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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. great to hear he is still performing and enjoying do so at 83, some age to still have what it takes to perform to an avid crowd. fair play to him seen him a couple of times and was always good and long may it continue. rock on tommy
  2. miss seeing you at stafford just before my time as i was only 14 when you where there, you have the voice of an angel in "i cant change" was one of the first records i bought,then i layer got "what can i do" and last but not least ive have "i cant hold on" records i still have and play today wish one of the promoters would bring you over again to see you perform . i can only hope . hope your family event is good and your guest(lol) behave .
  3. Morecambe pier
  4. tony galla wasnt found till stafford as was the originals suspicion
  5. Rhino


    great pictures as always sue was a great night
  6. great bloke ,sad news RIP John
  7. Luther – Don’t Wanna Be a Fool – Cotillion 7" must be in mint minus or better please
  8. you still got luther - dont want to be a fool going mate by any chance
  9. awesome great stuff love these videos 10/10
  10. another one of the greats passes away RIP
  11. the fact it was a crack in it and still asking £120 is a bit of a cause for concern. looks like a re issue to me
  12. yep mate well worth it i thought it was a bargain when in arrived last week.
  13. seen it on the album for £20 last week on ebay still in rapper
  14. went to see her at manchester girl on fire tour and one of the best woman singers ave had the privileged to see and ive seen my fair share. every song she sinds is just like the record awesome if you ever get the chance get to see her unbelieveable.
  15. great read had the pleasure of being in his company for a few hours when he appeared at the carlton inn morecambe allnighter, a real gentleman and his performance was awesome did a great version of something new to do which he wrote looking forward to part 2,thanks Heikki
  16. RIP great man and dj thought go out to family and close friends
  17. The dedroit mix Peter is great but your gonna have to stop the back drop whilst recording making the records jump lol 3 great mix Pete
  18. could you email me a your list to pjhailes@tiscali.co.uk please
  19. will have a word with him for u chalky be in touch soon
  20. in touch with shaun gibbons would ask him if he would be interested in/or your interested in talking about the venues soul promotions did morecambe,newcastle,horwich,nottingham ,manchester, colwyn bay and blackburn sure there is a couple more you would have to ask?
  21. shame it explains alot then
  22. Cant really see him selling many more after this mess. He could end up with a shed load of records he cant do anything with its been a eye opener. will any promoters even want to employ him to dj any more its left a sour taste in a hell off a lot of peoples mouths in my opinion
  23. well ive read this a few times and he did have a hand in the making and giving him to his friends,thats his version but then goes out to openly name and shame other such people doing it on a larger scale . if you care and have integrity report them you must have enough proof to back up to get them stopped. diverting the blame onto others and making you look like the man just helping friends. and if we have taken your love of the music there is always dr who enough said
  24. have they given him a new account or is this his reply to the whole site

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