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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. A quick check at IMDB shows he appeared in four horror movies during 71-72: Lust for a vampire; I, Monster; Crucible of Terror, and Disciple of Death. According to the biog of him on that site: Source: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0265631/
  2. I thought your comment very amusing because generally everything told about being at niters and such is typically about three main things: 1/ the journey to/from the event (stolen cars, robbing chemist shops, jumping buses/trains, meeting up at service stations, organised coaches, hitching a lift, getting busted, mates who died) 2/ fighting (or avoiding fighting) with the locals when you got off the train at Wigan/wherever - or, indeed, being 'rolled' in the toilets of an event 3/ dancing non-stop/enjoying the 'gear' and 'being in the moment - but today is not like the old days' But, you've given us another one: 4/ Scrub the above: the struggles to get there and back home again, the rhapsody of the scene and the music. No, I was playing cards! Brilliant!
  3. You were 'sitting on your arses' playing cards at soul events in the early 80s predicting you would still be sitting on your arses in your 60s. Wow!
  4. Great idea considering the number of events listed. Gives promoters the opportunity to stand out against the crowd.
  5. Freshly uploaded to my YouTube channel - Ebony's Band "Hang loose pt1", RPL acetate. I've not found any information online about Ebony's Band, but take it from the address of the recording studio that they were based in and around New Jersey. The track, "Hang loose pt1" (pt2 is on the flip), is the antithesis of Archie Bell's "Tighten up", and indeed, that song's title is mentioned several times in this tune. "Tighten up" was released in 1968, so I naturally assume this track was recorded when Archie Bell was riding high on the airwaves and charts. If anyone does have any info about Ebony's Band, do share. For more obscure releases, my YouTube channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/user/lomaruss45s/videos
  6. If you look more closely at the label you'll see "Illinois" is incorrectly spelt as "Inillinois". Perhaps it was meant to read "Produced & distributed in Illinois, Chicago".
  7. Thoroughly enjoyed all the selections and the banter. Great stuff!
  8. You could always read the post before this one!
  9. Bunny Paul was most definitely white. I was going to post some blurb I put together about her along with a few image scans, but think maybe that's better for a fresh thread about who the remarkable Bunny Paul was. If anyone's interested...
  10. Don't know if he's still a member on here, but Dave Flynn is your man. If not here, he certainly was on Facebook.
  11. It's been there for a couple of days and, like a number of other pieces of online reporting around this incident, its journalistic accuracy is crap. This piece states "...the thieves took his extensive record collection." No, they didn't. They took two boxes. Get your facts straight, NME!
  12. My pleasure. And yes, very beautifully written (and performed). Have to say the more I hear it, the better it becomes.
  13. I mentioned a Burt Bacharach song demo a while back and have finally uploaded it to YouTube. Just to remind you, the song is called "And then she walked right through the door". Being a song demo, it only features Burt's singing and piano playing.
  14. Oh, my God! Unbelievable. Ted, you must be in shock. I hope you recover quickly from the trauma of this most personal of violations. As for the records, it’s easy to speculate, and perhaps one shouldn’t, but my first thought is there’s someone out there on the Northern scene arranging the sort of targeted break-ins normally associated with high-profile footballers.
  15. I watched it a few days ago and found it to be really rather dull. And it's way too long – some scenes seemed to be very laboured and just dragged on. Not Spielberg's best by a long, long way.
  16. In reverse, 45s from UK to the Netherlands often take five weeks to arrive. Worse, I'm still optimistically waiting on a bundle of four 45s sent last October. Obviously the UK postal service had a very serious problem over the last couple of months with the ransomware attack, and is apparently getting its house in order now. At the same time, the Kent Loma box set sent from the UK arrived in good time. That was sent using a tracking facility, which is a relevant point. My point is that anything going in or out of the UK is nowadays subject to delays. Your package might get picked up for investigation by Customs or it might not. My view is that if purchases are sent via a track/trace service - in either direction - there is less chance of a delay if a low financial value is declared. After all, Customs officers - regardless of which country they are in - are more interested in packages where the value is higher than allowed but duty/VAT hasn't yet been paid. That's easy work. And likewise, as is too often the case, there appear to be many opportunities where duty/VAT can be collected for a second time in the country of delivery - that's certainly been my experience using eBay. If you're in the UK and buy from the EU, expect delays. If you're in the EU and buy from the UK, expect delays. Or, as I've done in the main, avoid buying from the UK – and the same applies for UK buyers.
  17. A short statement from Dionne Warwick: Source: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/618066427/statement-from-dionne-warwick-regarding-singer-chuck-jackson
  18. https://www.clashmusic.com/news/chuck-jackson-has-died/ RIP Chuck Jackson
  19. That's very sad to hear. RIP, Mr Wiggins.
  20. It might be helpful to explain why dancers are required. What's it for? And what do participants get back from being involved? Extras typically get paid for their time. Is that the case here? More info needed...
  21. The Discogs profile for the label states: Source: https://www.discogs.com/label/51615-Cameo I've not confirmed if those facts are correct, but presume them to be so.
  22. It doesn't relate to the copyright of the song, but has something to do with the corporate side of things. Singles released up to 1963 (and there's one release from 1964) state © 1960. Generally those after state © 1963.
  23. There’s one out there with labels reversed. Don’t know which pressing that is or whether there’s just the one or a batch with labels on the wrong sides.

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