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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. The Netherlands in lock-down as of 6pm Sunday and will remain so until April 6th. If you were planning to visit Amsterdam in that time, don't bother - we're shut!
  2. Over the last couple of days both the local supermarkets here in our little corner of the Netherlands (one being a Lidl) have been out of toilet paper, kitchen roll, hand soap, paracetamol, pasta and more. Even other shops where you can normally get painkillers and toiletry basics have been stripped clean. The supermarket we went to did have stock of toilet rolls about an hour ago, but people were buying them in bulk (as they have been doing for about a week now), so I expect they'll be out of stock again shortly - if they aren't already. And I heard a story yesterday (from the UK), that in some places shopkeepers are opening packs and selling rolls of toilet paper individually at ridiculous prices. Media reportage of empty shelves isn't helping, but ultimately panic buying and profiteering represent the worst side of human nature and will always show in times of crisis.
  3. Some rationing is already in place here - paracetamol, for example. But that needs to be expanded because people are unable to restrain themselves from panic buying. Just been down to our local supermarket and it's an absolute bunfight - people with arms full of toilet rolls, trolleys bursting with stuff. And lots of shelves and chiller units are empty because people are stocking up their freezers, likely with foodstuff they wouldn't normally buy. And the bread counter was empty at midday. Also, while the accepted line is that the elderly are at greatest risk from COVID-19, a news report this morning points out that of the 40-50 people currently in intensive care here in NL, more than half are under fifty. They include two 16-year-olds and a 38-year-old marathon runner. However, the mortality rate for younger people is considerably lower than it is for older folk.
  4. In particular, I've seen much criticism of the decision not to shut schools in the UK when, according to the mass media, that's what every other country in Europe is doing. It's not - schools aren't closing here in the Netherlands, and BoJo, health advisors, etc, are echoing the exact same reasons as was given by Dutch Prime Minister Rutte and his advisors. The media, but we know this of course, is divisive, and deliberately so. However, at a time like this, unity is crucial - not undermining the government and the health experts who advise it.
  5. And another... the organisers of tomorrows "Soul Cruise goes Kit Bar" event in Düsseldorf, Germany, have announced it is cancelled. https://www.facebook.com/events/109369863842343/ <Added> Likewise, Dublin's Pow City soul night on Saturday (14/03) is cancelled. https://www.facebook.com/events/194419981626408/
  6. Just learned that the Mojo Workin' Festival in Spain - which was to feature Chris Clark, Ruby Andrews, Spyder Turner, Carolyn Crawford and others this weekend - is cancelled.
  7. The Dutch prime minister has just given a press briefing announcing that all events with more than 100 people (including sporting ones) are cancelled until the end of the month. Selfishly, that's annoying as the biannual Northern Soul cruise from Hull was scheduled to come to NL next Thursday, and the afternoon mini-dayer in Amsterdam is always a good crack, especially being on a school day! But, health first. Also, the advice here now is to work from home of you can (which I do, so no change for me). Schools won't be closing though, as that's considered to be too disruptive, and young people are much less at risk from Covid-19. Additionally, the advice is to keep visits to elderly relative/friends to a minimum to reduce the risk of infection, *and to not travel abroad*. (*Clarification given on Dutch media: healthworkers (one of the at-risk categories) should not travel abroad*) Still only two people infected in our local borough, thankfully, but obviously we'll be keeping a very close eye on developments.
  8. The most crucial thing I think people aren't getting about COVID-19, and why governments around the world are taking its spread so seriously, is that the mortality rate of the virus is considerably higher than is typically seen with flu, as an article published by Time magazine yesterday explains. They state that the average death rate following an outbreak of flu is around 0.1% of those infected. COVID-19, on the other hand, has killed 3.42% of those who get it. In Italy that figure is higher - at 4%. Even if that mortality rate of 3.42% is postulated as being unnaturally high because of the different ways countries carry out and record their tests (which the article discusses), the potential deaths is huge if millions became infected. And if it does become a pandemic, the millions could be tens or even hundreds of millions. This is why governments are taking the steps that they are. Without a vaccination the only thing to do is to try and limit the possibilities of the virus spreading - hence Italy's lock-down, the cancellation of larger events elsewhere, and the "self-isolate" advice (formerly known as "stay at home!"). Article: https://time.com/5798168/coronavirus-mortality-rate/ In the Netherlands (population around 17.5 million), we have, at this moment in time, slightly more cases of COVID-19 (382) than the UK (373) with its much larger population (around 67 million). The number of deaths here now stands at four while it's six in the UK. I'll leave you to work out the respective mortality rates thus far. And it was announced on local news earlier today that even our little corner of the Netherlands now has two confirmed cases, and nationally many firms are encouraging people to work from home. This outbreak has got a long way to go yet, I feel (although I really do hope I'm wrong), and if it has, we'll definitely start to see more cancellations of events and larger public gatherings.
  9. I've used wood glue many a time to clean records - and with great results. I've also flatten out a badly warped 45 using an iron and that worked too.
  10. Yet more fantastic tunes from Alberto and his Cannonball/Tesla labels!
  11. The "Dig it" alldayer in Milan had to be cancelled just recently because the Italian regional authorities banned public events. And while the "Not too young Swiss Soul Weekender" in Lucerne is going ahead this weekend, any and all visitors coming from or travelling through northern Italy are banned. This restriction has been put in place by the Canton of Lucerne. I doubt if these will be the only events affected.
  12. It was indeed yet another superb show, and extra special with Taco’s great selections!
  13. Just so you're aware, there is no demo of "Mean it baby". It's issue only and the demo of Loma 2086 has the flip "You don't know nothing about love" on both sides.
  14. Top-end photography requires top-end equipment, I guess, and if I had the money to buy such stuff – as well as the means to be in some of these locations (for more that the usual two-week summer vacation) – I'd jump at it. I also guess that most if not all of the winning photographers are professionals. Investing in the tools of the trade clearly pays off, which is why, with my bottom-of-the-market Nikon D3200, an entry level GoPro, and an iPhone 5, I've no chance of giving up my day job!
  15. Another photo competition to check out, and this one's definitely well worth looking at. It's the Underwater Photographer of the Year and all of the winning entries are stunning. Can't say I ever get shots like these with my underwater GoPro! Photo courtesy of BBC News website. Link to story & winning pics here: https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-51633570
  16. If the story is correct, and the records and equipment were taken from the house of someone who's recently passed away, then it's not Dave.
  17. In the news a couple of days ago - although the story is somewhat short on actual details - a burglary in Skegness in which a record collection and DJ equipment were stolen from someone's house. https://lincolnshirereporter.co.uk/2020/02/burglars-steal-vinyl-collection-and-dj-set-in-skegness/ One of the few facts available from the sketchy story is that four or five people were involved and shifted the records and equipment over multiple trips. Clearly a targeted and planned crime, and no doubt timed to happen when the DJ/collector wasn't home, perhaps suggesting the possibility of it being organised by a person or persons who know the victim and their movements. <Added> I've just been reading a post on Facebook about this - on the page of the Lincolnshire Police. According to one person who commented, the stolen goods were "Technics decks loads of Northern soul and dance music..." But it gets worse as apparently the stuff was stolen from the house of someone who had died just a few days prior! The Facebook story is here:
  18. Another Friday afternoon trip to the pancake house in the Amsterdam woods... As well as the usual great and blue tits as photographed last week, this time we were treated to a female great spotted woodpecker feeding at one of the bird tables. I tried to sneak up to get a better pic, but the bird was extremely skittish. And even though I cautiously approach with the trunk of a tree directly between me and the bird, thus obscuring me from the woodpecker, it sensed I was there and flew away before I'd taken more than a couple of steps. Colt's foot flowering by the water's edge. While a very common wild flower, I took the pic because it sat so brightly and proudly against the background of the dark and murky water. Weather conditions were also somewhat 'murky', which meant using the widest aperture possible (f5.6) in lieu of a tripod and a preferred setting of perhaps f11 - hence the lack of a decent depth of field and better sharpness. Still, it's all good practice and a bit of fun into the bargain.
  19. A few shots taken at one of our favourite places to go - even in February - the Boerderij Meerzicht (aka Lakeview Farm, or as we call it, the pancake house).A
  20. Not really the place to be dealing with site business, but... Click on your name in the top right. A list of menu items will show, including "Ignored Users". Click on that and you'll come to the page as shown in my screenshot. Type in the name of the user and follow the instructions. Sorted.
  21. Without checking back on the details of the story, I recall reading that the photographer was there with people around - and some thought he was drunk, passed out, or worse. One person, apparently, rushed over to give him CPR! Given the five nights, I presume he was there for umpteen hours at a time - a good part of which was likely after the station had shut (and with the full support of London Transport or whatever they might be called nowadays). Regardless, an unforgettable photo!
  22. I know exactly what you mean! More a case of "down in the tube station at midnight" according to the story:
  23. Another photo competition - this time the "people's choice award" winners of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Only a small handful of winning pics released to the public as yet, but the outright favourite really is both remarkable and really rather magical... Photo source: BBC News. Full story here: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-51465064
  24. Check out the winners in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year competition. There really are some stunners! https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-51386024

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