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Anais nin Carms

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Everything posted by Anais nin Carms

  1. No worries I can see where you got it :yes:
  2. Nev whats the name of the album ? And how much does the album go for ? Thansk Carms x
  3. Exactly ! Side effects are not good , but I guess you have to weigh up if you can suffer to cure an ailment . I have numb feet and cramps in my toes as a result of medication for Blood Pressure, cramps play havoc when I am on the way to jumpin BTW I love Etta's Sunday Kind of love ... one I didn't know until recentely. Take care Carms x
  4. From the album: 2011 - CARMS SOULING

    Sean looks like he is thinking ..transport me to warp factor 5 please
  5. From the album: 2011 - CARMS SOULING

    Sean Chapman NigeB and Carms
  6. Sounds like you needed to get that off your chest Mark , I would say don't take one comment so much to heart, it really is JUST one opinion , it could be accompanied with 20 opinions that thought WOW ! you won't know cause they didn't think it was worth mentoning to you I heard another Dj mention the same type of issues the other week when he was playing in a freestyle room and got told he was rubbish for not playing northern. He had broad shoulders and a hard skin lol and just brushed it away. I think if you want to be individual you have to be really thick skinned on the scene because there are many opinionated people out there that will not hold back in giving their view. I think you do need to choose your venue with care if you want to champion something different and hopefully those that promote this type of event also keep on and broaden their Dj selection . I love to see an unknown quantity But in answer the Geeses question , no it hasn't spilt ...its Grown with a larger library , now whether all the books within the library suit you/all .... thats a matter of taste
  7. I think we are just growing older and becoming more accepting oin the variety of what we hear . Do you recall when you used to be in a gang of sorts , be it skinhead , suedehead , greaser , rocker , mod bladdy bla , how you sort of disliked anyone that wasnt part of your gang.... for example I would never listen to something like Jethrow Tull when I was giving the Al Capone shuffle .... oh no no. I bet mosts peoples soulful taste has changed over the years ..if they live breath and eat it. I have grown up now and with each year I experiment and delve into loads of different things , same applies to soul .. I was ignorant 10 years ago , at that time I never let the slower pace in.... now I do ....and I love all of it. So yes Soul is a Dynamic environment for me ..... it changes and takes twists in the road making it exciting and demanding of my time to keep up ! .....never dull
  8. Just one question from me Lorraine .... I hope you had a good nap , I am still laughing at Mick D going into turbo anorak mode Would you have done anything differentely thus far? For me main things in life are your Health and your family and to be loved by someone special .... what's your outlook if its not too personal.... just to give you a break from grooves and matrix numbers Carms x
  9. I always wonder is it best for a sound to have an instant appeal or one that grows on you . But then maybe its better to think in terms of personal preference some sounds to the listener can be heard over and over again and still have the same initial appeal.
  10. The thing to remember Chalks is it got hammered at the venues you go to , I must say that I only got into it last year and it does appear to me one that always draws the dancers tot he floor on the 'soul night circuit' ... not being a night owl I can't comment on it being hammered at nighters so I take your point. Carms
  11. I could never call this a boring tune ? I could I never sell it if I owned it ... I asked Soul Sam onceif he rowuld sell his and he replied oh no no I could never part with my bear

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