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Amsterdam Russ

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Everything posted by Amsterdam Russ

  1. Inspiration for all of us happy snappers... © DAVE NEWMAN Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-59132484 /
  2. A few pics from a mid-week trip out to the Amsterdam woods on my bike. Great crested grebe in winter plummage Toadstool - only about an inch and a half in height Autumn oak leaves Heron Redwing Kestrel hovering
  3. No, not seeing the other two - only the place/image holders where the pics should be. Possibly a site or browser glitch.
  4. Only seeing the pic of the snipe, Ste. There are spaces for where the other two should be, but they're not showing. Maybe try uploading them again?
  5. Ah, you beat me to it. Was going to start up a topic on this as per your suggestion. My thoughts are that while pre-orders are potentially great for the record label (less cash outlay up-front, and paying for the pressing of the full run is then self financed by advance purchases - and, if the tunes on the 45 create a wave among punters, it's likely there will be a feeding frenzy, which can be encouragement for the label to do a re-press), too many labels now use this as a business model. Pre-orders that ship in a couple of weeks are generally fine, but we're now at the stage where a number of labels are shipping two, three, sometime four months after purchase. That's not on. I wouldn't buy a record, or anything else for that matter, from, say, eBay or Discogs, on the basis that the seller is going to ship it to me in 13 weeks time. I've bought it - I want it now... or as least as soon as the postal service can deliver it to me. Also, if you're buying pre-orders on a regular basis, it can be difficult to keep up with what you've bought. Indeed, I've bought pre-releases a second time, having forgotten that I'd already bought it maybe six week prior. That, of course, is my problem, not the seller's. My view is that if you've got to get the cash up front before you can make and deliver whatever it is people have paid for, then your business model is wrong - certainly from a customer perspective. It used to be that ordering new releases in advance was quite unusual. Now it seems just about every person and their dog with a label uses the same approach. In isolation it's not a big deal, but when 'everyone' is doing it, it becomes a pain. I don't like it.
  6. Andy, I'm not after a refund. I'm just dissatisfied that so many small record labels continue to expect customers to buy on 'pre-order'. If X% can be pressed in advance, then get them all done - especially when pressing plants are so in demand and the run is only 300 copies. Given how difficult it is to get time with the pressing plants, not doing such a short run is an opportunity missed. This 'pre-order' nonsense - from all the labels that operate in this way – shows buyers no respect. As for the Detour Records site and its lack of security, just pass on the word, please. Presuming the webmaster/hosting company involved know their stuff, they'll understand. Again - great music, and looking forward to getting my order. However, the 'pre-order' business model – offered by so many small labels these days – sucks.
  7. And if 43 copies of a supposed 300 limited run have already been sold and are "flying out" to buyers ahead of that Feb 2022 date, why not just shift them now instead of making people wait for something like 120 days? I do appreciate that for small labels the initial outlay can be considerable, and I likewise appreciate the huge effort that undoubtedly has gone into getting this release out there in the first instance (like so many other labels in these musically bountiful times), but please - all of you label owners out there reading this – don't keep take us for mugs. Not wishing to divert the focus too far away from the music being offered - this unreleased and reworked version of that evergreen monster classic is a mighty fine thing! Kudos to all involved.
  8. Have placed my order, but your site states shipping is end of February 2022. Must admit I'm once more pissed off at yet another record label that takes cash off people, banks it, but won't deliver for ages - and in this case a ridiculous four months! Oh, and the ordering part of your website flags up on the browser Safari as being unsecure - something you need to be aware of.
  9. Jaw-dropping is right. Check out the pics via the link I've posted below. Every one of them is absolutely stunning! Credit: Rising From The Dust - Tenerife, Spain. © Lorenzo Ranieri Tenti Story & pics: https://www.euronews.com/green/2021/11/02/jaw-dropping-pictures-of-the-milky-way-that-defy-light-pollution
  10. Yes, I got that, but thought the thread might make interesting reading for people here generally.
  11. This thread from 2012 about the Carstairs white demo vs the red issue is worth revisiting...
  12. A man whose musical influence and expertise behind the scenes has been appreciated by countless people over the years - even if they didn’t know it. RIP.
  13. An inspiring story... One of Dave Shaw's photos: © Dave Shaw Source: BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-somerset-59041286
  14. Fine selections as always from Mark. Loved the Gino Washington track in particular.
  15. BBC News: Pictures of Scotland 15-22 October. Some very fine selections, including the one below, so do check them out. Source: BBC News / © Niall Fraser Pics here: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-58957716
  16. Ah-ha... reading through that thread, I see there are couple of mentions of a club just near Petticoat Lane. And more specifically - in the same thread - here... More info online here... http://www.45worlds.com/live/venue/new-allstar-club The address was 9A Artillery Passage, London, E1.
  17. Artillery Row's postcode is SW1 (near Westminster), while Petticoat Lane is E1 (in the East End). They're about 3.5miles apart - and in two completely different parts of the city. Having a quick check on Google Maps, I think you probably mean Artillery Lane / Artillery Passage. There's a not-too-old discussion about London R&B clubs here... Perhaps the original poster in that thread - @Roburt - might know something.
  18. As you've had no replies, it might be worth asking on the Facebook group, the European Soul Club Network. Members of that group include most of Barcelona's leading lights. https://www.facebook.com/groups/europeansoulclubnetwork/
  19. Crossover (in my view) simply relates to tunes that "crossover" in the evolution oflate 60s/early 70s soul music styles. Tunes from the late 60s often foreshadow the sound of the early 70s, and often tunes from the early 70s still are still influenced by the late 60s soul styles . It's simply the retrospective blending of two musical rivers - and the natural progression and development from one decade to another.
  20. Johnny McCall Cam Cameron George Guess Beverly Shaffer
  21. A long-time fave double-sider... Brenda & the Tabulations - That's in the past Which is backed with the sublime and all too often overlooked flip - I can't get over you Magic!
  22. No, and No again. There have been boots of Carl Hall's "What about.." for some years. The 'value' of the original has only gone higher. Are you thinking about "reissuing" some 45s?
  23. Broadly speaking, "reissues", I think, drive up the prices of originals. The more people buy the reissue of a track (if it proves to be popular), the more others with deeper pockets, and the desire to own originals, seek to show their perceived higher position in the pecking order of show-off DJs and collectors.

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