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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. Cheers, Steve. The shot of the geese flying past is one of my faves as it has that great sense of blurred motion about it. It was taken one evening in the late autumn, in the Amsterdamse Bos ( the Amsterdam woods), in an area once under water that was drained and reclaimed about 100 years ago by the Dutch. They call it a Polder. It's marshland by any other name. It's a feeding ground for 100s of geese and I was there that evening trying to get some dusky flying shots. As it turned out, the conditions were too dull all round for anything taken without a tripod. But, just before it got too dark, I heard a low whistling of goose wings in rapid flight. I could tell that they were close, but couldn't pinpoint them exactly. Realising then that they were flying super fast behind the trees directly in front of me, I panned the camera as quickly as I could across the trees in the split second available in the hope of catching the birds as they emerged from the other side. I got off just one shot - the one here. While I'm sure the result doesn't convay it, it was one of the most exciting and stirring photographic moments I've ever had. Now if only I was skilled enough to do such things at will!
  2. As this brilliant thread runs over 10 pages because of everyone's great pics, I'm not sure if I've posted these already, but here goes... Peacock close-up Starling - summer plummage Geese flying past (really fast)!
  3. Phew, I made sense, or at least partial sense in the end ;-)
  4. Likewise, but the strong element of doubt adds to the intrigue and gives it an aura of excitement for me. It's a disc full of possibilities: is it, isn't it? And if it is - who, what, where, when and why?? ;-)
  5. You misunderstand. Can't see where I even get close to suggesting that "DB isn't a worthy soul record", whatever that means. My point is that one is not a rare tune (two tunes to precise as it's a double-sider), but is rare in a couple of 45rpm formats. The other is a rare tune on 45 no matter how you look at it. Having DB as a London or Stateside demo is more about having a rare object than anything else. You can have the songs in a number of other, cheaper 45 formats. It's 45 rpm trophyism. Timi Yuro, on the other hand, is only available on 45 rpm via the Liberty single. It is both a rare (subjective term) object and a rare tune. Mind you, even rarer is the Timi Yuro acetate that featured in a thread here some years back. Now that I would quite like to own ;-)
  6. You can report the seller. Here's a link to eBay's guidelines for both parties. Hope it helps. https://pages.ebay.com/help/buy/report-trading.html
  7. Very, very sad to hear. Another one passes away. It's a sobering thought that won't be long before this music moves beyond the bounds of living memory.
  8. A-ha. Thanks for that. I've not got the title right then, which might explain why I was having difficulty finding it! Checking now, I see it on YouTube as Summer in... Not Summertime in... And there's one on eBay listed with the same error.
  9. Summer in the city by The Manhattans. Did that get a 45 release? I see what appears to be some form of reissue on eBay, but wonder if there is a proper 1st issue. Always thought it was album only. Mind you, I'm sure I recall seeing it on a French release, or did I just imagine that?
  10. Brilliant! I admire their genius in marketing! Love this part: Can we assume then that it took them two years to sell the 50 sets? If so, it just goes to show what potential there is for great items such as these. I don't play guitar, but I sure do wish I did now.
  11. Each to their own, of course, Pete. The DB is all about owning the rarest format of an otherwise very easily obtainable 45. It's about collecting rare things - objects as trophies. The Timi Yuro is about a sublime slice of soul that just happens to be rare. It's music as a trophy. To me there's a big difference. Mind you, find both in a charity shop for a quid each when I've only got one coin and one way or another I'd not leave either of them behind!
  12. My choice? Timi Yuro - "It'll never be affordable to me". Great tune. Monumental tune! So is DB, but as a song it's easily available. On the other hand, Timi Yuro gave us something completely unique. In my book there's nothing else like it emotionally, well, except for Buddy Smith - When you lose the one you love. And that'll never be affordable to me either.
  13. When I first started listening to Northern Soul and Motown as a stupid teenager - and naively believing that it was a black and white world in which life's choices were about picking one thing or the other - I recall saying to a friend that if this great music that I'd just discovered didn't exist I'd probably get into ska and reggae. That though would probably have led me to a completely different, possibly more "mellow" life, which ultimately may not have suited me. I like the heart-pumping adrenaline hype that goes with dancing to Northern Soul, and the tingles that come from listening to Northern Soul, so guess I'd need these feelings from some form of music. Like a lot of people, I listen to stuff across many genres such as the aforementioned Ska and Reggae along with jazz, bebop, jump blues/swing, Latin, cumbia, African, classical, blues and more. The thing is though, I rarely if ever get the 'Northern Soul' emotional highs - the rapture - with other forms of music, and I have no conscious control over these feelings. They happen or they don't. Some Latin sounds come close. For example, I recently bought a CD of Haitian music from the 60s through the 70s call Haiti Direct. It's got some great stuff on it like this one below. Reckon I could go for stuff like this in a big way in the non-Northern universe. And all those tropical cocktails and other colourful things that you'd associate with the tropics is a big step up from pints of lager, beer bellies, talc and grim venues in grey-skied towns
  14. Thank you making contact at last, Sergio. First of all, you didn't pay for postage two times. When I bought the 45 from you, I paid for the cost of it being mailed. It cost me 8 euros. Remember? Second, you doubt if the 45 is the same one you sent? Further, you say that nothing can demonstrate that the copy in the video is the copy you sent. Look closely at the clip and recall that you sent me a scan of the label before I bought it. I still have it and it's got the same writing on it. That's why I made the clip; so it would be clear that it was the very same record. I'm happy to share and compare your scan with a scan of the 45 you sent. Likewise, I'm quite happy to post a new video clip alongside the scan you sent me. That would be my pleasure... Third, you did not reply to my email stating that the record was not as described (and yes, I've checked spam filters, etc). Fourth, you did not reply to my later email stating that a) I had spoken with a mod here, and b) If a refund was not forthcoming by the weekend, I would post here about my dealings with you. Fifth, nothing you've said here mitigates your completely unprofessional and deceptive approach to selling 45s. Sixth, your original sales post states that the items offered are in excellent condition. No, that's just not true, is it? The 45 you sent me a) has obvious surface marks, b) has obvious crackles, and c) doesn't play! See video clip previously posted. Now, Sergio Vivas, the package you sent has a return address of: ************ Please confirm this address here and I will return the item to you by registered post. Thereafter I anticipate a full refund. Sincerely, Russell
  15. I don’t buy that many records from Soul Source listings, but when I do transactions have always gone smoothly. On one occasion (and only one) when there was a grading issue, the seller sorted matters out swiftly and effectively. A combination of the reputation of this site, and buying from members you’ve had opportunity to interact with on here over time, and the generally strong sense of community, means that overall it’s a trustworthy and safe place to do vinyl business. I’m rather sorry then to have to make a post now about my recent and unsatisfactory experiences with a member here. The member goes by the user name of Suite45, presumed real name Sergio M. Vivas (smvivas74@gmail.com). In a nutshell, Sergio/Suite45 posted up a sales list here on 30th January of this year with all items described as being in excellent condition. Sales list here: I bought and paid for Sonji Clay “Deeper in my heart” on 5th Feb. The seller had a number of positive feedbacks, so I paid for the item as gift/friends thinking that the feedback must count for something (fool). What arrived two months later was a 45 that was clearly not in the condition described - it’s bottom-end VG+ condition with surface marks and audible noise. Worse, it has fatal damage in the run-in grooves, which either causes the stylus arm to stick or jump off the record completely. I made a video clip of the problem so the seller could a) clearly see it, and b) be sure that it was the 45 he’d sent (there was writing on the label, so it was easily identifiable). The seller has not replied and the requested refund has not been forthcoming. Clip here: https://youtu.be/WVvI8-SCUxQ By itself, it’s an annoying situation. However, it concludes what has been two months of frustration with a seller who completely lacks any sort of professionalism. For the sake of complete transparency, here’s a break down of communications and events across the two-month period with this seller. Before posting this, I did ask the advice of sales forum moderator Rod (thanks for your support), who tells me that I’ve been way too generous in my patience with the seller. In hindsight, that’s possibly true. My position though is that I’ve never had a serious problem with any 45 I’ve bought, nor with any sellers — until now. Here’s how the transaction went: - 5th Feb: item paid for. - 15th Feb: item not received, so check it had been posted. - 17th Feb: seller states posted 'last week'. - 25th Feb: tell seller item still not received. State will wait one more week before considering options. - 3rd March: tell seller item still not received. - 5th March (one month later): seller provides tracking number for item. Item is shown as having been posted 22nd Feb, two weeks later than said. "Spanish postal service sucks," he says. - 17th March: item shown as delivered via Spanish postal service website. No item received. Wait a couple more days. Still no item even though postal website shows delivery. Presume wrong tracking number given. - 21st March: advise seller item not received and query tracking number. - 21st March: seller says item returned to him. Shows me pic of package. Incorrect address and handwriting on package makes address confusing to Dutch postal service. - 21st March: I clarify my address and ask him to resend. - 27th March: ask for confirmation that item has been resent. Seller replies: will let you know when I've sent it. - 28th March: I ask if he could please get it in the post promptly - it's been nearly two months. Tells me not his fault and won't charge me for reshipping(!). - 1st April: ask again if item has been sent. Yes... - 5th April: package received. Item not as described and has a fatal jump. - 7th April: email seller with video clip and ask how this can be resolved. - 13th April (today): no response from seller and no refund. As you can see, it’s been a long drawn-out affair made worse by a disingenuous seller who has no regard for the customer. At this point I’m not really bothered about getting my money back. It’s a sufficiently small amount (20 euros + postage) for me to write it off and put the whole thing down to experience. It still leaves a bad taste in the mouth, though. The most obvious lesson learned is to not make Paypal payments as gift/friends to people you really don’t know — even when they do have a certain amount of positive feedback on here. Normally I wouldn’t, but as said — and more fool me - the positive feedback swayed me. So, even among members of Soul Source the age-old warning holds true: caveat emptor — let the buyer beware! And Sergio M. Vivas - up yours
  16. Nice thought, Richard, but why would you scour the internet for a scan of a 45 you were selling when you had one in your hand? And wouldn't you notice the rather obvious differences in colour?
  17. The one at the rear has quite the expression on his face!
  18. Just to add to Paul's comment... Apparently, so I was told by someone behind the counter at Record Mania in Amsterdam, covering labels heavily in marker pen or writing your name on them was also about protecting your treasured 45s from being stolen by other DJs. Seems competition was absolutely cutthroat on the Dutch/Suriname soul scene back then!
  19. Yups that's always a possibility as is it being an actual female version. Sounded brilliant to me and I was hearing it loud, crisp and clear.
  20. Yup, it's been a calamity, Pete. Just one thing after another and then when the record does arrive it's buggered. Not a happy bunny as you might imagine! Will wait to hear what the seller has to say although to be honest I'm at that stage where I'm inclined to write the transaction off and walk away.
  21. I bought a record from this seller end of Jan/beginning of Feb and finally got the item at the weekend, some 10 weeks after paying for it. The run-in groove is damaged causing the stylus arm to jump off the disc or to stick. I took a video clip of it this morning and have emailed the seller. https://youtu.be/WVvI8-SCUxQ

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