Im not one for forums and ive just signed up to this today to put my side of the story across, for I am the DJ who played the record that's caused so much concern.
Firstly, I dont support the playing of boot legs but i wont criticise those that do, as now days to be a DJ in this scene you need to be extremely wealthy, who are we to means test a DJ?
I've been Djing at this particular venue on behalf of Mick H for many years, Mick wouldn't allow this if i didn't have the vinyl to do so.
Now the record in question, this was given to me by Rob, I took it in good faith that it was one of two copies both equalivent. I have known Rob for many years and have no reason to doubt his word.
As i was DJing at a Rare Soul night I obviously played this rare Soul record, I did announce what it was I was playing then was approached by James, he asked me what i was playing (probably didn't hear my introduction). I told him, so his claim that it was being played by a DJ who hadn't heard the record and didn't know anything about it are incorrect. James then asked me to remove the record as he claimed I was playing a bootleg. I refused, he asked for a second time, I refused again. He left the stage and returned very quickly with Mick H. Mick asked me to remove the record, I refused but did say to Mick that he could remove it if he wished. He signalled to James to do so, James carefully lifted the needle and I then started the next deck which was already queued up. James then went to speak to Rob, shortly returning to me and apologising for what had happened and we shook hands. Also, i would like to confirm that Rob has frequently attended this venue after retiring from Djing there.
Finally, i can understand James' frustration to find out there is another copy in existence, of which was not only lent to me for the night but given to me permanently.