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Mick Boyle

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Everything posted by Mick Boyle

  1. Wow I have surprised myself managing to do this - Watch out Microsoft here I come Not put whole track on due to bootleggers Not that I have anything against bootleggers as I think without them the scene would of died years ago Come go with me.mp3
  2. Cant believe I found it within 20 mins of searching. Im now putting 70% of it on CD to transfer to the computer and will do my best to load it tomorrow To many bourbons tonight to even think about trying Happy New Year - Mick
  3. Give me a couple of days and I will give it my best shot but computting aint my game
  4. I got a copy of this version and Happy to put 70% of it on here if I only knew how Mick
  5. Can this be speeded up for the dancers Only joking - Get of my case (I was born for ballads)
  6. The sax break in the middle of a record has always done it for me. The drum driven break in Gwen Owens Wanted and needed gets me every time. My all-time favorite has to be the The Ellusions You didn't have to leave Slide this to 1min 10 secs and enjoy - you even get a bonus bit at the end
  7. Each to there own I went to one of these modern soul alnighters recently and to be honest I wished they had play Darrell s Open The Door on a loop all night long time after time none stop But if we were all the same, it would be a boring place Just my opinion and tuppence worth
  8. I hope London paid the necessary fees, royalty's etc. As they didn't have the rights to produce it and had to stop rather quickly. That makes it the worlds most expensive bootleg Saying that I totally adore the track and always will and think the price tag puts it deservedly at the top of the soul tree
  9. I respect a DJ who will buy a record and play it even if he doesn't like it DJs are employed to entertain the dance floor so its his job to play current fad records The punters have paid there money and should hear the tunes that does it for them But I do agree that the record is s--t
  10. As a young 17 year old I nicked this off the wall in 77 I went in the Funk room as a inquisitive teenager would, there were four guys in boiler suits with elastic joining there legs together and blowing whistles. That was ok but what worried me is the fact that they were dancing around a dead blackbird. Back to the northern room and never ventured on the dark side again
  11. Wasn't there a spiral staircase in a corner leading up to a funk room
  12. Show him your wedge of dollars and you'll be around the counter in no time on all three floors Bit arrogant though
  13. Heres some more memberships Wow I had Brit No 8 That would of been for the two Brit allnighters in 1980
  14. Just found these on a Google search .
  15. Hey Rich, yours isnt torn in half - No mates or what
  16. Heres my yellow one
  17. Just found these on Ebay 191446559415 Mine was yellow - Was there a blue one or has the counterfeiter lost the plot My number was 53858 from 1977 Anyone on here had a top 100 number and how high did they go
  18. I was informed that he did it when he visited the UK.
  19. Hi Andy If this is what your after pm me your address and I will send it on Monday Regards Mick
  20. Hi Andy - Long time no see Im sure I still have a issue in ace condition I will check when I get home If its there you can have it for free I think I owe you that for all the stuff you and Rob have given me Regards Mick
  21. Got this signed at the Notts Palais 1983 by Lou Ragland - Pat Lewis - Al Kent & Edwin Star God knows where the paper came from, maybe something Lou brought with him
  22. Early 80s I went to the Notts Brit on the wrong night. Shock horror it was a mod night, the music plaid was virtually all northern and it was a great night. Has Northern Soul kept the Mod scene going I ask myself
  23. Thanks for that info. As normal I did 2+2 and got 17 (never make a detective) As mentioned you can check out JM auction and see if you got close to a win. On eBay you just go into completed listings and find out. So I was just wondering if some kind person could let us know. May just stick to JM, the write ups are as good as the records
  24. I wasn't referring to the price (as Im sure Mr Browns auction items are all worth every penny) I was referring to trying to find out the price. I can understand Mr Brown wishing not to divulge the information as it is a transaction between himself and client. But I thought some eagle eyed Soul Sourcer may spill the beans. It seems strange that JMs auctions are are very open and clear even after the event but still scrutinized with a fine toothed comb.
  25. looked on Ebay completed listings and they have recently sold for £150 buy it now and three went on bids of £103 - £116 and £51 with intr hiss. This ones even got a day left.

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