taken from martinsbox site
Jeff King's Soul $ounds Label. The 'Soul Sounds' label was run by 'Jeff King' of 'Leicester' who was originally an importer and cottoned on quickly to the idea of 'Bootlegging' as D.J.s started moving into the Rare Soul Field. He sold most of his records at All-nighters and through shops like 'Ralphs' of Manchester, who still has quantaties of these disc's today. The recording of these disc's was sometimes very poor but of course it was the only way they were available at a reasonable price. This label started a trend that has carried on through to today with labels like 'O.O.T.P.' and the 'SIMON SOUSSAN' series. Every record on 'Soul Sounds' came out on British release apart from No.1 which 'Baby Reconcider' Leon Haywood on 'Fat Fish'. Eventually the law caught up with 'Mr. King' and he went to prison for one thing or another but he left behind '30' disc's of which there is now a following and copies of certain ones have changed hands for £5.00p. Further info. on Mr. King' was hard to obtain, he seemed to be a bit of a mystery but if 'Keith Minshull' (who was supposed to provide a lot of the original disc's for recording) or 'Mr. King' would like to write anything on the label the pages of 'NEW SOULTIME' were open.