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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. This is despicable and hope the culprits are caught. Hope your OK Ted .I'm sure the northern soul dealers and collectors will have there eyes open for any turning up and they get what's coming to them . Sad news
    What a top night music was unreal mick couldn't of summed it up any better hats off to djs and the Ukraine team
  2. Yeah looking forward to this it, bet it gonna be a fun night .
  3. Top night and was a packer, plenty of records played that brought back the spirit of Lowton. One of the best night I've had out in a long while. Hard to pick the best set as they were all superb. Great atmosphere and full of all the best people on the scene. If you missed it u missed out big time . Hats off to the culcheth team you should be proud .
  4. Allnighters used to start at 10pm or midnight back in the day as well though mate. Found memories of going to Bradford and all meeting up at the services before hand. No sat navs, just a map the times we got lost trying to find venues but what a laugh great days .
  5. Happy birthday ste hope you have a great weekend all the best Pete and just Steve Smith (windsford ste) on and he also says happy birthday and hopes your well and good x
  6. Thought you may of taken the 8th Karl
  7. It wasn't me mick honest . Got to say it happens to me all the time ? Must be the company and friends around me but I don't mind it all fun and games. Hope your well and good mate .
  8. Steve is well and good mate, talked to him last night and meeting up with him tonight for a drink or 2 .
  9. Happy birthday Steve, hope you have a great day and looking forward to seeing you Saturday night pal
  10. That would be a great night one I'd definitely attend. Hope you doing well mick
  11. Deepest condolences to Steve's family, great dj and even better person sleep well mate .
  12. What a top night and rumours of later opening as well maybe. Really great atmosphere and musically spot on. Never had a bad night there and long may it continue.
    What a great night from start to finish,not one bad dj all night and musically superb. Main hall was were I mainly stayed and great to catch up with the usual suspect great atmosphere like Lowton. Top night with great music and great likeminded people
  13. Looking forward to returning to the Ukraine club again, gutted to of missed the anniversary. Still gonna be a night of top music with a room full of forward thinking folk .
  14. Yes mate, definitely can see being part of my monthly nights out enjoyed the last one so much .
  15. What a top night at the last one. Music was outstanding not a bad record all night. Hearing lou pride getting played out again our love is fading top record and sly Johnson do you know what love is another that got me up dancing. Great night guaranteed and friendly faces highly recommended this night
  16. What a great night,busy and the music was top notch . Hats off to the djs not a bad record allnighter .
  17. Really looking forward to another top night at the Ukraine club . Always top draw music and people . It's been to long
  18. So sad to here this news.thought and prayers are with you and your family. One of the scenes true characters. god bless mate .
  19. What a great night ,musically superb and great to see some some old friends and catch up. Excellent night thanks brooksey. Here to the next 15 mate
  20. So looking forward to another night at the legion, always different and been way to long. Hats off to brookesy on the 15th anniversary . See you there
  21. Looking forward to it mate
  22. It's Sunday 19th September
  23. Can't wait for a good night at the legion. 15 years great achievement brookesy and here to many,many more always have a top night

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