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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. People doing something for nothing to lift spirits. Hats off in my opinion. Not live prerecorded so quite hard to direct not like a live event. Just my honest opinion
  2. Don't forget to shine your head pal want you to be looking dapper as always pal. Hope you and yours are well and good mate all the best.
  3. Top idea and apreciated you putting time and effort never mind the expense. In these unpressidented times. I'm sure this will be a welcome distraction from the scare mongers and panic buying stories. Hats of to Simon, Baz and Jordan for putting this together I for one will be listening. Infact been listening already to the music already put up on there and has been great. Bring it on and thanks again to the bury allnighter for this.
  4. Gutted I missed it mick, top set mate
  5. Could it Joan livesey aka jumpin' Joan now there is a lady who can dance.
  6. https://youtu.be/jqu4g6rmJvs now here a few people how can dance it bit excuse 1st 20 seconds.
  7. Excellent thanks for the share much appreciated .
  8. This is a warning ⚠. Northern soul on TV be warned. It's all up to personal taste.
  9. The best dancer I've personally and around good lad Vernon, remember him winning the dance competition at the morecambe pier anniversary. Think I was told he won at station road didn't he ste. Taken it toll on him can't spin anymore due to years of doing it, old age catching us all up.
  10. It's definitely a complement as the say bird of a feather flock together
  11. Nothing common about you mate. Mad as a box of frog's for sure but never common. Criag says it's a good job there's only one!!!
  12. Maybe we need Lazer and lights, defo worked for this bunch. .
  13. What about crossover, modern. Just a point of how the scene has fragmented into so many smaller scenes. Northern, rare, crossover, modern and R&B etc and finding the right mixture of music to keep most happy very hard. Allnighter getting less and more top 500 working mens club soul nights are killing the scene in my opinion u only have to look at the event page.
  14. I personally think people wanting to dance in old clothes is up to the individual but there seem to be scenes within the scene. Honestly never see to many in the venues I attend. If you don't like it stop going to oldies nights as from what I've seen they look like there enjoying themselves. Different strokes for different folks. Leave them to there memories I'm off to create new ones. Depends on your point of view....
  15. Absolute Class one of my personal favorites.
  16. Top draw as per usual mate was a great night all round. Catch u at culcheth mate
  17. One hell of a spot it was as well.
  18. Went to whitchurch with Craig sute it was an allnighter, ask him if he remembers for me please ste as I've tried ringing him and no one answers or he knows its me
  19. Burnley bank hall miners. 2 belting rooms and top dj line up, great atmosphere and always a friendly crowd. Top venue to boot good old days
  20. Had plenty of good chats and did him a few modern cds. His love of the music and the scene was infectious. Rest well mate, you be sorely missed. Deepest sympathy to his family and friends.
  21. Awesome allnighter 3rd anniversary was one of my best night on the scene.
  22. Speaks volumes, just liked minded people with similar taste in music getting together to enjoy records that ain't even pressed just underplayed an if rare so what. Must be nice sat there at your local soul night. Ain't your thing fine just keep on doing what your doing enjoy like we do.
  23. Have you ever seen his collection???
  24. Have you ever seen his collection???

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