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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. That's a shame. Would be an incredible experience to witness, I'm sure.
  2. I was fortunate to see murmurations when I was a kid - absolutely magical things to behold; a real marvel of Nature. Great video here. Best watched in HD.
  3. I think this whole scenario is another great example of the schism that exists on "the scene" today - and I don't believe there's any going back. There's the "rare soul scene" and the "nostalgia Northern scene". One continues the traditions of the original Northern scene - the search for rare vinyl, the desire to play originals only - while the other is simply about reliving those great days all over again. The people attending the nostalgia scene very probably don't give a toss whether something's played on original vinyl or not. All they're interested in is having a dance to their favourite Northern sounds. I think it's time that people on the other scene, ie, the majority of people who frequent Soul Source, just accepted this reality; that there are two scenes with different needs and values in respect to how they hear those great tunes and what they want by way of entertainment. Either way, the music gets the exposure it very much deserves.
  4. What started off as a fairly simple question has developed into a fascinating and informative discussion that in some respects has become something of a voyage of discovery, one that's resulted with the man at the heart of the mystery - your good self - popping up as if a musical genie from a bottle! Welcome to Soul Source, Mr Howard Collins aka Skip August. Always been a huge admirer of the recordings of the Unlimited Four on Chanson, by the way. Now I'll let the more knowledgable folks on here resume their discussion.
  5. What a combination - Larry Clinton and Buddy Smith! If only…
  6. Love it. Don't recall seeing this one here; must have missed it.
  7. I think there's a touch of the exotic about them - similar to bullfinches and kingfishers in that their colourings are very rich and distinctive, especially with the deep orangey-ruddy colourings.
  8. Will definitely be wanting the vinyl releases. Have played "Just say you're wanted…" and "What's it gonna be" at the Amsterdam Soul Club recently and both went down famously with the crowd!
  9. First time I ever saw a nuthatch I was sitting quietly in an elder tree watching for birds and it landed on a branch right in front of me. I was perhaps 13-14 years old then and maybe a couple of years into birdwatching. I was so excited at seeing one - and especially as it was so near to me. For me it was a really magical moment.
  10. Nuthatch in the woods of Amsterdam - taken earlier in the year, of course.
  11. A worthwhile read for anyone interested in the Preview label... https://www.soul-source.co.uk/articles/soul-news/my-obsession-with-the-preview-label-a-feast-of-teris-r2639
  12. A very timely tribute as the 30th of October was Jim's birthday. He would have been 47 today. Will look forward to giving the show a listen.
  13. Known in the Netherlands as a Slechtvalk, with "valk" meaning falcon and "slecht" meaning bad, evil, malign, wicked... Pigeon fancying is very popular over here. At least it is in our small corner of the country. So it's easy to imagine that the damage peregrines might cause to a flock of treasured birds gave rise to their name.
  14. More colours of autumn still life images as photographed on the dinner table. This macro of hazel nuts is from the same table-top session as the earlier one I posted. Sweet chestnuts - foraged in the woods of Amsterdam.
  15. Now that you say that - if I take my specs off and step back a bit from the screen - so that the blurry image becomes even more blurry because of my bad eyesight - you're absolutely right. It is a fried egg!
  16. In light of the 'blurry antelope' photo being accoladed with 'best photo', I've rethought the merits and artistic value of my own photographic mishaps. I see them now not as the product of shoddy camera work on my part, nor can I think of the untimely pressing of the shutter's button as some accident. Instead of mistakes, I see creative genius at work. In fact, given the number of blurry pictures I've taken over the years, I can only conclude that I'm an as yet unrecognised giant of the photographic world whose work should stand as an inspiration to millions. As proof of my ability to compete at the highest level — and with the fantastic 'blurry antelope' masterwork in my sights — I give you my very own 'blurry daisy'. Ta-da…..
  17. Yes, I thought it looked a bit like early cave art as well. In spite of that it's still just a blurred photo to me.
  18. I think I got it... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2804839/You-naturals-Earlier-year-launched-amateur-wildlife-photography-contest-received-10-000-stunning-entries-announce-winners.html If so - wow - what amazing pics! Second thought though is to wonder why the story of these pics is filed under the Daily Mail's 'female' section!
  19. And that's sitting on the fence? You got an online link to the vole pic by any chance?
  20. Very mild for this time of the year, and a lot better than Burnsworth, I'm sure. Don't think she's the 'go to girl', just the person the media naturally want to speak to while the film's on a high.
  21. I take it you didn't read the BBC story, Steve. The picture came about when the photographer got out of his vehicle, stepped into a hole in the road and pressed the camera shutter by mistake. Luck or skill - I think that's utlimately irrelevant. It's either a good pic or it's not. I don't know about you, but I've collected quite a few blurry shots over the years and I don't think any of them are up for an award just yet.
  22. James Cameron wasn't on the Titanic and Jeremy Brett never lived at 221b Baker Street. What's your actual point?

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