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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. According to Chalky in a thread from 2013... Thread here: https://www.soul-source.co.uk/forums/topic/292278-inverts-time-will-change/
  2. New promo video for Northern Soul Amsterdam, the new monthly night for Northern Soul, Motown & R&B in Amsterdam! For more info on dates and times, join us at: https://www.facebook.com/northernsoulamsterdam/
  3. I'll bet it was worth it - and a round trip of 130 miles definitely falls into the category of dedicated. I usually travel a round trip of about 10-15 miles to go to the Amsterdam woods - but that's on my pushbike, which is absolutely no fun at this time of the year!
  4. All good here, thanks, apart from bit of a cold. Nice that you had the opportunity to get out and about. Not done the same for what seems like ages. Sounds like you need to get there a bit earlier - or pass up on the coffee…
  5. Ah, yes. Very logical and meaning that the photographer was perhaps looking for an impressive selfie...
  6. Great pic. I'd be keen to know where the second photographer is positioned. Are both in the water and on either side of the apparently oblivious kingfisher, or is the second person taking the pic with a telephoto lens from some distance off (and, one presumes, also camouflaged)?
  7. Never had a problem with Gilles, and he is rather well-known having set up Motown in France back in the day. I'm surprised to say the least.
  8. You know as fact that he's responsible for pressing these 45s?
  9. So who's pressing this stuff up? With the "Northern" scene a primary target audience, surely people here must know...
  10. Only just picked up on this.. I wasn't actually attacking anyone's specific post at all, so on the one hand apologies if that's how it came across. On the other hand, my inference is that all too often on Soul Source the weight of opinion seems to be very much against "oldies" and venues or DJs who play them. Contemptuous might be a better word... …except when those "oldies" have a perceived high market value. It smacks only of money and status-chasing.
  11. Amazing that people are stunned by ebay & Manship prices while speculating on this 45's value and at the same time complain that it's not about the money while knocking the category of "top 500 oldies" that have been played time and time again.
  12. A quick search of the Billboard archives shows it's likely that Big Frank on Blue Rock was released somewhat prior to May 1965. The first scan here, from issue dated 8th May 1965, shows Blue Rock 4014 (Mustang Sally - Sir Mack Rice) already getting enough action to merit a mention at this time - suggesting fairly obviously that it was released some time prior. Also from the same issue of Billboard, the "Top Selling R&B" chart lists the Blue Rock 4014 at #16, having already spent four weeks in that chart - which means it first hit the chart in the first week of April. The next scan, also from the May 8th issue of Billboard, shows Blue Rock 4020 (Ain't you glad - The Chi-lites) making some noise in the R&B genre - again pointing to the fact that it was released before May. In the "Breakout Singles" section of the same issue, Blue Rock 4015 (To be or not to be - Otis Leavill) gets a mention as achieving strong plays in Chicago and Detroit. Again, this clearly points to it having been issued some time prior. All evidence therefore supports the belief that Blue Rock 4012 - Big Frank - was released a number of weeks prior to May 1965. Plenty more digging to be done in the Billboard archives for anyone with the time to do so (I'm supposed to be working!).
  13. If I'm following you… my understanding is that matrix numbers are often given to recordings, not release dates. Thus if a group recorded four tracks in one session (which was typical with a big studio) then each would have a sequential matrix number. Basically, the matrix doesn't have to relate to the date of release of those recordings. As an example, The Apollas on Loma 2053, which was released around July 66. - My soul concerto - matrix: J71047 - Sorry mama - matrix: J71048. Step forward a few months to when The Apollas release Mr Creator on Warner Bros. Check the matrix and you'll find it's J71046, meaning that it was recorded at the same session as the two Loma releases from perhaps six or so months earlier. Check the flipside to Mr Creator and you'll see that All sold out has the matrix number JX70091, showing that it was recorded later. (As a separate note, L71049 is unaccounted for and doesn't appears on the Loma run leaving me to wonder whether it's an unreleased track by The Apollas). This sequential run of matrix numbers is also to be found on the four Loma recordings made by The G-Clefs who had two 45s on Loma but which were released some time apart.
  14. The seller might have mistakenly named it as "Catch EVERY teardrop", but the label clearly gives the right title. In fact, although not the best pics/scans, it looks like a genuine ABC issue. Can anyone clarify?
  15. Lord knows why I remember, but these pics remind me of a one-liner which shows its age immediately to anyone who understands it at all, and it's that... A new model of car is to be introduced called the Ford Pubic, which is built on old Corsairs...
  16. A new year and a new beginning for the fabulous Soul Source photography thread. We've had so many fantastic contributions from so many members over two very long-running and very lengthy threads now, so it makes sense to start afresh. For people who perhaps haven't contributed before, the idea is very simple: although the emphasis has been on nature/wildlife/flowers and scenic views, just post up and share pics you've taken of, well, just about anything. Here's three from me, which were taken today in a small nature reserve behind Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. Although it started out as a very clear and sunny afternoon, conditions changed very quickly and it became very overcast - and, I have to say, there was very little in the way of birdlife to see. Perhaps they'd all cleared off elsewhere as the place was pretty busy with people out burning off the Christmas calories. Happy New Year!
  17. Thanks to everyone for all the great contributions to this thread. Will now start up a new one for the New Year. added by site 2016 thread link /forums/topic/346451-show-us-your-great-photos-2016/
  18. Christmas decorations as spotted on the shelf in the local garden centre - just lining themselves up waiting for someone to come along and take a photo of them (even if only with an iPad!). Merry Christmas everyone. Best wishes for a very festive Yule and a truly fantastic New Year!
  19. I played these out on Saturday night over here in Amsterdam and they all went down a treat on the dance floor. "One more chance" in particular sounds really great!
  20. Ha! Thanks for confirming… not mainstream, not part of the herd... definitely a threat to the stereotypical alpha males (Northern Soul or otherwise) in particular.
  21. Well done guys! Will give these an airing for you tonight. For those who've not heard of them before, The Mighty Typhoons are probably the hottest soul/R&B/boogaloo band in the Netherlands and feature in its ranks some seriously talented musicians.

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