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Amsterdam Russ

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  1. Two links here... https://www.historyforsale.com/junior-walker-autograph-note-signed-co-signed-by-the-drifters-elsbeary-beary-hobbs/dc285566
  2. Thanks. Shells on or off after cooking or doesn't it matter? Just thinking back a few years and recall trying to dry and store a batch we'd foraged. The Netherlands is a very damp country, and they all went mouldy!
  3. Oh, and a question for the knowledgable folk on here... While in the woods yesterday, I foraged 3lbs (1 1/2kg) of sweet chestnuts. What's the best way to look after them so they'll remain edible in the months ahead?
  4. I'm sure someone here will be able to be able to provide a comprehensive list of members over the years, or at least point to such a thing. Best I could dig up straight away is Wikipedia... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junior_Walker
  5. Not fungi, but very definitely exuding that real sense of autumn...
  6. A glorious, sunny day here yesterday, so took the opportunity to cycle to the Amsterdamse Bos armed with my camera to see if I could get some pics with an autumnal feel. Here's a few fungi... Can't name them, unfortunately. If you can identify them, please do. Shown in the last pic are chanterelles?
  7. A quick search on Google images for "Jr Walker autograph" brings up a couple of examples, none of which look like the signature on your 45.
  8. Lots of fungi to be seen in the Amsterdam woods presently. These two pics were taken using my aged iPhone while on a Sunday stroll there.
  9. Thanks. Really incredible skies here this time of the year, and you get more of it because the country's so flat. All I had to do was point my iPad at the sunset from the back balcony and the photo basically took itself.
  10. A very close-run thing this month. A couple of extra votes on these two pics meant we avoided something like a five-way tie!!!
  11. We have two very worthy winners for the title of "Most liked photo" for the month of September. They are @Winsford Soul's portrait of a lapwing with its colourful plumage... ...and the wittily observed photo of crate diggers that was captured by @Derek Pearson's dearly departed friend. I hope he would have enjoyed the appreciation of his photo here. Two great pics - thanks for sharing!!
  12. Roasted, peeled and cooked with Brussel sprouts and bacon! Haha - not that old chestnut!
  13. Playing around creating autumnal scenes in a light box.
  14. Simply on the presumed basis that the track was licensed by Stardust. Whether it was or wasn’t, I don’t know. Reading the various threads that have been linked to here, it seems there’s a general uncertainty in some people’s minds whether all, some or none of Stardust’s output was legitimately released or not. Someone must know...
  15. New promo video for the 2nd small but mighty Northern Soul Amsterdam mini weekender, which takes place 7th-8th December 2018. Guest DJs: Dave Thorley, Gerd Baum, Pete Lyster, Lars Bulnheim, Matt Fox, Mick H, Dani Herranz, Andrew Skelson, Friedemann Klock and others! Weekend passes @ €20 per person available via Paypal. More info: www.northernsoul.nl Or join us on Facebook at: Northern Soul Amsterdam
  16. Could be. Looking more closely, I see Stardust's own website states the shop opened in 1983, so no direct connection between them and the label. Interesting to note that the shop's logo is rather similar to the one used frequently on the label design. Given that and the Koppel connection, I wonder if Sharron Smith, the shop owner, was involved in the label in any way.
  17. The owner is Sharron Smith. She worked with Martin Koppel at Kops record shop.
  18. My understanding is that it's the record shop that gave birth to the label.
  19. Longer discussion here, primarily around The Tempests' 45... Having had a quick check, I see Stardust Records is still in business... https://www.stardustrecords.ca
  20. Must have been about this time last year, I was having a chat at a soul night in Amsterdam with someone from the UK . They were telling me that the Tempests on Stardust is considered in some circles to be a legitimate release, and thus is a means of having "Someday" on a 45 instead of having to lug the LP about!
  21. Two joint winners for the most-liked photo(s) for the month of August. They are... Martyn Pitt's migrant hawker, and Johnny Jones' fine nature selection Congratulations @martyn pitt & @Johnny Jones for these wonderful photos. Well done, both!
  22. Absolutely thrilled to announce that Dave Thorley will be making a return visit to join the DJ line-up for our Northern Soul Amsterdam mini weekender! Weekend passes are just €20 per person and are available via Paypal. Need any info, send me a private message. Full info at: www.northernsoul.nl You can also find us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/groups/northernsoulamsterdam/

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