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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. i knew one of the preston crowd only ever new him has docker was a regular at morecambe .great lad and good dancer, knocked around with mick fisher,finchy tomo and gina. if it is the same docker he be missed RIP
  2. any plans on an allnighter on the Saturday night? i know its not till next year but would be great if there was
  3. Rhino

    Ben E King Rip

    rest in peace ben. true legend
  4. taken from martinsbox site Jeff King's Soul $ounds Label. The 'Soul Sounds' label was run by 'Jeff King' of 'Leicester' who was originally an importer and cottoned on quickly to the idea of 'Bootlegging' as D.J.s started moving into the Rare Soul Field. He sold most of his records at All-nighters and through shops like 'Ralphs' of Manchester, who still has quantaties of these disc's today. The recording of these disc's was sometimes very poor but of course it was the only way they were available at a reasonable price. This label started a trend that has carried on through to today with labels like 'O.O.T.P.' and the 'SIMON SOUSSAN' series. Every record on 'Soul Sounds' came out on British release apart from No.1 which 'Baby Reconcider' Leon Haywood on 'Fat Fish'. Eventually the law caught up with 'Mr. King' and he went to prison for one thing or another but he left behind '30' disc's of which there is now a following and copies of certain ones have changed hands for £5.00p. Further info. on Mr. King' was hard to obtain, he seemed to be a bit of a mystery but if 'Keith Minshull' (who was supposed to provide a lot of the original disc's for recording) or 'Mr. King' would like to write anything on the label the pages of 'NEW SOULTIME' were open.
  5. what a voice
  6. Remember reading that Francis Nero didn't get as much as she should for "footsteps" which charted top 10 i think. So yeh i understand what you mean about the business, trust can be a cruel mistress.
  7. sorry but it was still a bit early but i will endeavor to check punctuation. hope this makes you feel better sat in dictionary corner. lol
  8. must say ive never heard it out but agree would get me up dancing cracking tune
  9. After reading the soul bowl thread and about John Anderson, not one bad word was said about him or people being ripped off and sold bootlegs etc. Now stories about him and the discoveries he found and sold to top dj's and the list people posted, the prices were unreal a true ICON. Stories i could listen to all night long.
  10. " If interest wins on this important character of the 70's via this this platform I will happily lock the thread. Fair enough?" you say he is an important character but the only thing that motivated him was making money.weather it be northern to disco yes lots of great records then bootlegs he had no love for the scene or the people on it . so thats what it takes to be an important character hope he stays away in my opinion. close it keep it going kevin its your choice
  11. my favourite brenda holloway tune awesome, boney woman to boot cheers shelly
  12. its a bit to deep gospel for me personally and had to search to find it on you tube not sure of any demand for it sorry bud
  13. hope thats soussan and not me lol
  14. any body remember these lists sounded so legit i guess he didnt like soul sam and dave evison strange always found them to be rather friendly
  15. 99 1/2 by Carol Lynn Townes was another version of the record
  16. pete you been on the beer again its always a good podcast when you have. top notch as always thanks for the time and effort
  17. cracking vocals RIP
  18. sure there was a similar thread on who discovered which record at which venue a while a go the golden 101 gave some great informative answers. just cant remember what heading it was under. was a great thread for those who reminisce and fact find
  19. RIP billy, always one of my favorite oldies tune right track and always will be
  20. been to the weekender and its a great event 100% free great venue 3rooms playing something that something for everyone. chilled out atmosphere no vocal pisshead being idiots and to of run for so long u deserve praise for your efforts cant wait till may. as they say dont knock it till u have tried it
  21. truely a sad loss rip jackie
  22. with so many variants under the banner "northern soul" some want rare soul,some oldies,crossover etc trying to attract a big enough crowd to cover the costs. its hard to get the right formula but its the people on the dance floor that payed to be entertained and as its the djs "JOB" to keep the customers happy or no punter equals shit night and eventual closure. if it was as easy u could put a top 500 cd on have no dj and be quids in but its not its takes a good ear and knowledge to keep them entertained and return again to the venue
  23. i remember Roosevelt grier - in my tenement being played out and about in the 90s . hows discovery was it? great tune
  24. the bloke sounds hammered

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