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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. Well found! By the looks of things it had no trouble spotting you, Martyn.
  2. I am sorry - to a degree. It's one of my girlfriend's all-time favourite punning punchlines and so I'm conditioned to use it whenever the opportunity may arise. I'll tell Bev that I used it here and she'll be mightily impressed that I somehow snuck it in. Thanks then for feeding me the opportunity to do so
  3. The difference between a stoat and a weasel? .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... Weasels are weasily recognisable and stoats are stotally different!
  4. Lessons can help provide the fundamentals. That is the whole point of any lesson. What people do after that - how they develop their own style, ie, their individuality - is entirely down to them.
  5. People have been teaching other people to dance for as long as people have had a desire to shake their thang. Jive, jitterbug, tap, tango, salsa… whatever the dance style, someone's out there teaching others to do the same. I took dance classes in London with my partner some years back. We did Ceroc, which is a mix of jive and salsa. It was good fun, it brought us closer together as a couple, and it means that whenever the opportunity arises, we can get out on the floor and, God forbid, enjoy ourselves! Northern Soul dancing is not sacred. It doesn't require acolytes to be initiated into the elite secrets of 'the scene'. It's a dance. It provides pleasure. That's all. And if someone wants to teach this dance style to others then great. They're doing as much to not only "keep the faith" (whatever that actually means), but also help spread it. Good luck to her and anyone else who wants to do the same.
  6. Please do take something with you to mop up that drool! Absolutely fantastic to have things in our lives that create the drool effect in the first place. It shows not only that we're alive, but that passion runs deep in our souls. Too many people lose that passion as they go through life and find themselves distracted by the sometimes mundanity of daily existence. Keep that flame of passion burning bright! Oh, and please do report back once you've sufficiently recovered.
  7. You're more than welcome. Glad to have been of service
  8. You are right. Here's the intro page for the complete dissertation... https://www.indiana45s.com/garage.htm
  9. And before someone asks, it wasn't this one either...
  10. Exactly the same backing track as far as I could tell, and at the same tempo as Sam Fletcher, and there was nothing odd about the female vocals whatsoever.
  11. Heard this at the Utrecht record fair a couple of years back courtesy of someone on a stall from the UK. Said they had an acetate of it and would get a handful of copies pressed @ £30 a piece for the next fair. Save one for me, said I. Will do, says he. I turned up next time, money in hand, but the guy wasn't there, although the stall was. The guy who owned the stall said that his mate (the one with the acetate) was prone to a bit of BS. So, did he own it or not? I've no idea!
  12. And daily fashion advice for Northern Soulers? That would add some flair.
  13. All music clips now back on YouTube. Thanks for all the comments and interest expressed here. It's appreciated.
  14. Ah, of course. I recall the band being there, but seem to have blocked out their playing. Anyway, I hope that Ace/Kent's legal team are on the case. This soulwaxni person appears to be making a nice living out of a whole range of bootlegs. Surely someone on this relatively small scene knows who it is, don't they?
  15. It took a good while to find out that it was actually Thelma Houston. I spent ages on a false lead that someone put my way which eventually led to a song of the same name that couldn't have been classified as 'soul' no matter how broadly you wanted to make it. Listening to Dusty Springfield's version - done in '71, I think - I also learned that Aretha Franklin had also done a version. She though, was interpreting Dusty's (in my view) quite weird arrangement, which is a bit like a precursor to drum n bass!
  16. Lazy? There's only about 50 clips to listen to! The first half of my original uploads (and I'm uploading them in the orginal order, cos I'm anal like that and can't help myself) were mainly uptempo stuff. The 2nd half, which I'm still doing, is mainly more sort of oddities & obscurities that I've found on acetates and which just won't ever get heard otherwise. It's not 'strictly Northern' if you know what I mean. The only track that might be considered as crossover - by my own definition - is this one called Mixed Up Girl. There's no name on the label of the acetate and no one I asked could ID it. Then someone eventually said that it was also done by Dusty Springfield, and that eventually led to it being ID'd as being a Jimmy Webb composition sung by Thelma Houston on an album of hers called (I think) Sunflower. I was so excited when the upload attracted the comments of a professional colleague of Jimmy Webb's. We ended up having a chat via the comments section of the clip. It was fantastic what he had to share. Of course, all those comments have now been wiped out, and that's the worst part of it all. Anyway, after all that build-up, here's the track!
  17. That's one of the funniest things I've heard in don't know how long. In fact, I just snorted into my wine glass. Sorry... But at the same time, thank you for sharing!
  18. Appreciated, Pete. I did post it on here when I first got it, which must be at least a year ago, and asked if anyone could ID it. No one did. Also, someone downloaded the soundclip and made a dreadful mash-up of it with Willie Mitchell's The Champion. Dreadful! Thankfully that musical monstrosity didn't stay on YouTube for long though.
  19. Very much appreciated, Geoff. I'm well over half way in posting everything back up. The next batch are mainly from acetates and include a mix of unknown R&B and soul cuts, a brilliant Mod-Jazz version of James Brown's Choo-Choo, a couple of Popcorn tracks and two very crackly song demos sung by Ila Vann. Might do some more reposting now, in fact...
  20. Thanks, Mark. That's a lot of clips!! Post up the link to your channel and I'll subscribe.
  21. Much appreciated. Seems this Google/YouTube account problem is more widespread than I'd realised. interestingly, and at the same time annoyingly, when I set up the new account, I was obliged to give Google/YouTube not only an email address, but also my date of birth, sex, and telephone number. It's not about making users happy. It's entirely about gathering data.

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