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Anais nin Carms

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Everything posted by Anais nin Carms

  1. Bobo I think what comes over to me is his love of soul and I really like the way he values the lower priced records , I don't know him , but he sounds like a nice man even though I have heard he is a bit of a drama queen at times ... but then arn't we all if we are honest.
  2. The one I would be chasing which was bang on target for me was the Hank Soulman Mulan ? He upset your dream. I like its energy and eathyness.
  3. He gets one of these for playing Johnny Moore - I'm sold on you , one I have often played at home and always said I should play it in a chill out session , fab record for a tenner !
  4. What no manchester dates ?
  5. 'The way to be a good DJ is to play good cheap and expensive records and not care about, react to, or emulate other DJs. I do agree that there is a trend to play only rare or expensive records but instead of complaining about it you should do something positive and be a good DJ without trying to explicitly react to anything' I really like your way of thinking Bob . Thanks for the detailed post . I shall listen tomorrow night with an open ear. He earns bonus points from me for not staying safe by playing what he knows works because someone else plays them. He has the funds and contacts to buy a guaranteed hit list , he is showing imagination in sourcing what he feels isn't genrally known so thats a tick in my book. Whether I like his choice remains to be seen .. bit like jukebox jury isn't it
  6. I think this is a silly thread its like discussing how many Gay people happen to like cornflakes in comparison to other types of sexual preferences lets say who do .
  7. Do you wanna know what I reckon , and I never went , Great dancers were at the front and the not so great didn't dance near them cause they didn't want to be shown up ... image is everything when you are 17

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