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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. at first look i thought this was some indian guy with a 3rd copy of fw but to my disapointment its only russ winstanly(nice side parting though)
  3. hi sue didnt know you had move away saying that havent seen you in ages hope your well, was talking to jason conroy the other day and well talked about the night we went keele in your little blue fiat all the best peter hailes
  4. i like what i like,wheather it be northern,modern or house music if it makes me want to know what the artist and label the song is that makes it right for me barry
  5. look like the mario brothers?
  6. why does he have to start again may be if he just kept to his thread, fueling the fire sprinds to mind
  7. fair comment
  8. the sound track was in total keeping with the film and the scene were the lad is getting a beating was very graffic but also in keeping with the story. i wish they would have done the scene were they get revenge in the pub it would of inhanced the ending but a vey good film none the less. is there any plans to do an uncut version of the film when it comes out on dvd?
  9. just watched the film, enjoyed it well worth a 90 mins of any ones time. excellent sound track. better than cass imho
  10. "SORRY"for having an opinion, just cos i dont like some of your music(mainly the remake of some classic soul tunes) that gives you the right to have a go at me, some of your stuff like footsteps were very good and you have had your part in moulding the scene into what it is today with what you did with the mecca. yes i was rude "BACK "to you but thats just the way i am. i have had my say and will leave it at that, hope your future endevers are fruitfull now let sleeping dogs lie and all that
  11. my point is that he has abused other members and myself in other threads and not once has his ego let him say sorry or say well thats your point of view and move on . he has pissed people off with his replies and thats why people have a problem with his threads. people are watching this thread to see who is the next person he has a pop at
  12. i think the man has brought this on himself by the way he insulted members on this site, he as asked for there opinions and they answerd them and just cos the werent what he wanted to here he got upset, at the end of the day its there opinion as he aired this views on soul sam and members on this site i think mike has done a great job in trying to control levines hissy fits. you reap what you sew as they say so stop whining and get on with YOUR thread
  13. defo not the carlton mate worked there around that time and still live in that area
  14. this is england wigan casino is on you tube plenty on that
  15. to baz a and gazman the refosoul masters all the best to you and yours this xmas thank you for all your hard work and gaz thanks for the choonz you help me with and the ones you sent me you are a true gent mate
  16. the soul promotions membership was for morecambe pier,horwich,newcastle and manchester and some i have missed mate
  17. i work in a mental hospital so i would have bobby womack" so many sides of you " dam those schizos
  18. really enjoyed that. what a voice for a lad so young and the boys got the moves as well, excellent
  19. love is a good foundation-leslie uggams is my favourite clapping song hearing a couple of hundred people clapping along to this still gives me goosebumps also moody and the deltas everybody come clap your hands couldnt resist sorry
  20. imho is it because they just want to show off there collection to the masses but playing to fill the dancefloor should be first and formost in my book
  21. prince phillip michell at morecambe, flirtations morecambe and gene chandler great yarmouth
  22. ok mate still a bit rough from last night, know what you said about neandertals in fancy dress know thats funny
  23. why not they got played at wigan and are part of its HISTORY, richard searling and soul sam to of the biggest modern djs ever
  24. this was definately the golden era of modern soul made me pull out a few of my tunes out. kennie burke let somebody love you,phyliss hyman you know how to love me and bobby king if you dont want my love just gave me a goosebumps,wonderful music for a sunday morning
  25. im from morecambe and know them from the pier days and worked for shaun when he run the carlton and when he owned the empire nightclub in morecambe, i see neil know and again in lancaster but have not seen mark 4 a few years he got in trouble with drugs and gave up the scene dont think i know you but thought as i knew a few of your old mates i would let you know what they were up to these days

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