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Kev Cane

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Everything posted by Kev Cane

  1. Only been a few times Cressy, and that was the over riding thought each time, piss heads in later on, spoils the night mate Kev
  2. Bought it for the Vietnam side many moons ago Dave, great thread by the way, plenty of mileage Kev
  3. Said that when Mal had it up initially, Fantastic group record, BARGAIN, if one of the so called "big boys" was to get hold of this and give it a run out people would be falling over themselves for it Kev
  4. AKA Masters of Soul I think, came out on Ovide and Capitol with a great flip "Please wait for me" Capitol issue is very cheap, not sure about Ovide but know its harder than Capitol Kev
  5. Giving up on love, Jock put this on tape for me in the 80,s, been hooked from that day, tough call, but his best for me Kev
  6. You flick through your records thinking everyone knows this everyone knows that, then you get into conversations about records and low and behold "don't know it" spoke to a so called "big name" DJ a few years ago, " Ultimations, Would I do it over, sorry mate, never heard it" or a very well known dealer, "Albert Jones is my favourite artist" "is he, then what do you think of Up to the sun" "sorry mate, don't know it" came the reply, no shame in admitting you don't know records, everyone has something that a lot of people won,t know Kev
  7. Probably the best known, and maybe best, Marvin Gaye-Whats going on and Whats happening, side to side on what some people say is the greatest album ever Kev
  8. Anybody out there got Joe Tex, You better believe it, then flip it, "I believe i'm gonna make it" fabulous Kev
  9. Emanuel Laskey-Peace loving man Kev
  10. Oh yes Dave, plenty to go at here Players-He,ll be back " " " -i,m so glad you waited Masters of Soul-Please wait for me Loads more, will have a dig around upstairs Kev
  11. Love it aswell Bob, add the two Startells records into it and the label Lamaar looks like theres some really good stuff on it, are there any more on the label worth having ? Kev
  12. Add Carlton J Smith "I better" to the top draw aswell Mike, I forgot to mention it first time around Kev
  13. Doh Just read your post again Jordi, my mistake Kev
  14. Jeff Adams and Jimmy Bell are 2 of the tracks I picked out as incredible out of a great set Jordi, you and Mike do yourselves a favour and give it a blast Kev
  15. Rob Marriott played Cleveland Wilson (aka oc tolbert) "I,m shooting high" 3 times at Mansfield Swan in the same spot, by the 3rd time the floor was chocker, (and so it should be), the rest they say, is history Kev
  16. Great post Dean, its a catch 22 that is being experienced all over the country, and when you look at the ratio of nostalgia nights as opposed to rare/underplayed nights, the former seems to be win by an avalanche, then the picture seems to suggest nostalgia has taken over big style, I know from experience that groups of people all over the country set out to run a do that flies in the face of "same old, same old" but when faced with an empty floor at 10pm either throw the towel in or succumb to the safety tactic, this leaves you with a totally deflated and uninspiring experience, the dancefloor appears to be king, personally I have been to nights (and days) haven,t danced but applauded nearly every record I have heard and had a great time, sticking to your guns for 2 or 3 dates initially, and not capitulating to the flared trouser and see if word of mouth gets the desired clientel in would seem to be the way to go, but like I said from experience, easier said than done. Point being, the Promoter should drive it to reach the initial objective (or goal) and persevere with their beliefs Kev
  17. What a fooking record Kev
  18. Was lucky enough to get a sneak preview of this and like I previously stated thought it was awesome, right from the first track (Sonny Turner) to the last, not a weak track in sight Kev
  19. Be round early this week to pick it up matey Kev
  20. Know what you mean Dave, todays culture won,t tolerate gems like that, but as yourself, I can remember the time when stuff like that was the staple diet at venues, been here before, but still and always will think it was miles more soulful when it was underground Kev
  21. Now then Dave "My last letter" now there is an absolutely fantastic soul record, the horns and the pleading vocal are something else Kev
  22. Altogether, awesome stuff Steve, knew the brilliant Sonny Turner, Ralph Weeks and Producers and am lucky enough to have a copy of Unique, the rest was new to me and right up my street, Ledgends, Jimmy Bell, John Washington, Steve Bassett, Sideshow and Chocolate Sunday deserve special mention, but I thought Raw Umber, Carlton Smith and Jeff Adams were as good as anything I have heard for a lot of years, fantastic, file saved, so it will get loads of hammer. Big thank you for sending this mate, loved it Kev
  23. Cheers Len for the like on Mikki Farrow, remember a time when mid gems like Hytones-Bigger and Better, Chuck Jackson-Whats with this lonliness, Just Brothers-Go on and laugh, Jesse James (aka Arcades)Are you gonna leave me, Cleveland Wilson (aka OC Tolbert) I,m shooting high, Young Brothers-Baby, Sweets-Something about my baby, Buddy Smith-When you lose, James Lately-Love Friends and Money etc were all to be heard on the same night, and more that I could have mentioned, aaah, the great days Kev
  24. Another good example being Archie Bell "Where will you go" a bit longer, but you clearly hear its from the original can. Don,t know if it was Tom Moulton, but my bro in law played me some Harold Melvin stuff where they have used a different lead singer to Teddy, its awesome, the take of "Where are all my friends" using the alternative lead gave me goosebumps, sounded like Marvin Junior (obviously not) from the Dells on loan, incredible voice, any Idea who it is Ian ? Kev
  25. Love this, also love the Tom Moulton Philly stuff, listened to loads of it on my hols, bro in law has loads of it, to me, they sound like they are from the original can, no fancy space age effects added, original Sigma instrumentation, and to be honest, Tom has improved a lot of stuff I would previously argued that you couldn,t. Kev

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