mp4
  3. Victoria Gate Casino · Soul at the Casino – Free Admission! Get ready to groove to the smoothest soul beats at Victoria Gate Casino on December 7th! Join us for an unforgettable night of soul music with legendary DJs Steve Luigi and Mark Holdsworth, spinning classic and modern hits that’ll keep you dancing all night long! Date: December 7th Admission: FREE! Whether you're a die-hard soul fan or just want to vibe with great music, this is a night you don’t want to miss! Invite your friends, grab a drink, and let’s make it a soulful night to remember! Location: Victoria Gate Casino, Leeds
  4. YO HO HO!! IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! WHAT BETTER WAY TO START OFF YOUR CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS, THAN A DAY OF NORTHERN SOUL MUSIC WITH FRIENDS, AT A LEGENDARY NORTHERN SOUL EVENT? THE LEEDS CENTRAL SOUL CLUB The Legendary Leeds Central Soul Club Residents, namely Steve Luigi, Swish, Fred Ward, Chris Mallows, Twink, Paul Rowan, Keith Atkinson, Roy Adams and Mopsey Will be hell bent on playing you the absolute BEST tunes, making sure that the new floor is full all day long, and guaranteeing you the very best start to your Christmas. Join us on the 22nd December for a brilliant day of Soul Music.
  5. Victoria Gate Casino · Soul at the Casino – Free Admission! Get ready to groove to the smoothest soul beats at Victoria Gate Casino on December 7th! Join us for an unforgettable night of soul music with legendary DJs Steve Luigi and Mark Holdsworth, spinning classic and modern hits that’ll keep you dancing all night long! Date: December 7th Admission: FREE! Whether you're a die-hard soul fan or just want to vibe with great music, this is a night you don’t want to miss! Invite your friends, grab a drink, and let’s make it a soulful night to remember! Location: Victoria Gate Casino, Leeds
  6. Back With Avengence The Legendary Leeds Central Soul Club, returns for it's regular Bi-Monthly Northern Soul All-Dayer. This time it's a residents affair with DJs Steve Luigi, Mopsey, Fred Ward, Roy Adams, Paul Rowan and Keith Atkinson. The party starts at 2pm at the New Look 'Hifi Club', 2 Central Road, Leeds LS1 6DE Come and experience the amazing unique atmosphere that only the 'Leeds Central soul Club' can provide. See you on the day £7 on the door.
  7. The Greatest Northern Soul night in the North! PRESENTS TO YOU....THE FIRST ALLNIGHTER IN LEEDS IN 30 YEARS This event is held at the awesome 'Victoria Gate Casino' 26 Eastgate, Leeds. The 3rd largest Casino in the UK, and easily the plushest venue in the heart of the city. All our events have been completely off the scale, even though major events in the country were taking place at the same time. Join LEGENDARY DJs, Steve Luigi, Mark Holdsworth, Alex Simms, Jonah Jones & Paul Rowan for an unbelievable FREE ALLNIGHTER full Soul Music, playing all the tunes that you know and love plus a few that you will love in future. This is a FREE EVENT with competitive bar prices, cheap parking at the Victoria Gate Multi-Storey (only £5 after 5pm), a fabulous sound system, a huge dance floor, and in the most amazing surroundings. *Membership is NOT required, but if you decide to take out the FREE MEMBERSHIP, you will receive a FREE £50 to try your luck on the tables or machines* We would love to see you all on the 28th of September to share with us this amazing event of wonderful Soul music See You On The Dancefloor!!!! No Dress Code Over 18s only
  8. After a very emotional event in June, celebrating the passing of one of the great 'Leeds Central' DJs, Tony Jackson, it's that time again. This time our special guest DJ is the brilliant, and ever so slightly mad, Don "Mopsey" Morris. Don adores the Central, and is chuffed to have been asked to grace the hallowed decks again, to entertain us with his unique style and choice of brilliant soul Sounds. Along with Mopsey, will be the ever loyal and brilliant 'Leeds Central' resident spinners, making sure that this will be another great day to remember in our little Heaven underground.
  9. Only a few days left to this Legendary Northern Soul event, establiished in 1968. In the original venue (now hifi club), with the original DJs, playing the original sounds from the original Leeds Central era, Central April 24 Ad.mp4
  10. The Greatest Northern Soul night in the North! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, its our first birthday already This event is held at the awesome 'Victoria Gate Casino' 26 Eastgate, Leeds. The 3rd largest Casino in the UK, and easily the plushest venue in the heart of the city. All our events have been completely off the scale, even though major events in the country were taking place at the same time. Join LEGENDARY soul DJ's STEVE LUIGI & MARK HOLDSWORTH, for another night full of fun and Soul Music, playing all the tunes that you know and love, plus a few that you will love in future. This is a FREE EVENT with competitive bar prices, cheap parking at the Victoria Gate Multi-Storey (only £4 after 5pm), a fabulous sound system, a huge dance floor, and in the most amazing surroundings. *Membership is NOT required* but if you decide to take out the FREE MEMBERSHIP, you will receive a FREE £50 to try your luck on the tables or machines* We would love to see you all on the 29th of June to share with us this amazing event of wonderful Soul music See You On The Dancefloor!!!! See less
  11. The Leeds Central Soul Club All-Dayer. With special guest dj: Julian Bentley Plus the Leeds Central Resident Spinners. 2pm to 8pm. £7 on the door
  12. Come and join us at this amazing and legendary event THE LEEDS CENTRAL SOUL CLUB NORTHERN SOUL ALLDAYER This months guest DJ features the brilliant young talent of Alex Simms + The Leeds Central Soul Club original Resident DJs 2pm-8pm - £7 on the door on the day Hifi club - 2 Central Road - Leeds LS1 6DE
  13. Only a few days to go to this amazing event, take a gamble, you'll love it, and that's a promise.
  14. The Leeds Central Soul Club Anniversary Alldayer Celebrating the 13th years of the reunions of this Legendary event, and 51 years of it's establishment in 1971 as a Northern Soul event Original Leeds Central DJs on the day will be Steve Luigi, Paul Rowan, Chris Mallows, Keith Atkinson, Roy Adams and Fred Ward and a guest DJ Ginger Taylor Come and celebrate this special occasion of the anniversary of the birth and rebirth of this amazing event that has stood the test of time. Come and listen and dance to some of the best music ever to be put onto vinyl. Come and feel the electric atmosphere that only the Leeds Central can provide. Come and experience what thousands of people have grown up with and made friends for life. THAT IS THE LEEDS CENTRAL SOUL CLUB
  15. The Greatest Northern Soul night in the North! We are SO pleased to announce the next MASSIVE 'SOUL AT THE CASINO' This event is held at the awesome 'Victoria Gate Casino' 26 Eastgate, Leeds. The 3rd largest Casino in the UK, and easily the plushest venue in the heart of the city. All our last events were completely off the scale, even though major events in the country were taking place at the same time. Join LEGENDARY soul DJ's STEVE LUIGI & MARK HOLDSWORTH, for another night full of fun and Soul Music, playing all the tunes that you know and love, plus a few that you will love in future. This is a FREE EVENT with competitive bar prices, cheap parking at the Victoria Gate Multi-Storey (only £4 after 5pm), a fabulous sound system, a huge dance floor, and in the most amazing surroundings. *Membership is NOT required, but if you decide to take out the FREE MEMBERSHIP, you will receive a FREE £50 to try your luck on the tables or machines* We would love to see you all on the 2nd of March to share with us this amazing event of wonderful Soul music See You On The Dancefloor!!!!
  16. So so sad to hear this, Andy and Myself spoke regularly about the releases on Last Bastion. A lovely man who will be sadly missed.
  17. A Very Special Christmas All-Dayer This Year Seeing the brilliant DJ Sammy Seaman, bowing out for his well earned retirement from DJing, at one of his most loved events, and the one where he spent much of his youth The Leeds Central Soul Club Sammy will be playing one of, if not his last ever DJ sets, alongside the Resident Leeds Central DJs. A day of Christmas Cheer, and happy memories is in store for those who attend. We have squeezed an extra hour in for this special occasion, so 2pm start, 9pm finish, 7 hours of Soulful merriment, and still only £7 on the door on the day. We hope to see you all there for the last event of 2023. central christmas 23 promo.mp4
  18. We are SO pleased to announce the next MASSIVE 'Soul at the Casino' event, at the awesome 'Victoria Gate Casino' 26 Eastgate Leeds. the 3rd largest Casino in the UK, and easily the most plush venue in the city of Leeds. This will be the 3rd Northern Soul and Tamla Motown event held here, and the other 2 were both completely off the scale, even though major events in the country were taking place at the same time. Join DJs Steve Luigi and Mark Holdsworth, for another night full of fun and Soul Music, playing all the tunes that you know and love, plus a few that you will love in future. This is a Free event with competitive bar prices, cheap parking at the Victoria Gate Multi-Storey (only £4 after 5pm), a fabulous sound system, a huge dance floor, and in the most amazing surroundings. *Membership is NOT required, but if you decide to take out the FREE MEMBERSHIP, you will receive a FREE £50 to try your luck on the tables or machines* We would love to see you all on the 18th of November 2023 to share with us this amazing event of wonderful Soul music See You On The Dancefloor!!!! Casino November 23.mp4
  19. The Next Free Soul Event at the Miners Arms, Morley - Leeds DJs Steve Luigi (Leeds Central, Whitby Weekender, Soul at the Casino) and Mick Elsworth (Voodoo Lounge, Black Cat Soul Club) Will be spinning the Northern and RnB vinyl on the night. This is a FREE entry Event.
  20. We are so excited to present the 2nd of our 'Soul at The Casino' events at the 'Victoria Gate Casino' in Leeds This is easily and most definately, the most plush venue that has ever held a Northen Soul Event The 1st one absolutely blew the roof off ( still paying for that) This one will be even better according to the comments, reviews, and people saying they are going to be there, whatever's on elsewhere. As someone said on the night of the 1st event "This is the start of a new era in soul clubs" Join Steve Luigi (Leeds Central, Whitby Weekender) and Mark Holdsworth (RAFA Club, Carlton Social) Who will be spinning the best of Across The Board Soul & Tamla Motown THIS IS A FREE ENTRY EVENT 8PM-1AM Huge Dancefloor Plush Surroundings 3 Outdoor Smoking Areas Only £4 Parking from 5pm in the Victoria Gate Multi-Storey Very competitive bar prices VICTORIA GATE CASINO 26 EASTGATE LEEDS LS2 7JL casino_sept 23.mp4
  21. The Leeds Central Soul Club August 2023 Northern Soul Alldayer Sunday August 20th - 2pm-8pm @Hifi Club - 2 Central Road - Leeds LS1 6DE We are proud to present the next alldayer of this Legendary event This time we are inviting the brilliant (albeit slightly mad) 'Don 'Mopsey' Morris' to take the decks as the guest DJ Along with the Resident Leeds Central spinners, this will be yet another brilliant day of Soul Music Only £7 on the door on the day central august 23 promo.mp4
  22. All systems go for the poshest Northern soul event ever. Everything confirmed and ready to go. See you all there.
  23. This has to be the plushest Northern Soul event ever. Held in 'Victoria Gate Casino' in Leeds The 2nd biggest Casino in the UK, on the 24th June 2023 8pm-1am FREE ENTRY. DJs Steve Luigi & Mark Holdsworth Playing across the board Soul, Northern Soul & Tamla Motown Great sound system 36x32ft dancefloor especially installed for the event. Cheap Drinks - £4 Pints (for drinkers) £4 parking after 5pm if required, in the Victoria Gate Multi Storey car park Literaly 2 minutes walk from Leeds Bus Station AMAZING VENUE!!! ONE NOT TO MISS!!!!! The images below ar NOT artists impressions, this is the actual venue STUNNING!!! Casino.mp4
  24. Also the 'Kings of hearts' version, is an extended version, a few seconds more at the end. Not sure if this is the same on any other presses??

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