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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. simon ingham is a quality dj always enjoy his sets and getting plenty of work. never had a bad night at grumpy phil,joan,carl etc. and ted massey always bang on .
  2. Mascara - it's cool used to get a spin in the early modern days great song.
  3. thought and prayers are with you dean, kick its arse mate
  4. THE DELLS top group always like there releases and i couldn't begin to start to list all there records but 2 of my personal favorites are "make sure" and "your song" awesome group only wish id got to see them perform
  5. Lancaster to Allerton (shotts) seemed to take ages,then Lancaster to 100 club only thing i feel asleep on train on the way home and woke up and asked where we was to a passenger who said we had just left Carlisle next stop Edinburgh. 2 hour wait there, then train back to Lancaster WORST experience of my travelling to allnighters.
  6. no joy mate sorry both know there sat on a record thats never going down in price and keeping them for there rainy day fund/retirement fund if i here of any pop up i will get in touch all the best and good luck
  7. will do andy
  8. both mint copies mate well looked after will pass it on tomorrow and get back to you
  9. ive a couple of friends how both have copies i will ask if they are willing to sell for you mate no worries message you back in a day or 2 all the best peter
  10. i personally have seen loads of original pap of copies and dont think it is a rare as first thought but for a great double side record with 2 great songs on it you can see why its in demand .
  11. its all subjective and down to personal taste and when you got into the scene . personally thought richard searling, mark farley and the other morecambe pier where great at the time with the great mix of oldies, 60's newies but most of all the modern soul tunes at the pier was spot on . There was so many different events and the scene split into oldies and newies fans didnt matter a dam to me i just love it all. butch guy and keb and the stafford djs found so great tunes and tonys at blackburn . keith minshall was always a great dj and didnt get the recognition he deserved.
  12. would love to see the list to please ? is there a link
  13. what a singer RIP
  14. seem to remember going to rock city nottingham to a few modern soul allnighters
  15. awesome video thanks Northern Soul UK for upload they definitely still have what it takes to put on a show would love to see them live
  16. cheers mate thanks sounds like your right appreciate your help
  17. can anyone tell me if The Trips there's that mountain soulville and The New Group there's that mountain on gemini are the same group as they both have the same have the same A and B side can anyone shed any light on it please ?
  18. seen the same copy a few months back on ebay and its even worse when seen out of the sleeve. i like how he has put no return me thinks he may have that for a while lol
  19. can remember "love is a good foundation" at the pier people clapping and a few other songs but did slowly drifted away when pier shut and moved to the carelton inn. personally miss it used to be great to here it added to the songs and atmosphere.
  20. awesome tracks lots of big searling spins from the morecambe pier days one of my favourite eras on the scene
  21. still think Bobby King if you dont want my love is a quality tune only ever seen one 7" single of this cheap on the album but rare as hens teeth on 7"
  22. thought and prayers go out to his nearest and dearest RIP
  23. awesome singer hang on in there tommy our prayers are with you
  24. after a mint/minus of Sun - Just a minute of your time on capitol please DM if you can help please

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