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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. one on john manships auction currently £105
  2. so i guess you dont like the northern soulscene now? or is it not what it was like back in your day ? or is it no one has left loads of comments about your thread any who great tune and great hissy fit
  3. got it wrong
  4. "Does anyone on here have any action slacks! now tell the truth, as i have seen plenty of them about!" what the hell are action pants never heard of them before do they have superheros on them or army type trousers
  5. is she the lead singer of a group
  6. muriel day
  7. cristine cooper
  8. beverly ann
  9. yes we did mate hopefully widnes will be joining us in super league in two years... should be there already instead of the celtic and salford
  10. like your comments webby but if they stuck in a time warp(i wonder if he's got a pair of bags) then leave them to it. oldies,newies,crossover,70s and modern if its makes me want to dance its all soul to me
  11. wouldnt say it was rare but would you sell it if you had it i know i wouldnt sell mine, one of my all time favs
  12. it did only come out on lp mate
  13. street related songs 1, edwin starr back streets . garlent green i quite runnin the streets any more anyone
  14. various.....masterpieces of modern soul.....kent various.....modern monsters.....goldmine various.....modern soul connoisseurs.....spectrum various.....essential modern soul vol one.....goldmine various.....essential modern soul vol two.....goldmine various.....essential modern soul three.....goldmine various.....essential modern soul four.....goldmine various.....essential modern soul five.....goldmine various.....essential modern soul six.....goldmine randy brown.....welcome to my room..... tried to pm you and no reply interested in these mate pm me with what you need from me mate
  15. sounds white though may be its the vino Jay Reincke
  16. roy hamilton
  17. when you arrived at the venue did you make yourself known to the promoter and did he wave you through for free? if so its his/her fault for not stamping you. you should have been given chance to explain to how ejected you to get the promoter and he could sort it out for you
  18. always loved to here everyone clapping to love is a good foundation-lesslie uggums. also moody and the deltas every body come clap your hands
  19. i remember people wearing t shirts with billy whizz on the front and W.A.C. on the back(wide awake crew i think it ment) at bradford and morecambe allnighters if i remember rightly it was bruce and martin from preston that started wearing them
  20. i have calmly thought about this and im not against any boby making money but why not leave the original alone and try some new material we all know the acts and would welcome something NEW by them or reissue the original songs and give the copyrights to said artists so they get something out of it, we see loads of bootlegs on ebay and other sites and they are ripping off everyboby so my OPINION is still that his remixes are not soul and are nothing more than disco shite but thats my opinion...... i spent a day with phillip mitchell when he performed at morecambe and he was offerd more money if they could video the performance but he said no they offered him a percentage of sales and he still said no so i dont think he is short of money but i may be wrong
  21. what he did in the mecca days was 2nd to none but the shite he is banging out now is nothing more than ripping the soul out of classic northern tunes and turning it in to disco pop shite
  22. tony clarke landslide on chess
  23. love it... always gets me up to dance
  24. may of been remember it happening but not what year sorry mate. ASKED ONE OF IM MATES AND HE SAYS IT DEFO WAS
  25. it is sunday and ive had a mad one this weekend sorry

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