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Mick Boyle

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Everything posted by Mick Boyle

  1. Sad sad news I had the pleasure of visiting her at her home about 10 years ago. She was a super lady as well as a extremely talented song writer Will be sadly missed
  2. No problem in actually listening to it Ted. I was just stating that it wasn't on YouTube. Unless someone knows better - but I can't find it.
  3. Great site
  4. On occasions I have come accross a record for sale that looks intresting but not known it. YouTube has always been my first port of call for a quick listen. Never failed me.
  5. Cheers mate, I got the only bootleg - it was made by one of the present owners. Not into bootlegs but this is a bit special. I just wind up Mick H with it. Micks got one and I think there's only about 4 others.
  6. Just wondering if you have failed to find a track on YouTube I know unissued stuff will be missing (not all though) Even the unissued shrine tapes were up for a while I but can only find the lower one now Anyway the two tracks that I failed to find were Job opening part 2 Del larks and Im A Lonely Man The Dynamics GOD BLESS YOUTUBE
  7. Yep thats the one, it wasn't a pod cast that I had . I bought the plain white cds. It was a donation towards something or another. Back then in 2004 some of these sounds I think changed my view towards soul music Diane Lewis - You Aint Got A Chance Karmello Brooks - Tell Me Baby Monique _ If You Love Me These three are the kind of thing that gets me, Well done. You should of been on at Wigan in my books
  8. will check when I get home and let you know One CD was called from Trinidad to Detroit (or something like that)
  9. If my old memory serves me correctly but you can bet your cotton socks I will scan and put up tomorrow
  10. Hey Pete, I bought a couple of cds from you years ago White label things. One mentioned Trinidad. Looking at some of those tracks on them you should of Dj`d at wigan
  11. Yea and I seen Vivian (The Young Ones) smash his foot through the floor and kick some dude in the head Slide this to 3:20
  12. Not funny when its your livelihood and good name Tosser deserves a public flogging
  13. Another Ebayer is at it as well at a cheaper price and have three colours available I have checked on both sales history and they have sold a few SAD
  14. Spent many happy nights there 77-78 ish never seen live act there great chips there was a piano/music shop nearby called - J Whites Music (bet it wasn't janettes)
  15. Our beloved scene has fragmented into a many different genres We have club classics, oldies, 70s, modern,r&b, rear etc etc All under the name of Northern Soul. The film and advert aims at the oldies section and that just don't work for all the other soulies
  16. Your local dealer Gonna fix you good Little Antony Coop Funerals Shes gone Hamilton Movement
  17. Hearing Aids What Judy Street
  18. Durex again - how to make a sad man glad.
  19. Agree with every word All family, friends and work associates who know I love the music will think I go out at weekends looking like a chimney sweeper. No problem with anything that promotes the scene but it always comes down to the same thing.
  20. Met Eddie about 12 years ago and he had forgot all about this one, sent him a copy as soon as I got back
  21. Yea it was around the £800 mark at one point but loads turned up I sold one last year and struggled to shift it. Awesome record I was told that the later batch that turned up were a bit thinner than the originals ones in circulation and that they were a little suspect. I got mine of a guy known as Brooklynborn he was also selling quantities of Frederic Hymes 111 I never had any reason to suspect these records but Im sure there's plenty on here who may know more Mick
  22. Royal Esquires about £80
  23. Cheers
  24. Just seen this on eBay and wounded if the last picture of Lou Lawton was real eBay item number: 181626586197
  25. Friends - a couple of them yes Heroes - Not quite I take my hat of to those early pioneers who dared spend there hard earned cash on flights to the states to search out the tunes we all love so much. Some times putting them selves at risk all in the name of soul. Ady Croasdell John Anderson Kev Roberts Rix /Thomas Dave Rastrick Ian Lavine Butch etc

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