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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. A scary thought. The one in the pic looked a real monster excepting for the reality of its actual size. The pic was taken flat to the subject, so doesn't really show just how amazingly thick set and armour plated it looked. Give it a three-foot wingspan and you'd need to be out there defending yourself with something that was mightily powerful - and lightning fast!
  2. This fine creature, a Green Darner I believe, and a good 2½ inches long, paid a visit to our 2nd floor balcony early evening and rested on the railings for a good while.
  3. Most sources I've come across suggest that it's because they have red legs - and so share a similarity with the trousers worn by French soldiers in times past. And they originated from the warmer climes of France and Italy, too. Nice concise overview of their introduction into the UK here... http://www.purdey.com/shooting-life/a-guide-to-game-birds/red-legged-partridge/
  4. Aka French partridges - if I recall my Observer Book of Birds correctly. Really nice shots
  5. What an absolute tragedy. It brings home to you just how fragile human existence is in reality. One day you're doing whatever it is that you do, and the next you're gone. I think the helplessness of it all makes matters worse. We have no control, no say, no power to prevent it, and often no warning. The shock and the void for family and friends must be immense. I can only offer condolences and add them to the collective emotional voice that is raised here for one who has made a mark on the lives of so many just by being themselves - a genuine human being. RIP Bob.
  6. Have to say I also really rate his other Pye cuts "You're wong there baby" and "I've laid some down in my time". Both absolutely storming tracks!
  7. The horns sound very southern to me - Memphis, Muscle Shoals, perhaps - rather than Chicago. In fact, the whole thing sounds very southern. Couldn't put a finger on it and say why exactly. It just does.
  8. Not much point. It's just a blank white label. Well, except for the sticker removal scuffs. Got four test presses off someone and he had to have gone and put stickers on every one saying what the track was. I think there was even a euro-sized circle with a capital A in it to show which were the A sides! Got two Little Richard's, a Five Du-Tones and a Jimmy Robins "Can't please you" - all with the same bloomin' stickers on. They came off all right, but at a cost to the labels underneath!
  9. I'm confused. Isn't radio with moving pictures know as telly?
  10. Yes, I read all the posts and was just contributing to the general discussion, not your post specifically
  11. I've now added a lengthy sample of this possibly uncatalogued track to YouTube…. Sounds earlier than 1974, don't you think?
  12. These two were taken last year when we were on holiday in Greece. There's a small freshwater stream that flows into the sea at a certain point and it's home to a good many of these small turtles. The sea urchin is one I collected when out snorkelling one day. Will be back there very soon.
  13. Starting bid $9.99. First bid $502. Second bid $511. Third bid $521. First bidder must have thought they were safe with their max bid, but bidder number two has blown them out of the water. Now bidder 3 - someone with just five feedback - has just come in with an even higher price. Looks like this one could be a fight to the financial death…
  14. Apparently Judy was refused entry into the UK when she arrived at Manchester! Info here courtesy of Malcolm Wyatt, the writer of the article... https://writewyattuk.wordpress.com
  15. Very nice, particularly the tern mobbing the hobby.
  16. Not been out and about much so far this year, so the photo opportunities have been few and far between. Having said that, there's quite a lot to be seen from the comfort of our 2nd floor apartment, even in the heart of a small town, if you keep your eyes open and place a camera where it's easy to get to in a hurry. Here's a few recent captures... A rather rain-soaked great crested grebe seen this afternoon on the waterway in front of us. Buzzard - seen when the sun was shining sufficiently for us to be sat on the back balcony. Heron - ditto. Herons are everywhere here and the Dutch seem to hate them with a passion. Collared dove sitting on top of a lamp post right outside one of our windows. This one's a regular visitor.
  17. Interesting. Thanks, Matt. So four releases and one possibly uncatalogued recording thus far...
  18. Lots of variations on this, Steve. Had a little look around online before finding the one I posted (as I couldn't remember what came after four ). From what I've read it seems every part of the country has their own version.
  19. Ok, thanks for that. I'll see if I can make contact through Soundcloud and shed some light on the track.
  20. How does it go? One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret, never to be told, eight for a wish, nine for a kiss, ten for a time of joyous bliss.
  21. Here are some links to previous threads discussing both the glue treatment and cleaning records in general...

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